Date of Graduation


Document Type



This qualitative case study examined the process for including students with disabilities in elementary physical education settings. Specifically, effective teaching skills, environmental factors, and differences between an experienced and a novice elementary physical education teacher as they pertain to inclusion were examined. Data were collected over a two month period via field-based observations and semi-structured interviews. The case study participants included an experienced elementary physical education teacher (29 years teaching experience), a novice elementary physical education teacher (first year teaching physical education full-time), two elementary school principals, a special education teacher, and a director of special education. All participants were from the same school district and each participant was interviewed. Additionally, each elementary physical education teacher was observed over forty class periods across all grade levels and three instructional units. The following themes emerged in the data analysis: attitude, preparation, trust, teaching effectiveness, and administrative support. Clear differences were evident when comparing the veteran elementary physical education teacher to the novice elementary physical education teacher. The findings from this study highlight the need to examine effective teaching practices that foster inclusion in general physical education classes. The overall marginalization of physical education was still present in this school and was confirmed by the lack of participation in the IEP process by the physical education teachers. Additionally, while the experienced physical education teacher displayed elements of expertise in his teaching, PETE programs need to examine how to provide pre-service and in-service teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively include students with a variety of abilities and disabilities into general physical education classes.
