

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Animal and Nutritional Sciences

Committee Chair

Daniel J. Mathew

Committee Co-Chair

Robert A. Dailey

Committee Member

Robert A. Dailey

Committee Member

Melanie Clemmer


Early embryonic loss in cattle is detrimental to reproduction thus, the profitability of both the beef and dairy industries. Therefore, an important aspect of study is to find techniques that beef or dairy producers could use to decrease early embryonic loss Galectin-1, the protein that was investigated in this research is important in modulating the maternal immune system in rodent and human early pregnancies by promoting fetomaternal immune tolerance. The role of galectin-1 within the reproductive tissues has not been thoroughly investigated in cattle. Galectin-1 is located in the caruncular and intercaruncular regions of the bovine endometrium, specifically the maternal stroma, and in the day 7 blastocyst and the elongating day 16 conceptus. Expression of galectin-1 was reduced in in vitro produced bovine blastocysts when compared to in vivo produced blastocysts, which could cause high embryonic loss and poor pregnancy rates for in vitro produced blastocysts. Relative gene expression of galectin-1 was reduced in endometrium of low fertility dairy heifers. In this study, the impact of galectin-1 on the bovine endometrial transcriptome was evaluated through galectin-1 treatment of intact mid-luteal phase endometrium and bovine endometrial epithelial and fibroblast cells in a 3-dimensional culture system. A third experiment compared gene expression of CXCR4, EIF4EBP2, IL-1B, IL-6, LIF, CHST15, MST1R, ATP11a, FOXP3, CD11c, IL-2RA, and IL-10 day 16 pregnant vs. day 17 cyclic bovine endometrium because of their potential importance during early pregnancy.
