

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



School of Nursing


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Roger Carpenter

Committee Co-Chair

Toni Dichiacchio

Committee Member

Toni Dichiacchio

Committee Member

Mary Fanning


Sepsis is a complication caused by the overwhelming and life-threatening response of the body to an infection. Sepsis can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Sepsis is the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals. Mortality from sepsis increases 8% for every hour that treatment is delayed. Each year, 258,000 people die from sepsis in the U.S. As many as 80% of sepsis deaths could be prevented with rapid diagnosis and treatment (Sepsis Alliance, 2016). This project seeks to improve the ability of the transfer unit to screen patients, improve early recognition and evaluation of best practices, and provide a connection with a provider for care consultation. This potential significance of this project is to improve patient outcomes including mortality, length of stay, and the assignment of patients to the appropriate level of care through early recognition of sepsis and the implementation of best practices. The use of a screening process to identify abnormal patient variables including elevated serum lactate, decreased blood pressure, elevated respiratory rate, and altered mental status can identify an increased likelihood of sepsis.
