Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

Ilkin H Bilgesu

Committee Co-Chair

Samuel Ameri

Committee Member

Kashy Aminian


It is the ultimate goal that the application of nano-materials in wellbore cement enhance not only the integrity of the cement, but also the public view of the petroleum industry. Wellbore integrity should be a paramount concern of all petroleum companies due to the potential severity of the consequences if integrity is not maintained. Ecosystems, animal and plant life, and even human life are at great risk if wellbore integrity fails. It is this fact that the motivation for this thesis is based upon. Nano silica is the nano-particle under investigation for this thesis. Furthermore, wellbore integrity will be improved upon by the addition of an elastomer particle. A new blend specifically designed for use in wellbore cement will be formulated. The mixture of nano silica and an elastomer particle will be used in combination to increase the cements resilience to failure. This thesis is an experimental investigation rather that purely hypothetical.;There have been proven results of the incorporation of nano silica into cement and concrete with the construction industry as the intended use. Furthermore, crumb rubber has also been tested and provided beneficial results once more for use in the construction industry. However, the incorporation of both these particles, in the concentrations chosen in class G cement for wellbore integrity has not been proposed.;There will be a series of tests performed by Halliburton with our oversight to properly test and analyze all key properties to determine if the proposed blend will be beneficial as a wellbore integrity means. The tests will include quantitative and API tests as well as non-API and qualitative tests. The ultimate defining parameter to draw conclusions from is the compressive strength test. However, an increase in strength along with a decrease in migration pathway formation potential is the primary goal of the proposed blend.;This research found that with the incorporation of 2% nano silica and 2% crumb rubber into class G cement, all critical properties were enhanced. These properties include an increase in compressive strength of 3.5% after 48 hours, 0% free fluid where the base case had .52%, a 35% decrease in thickening time (to 100 BC), a decrease in fluid loss by 50%, and a decrease in transition time (to 500 psi) of 15%. The combination of 2% nano silica and 2% crumb rubber has thus been confirmed to provide beneficial qualities to class G cement for wellbore integrity.
