

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Landscape Architecture

Committee Chair

Stefania Staniscia

Committee Co-Chair

Max Zahniser

Committee Member

Peter Butler

Committee Member

Eugenia Pena-Yewtukhiw


The purpose of the project is to propose ecological planning and design techniques to create a thriving and robust suburban community in Lumberton, North Carolina. The project becomes an educational hub on agroforestry, ecological design and stewardship, and flood mitigation through stormwater strategies for Linkhaw’s Mixed Use Community Development plan. Linkhaw Farms is a 540 acre site, in a predominantly Native American community, situated on the north-east boundary of Lumberton in the Coastal Plains region of NC. It was formerly owned by the Linkhaw family for over 70 years, producing tobacco, and later rotation of annual crop production between corn and soybean.

The project is composed of urban planning, a historic wetland unique to the area (the Carolina Bay), and an educational experience of agroforestry practices. The masterplan will include restoration of the carolina bay, a community farm, a K-8 campus building, a series of forest gardens, silvopasture, and green corridors. The programming will provide educational experiences, self-sufficiency, and health and wellness for all systems of the site. The ecological design strategies will increase biodiversity, restore ecosystems, revive ancient agriculture practices, and retain stormwater on site.
