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School of Medicine


Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience


The effects of dichloroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA) administered in drinking water were studied. At high concentrations of either compound, weight loss, or failure to gain weight, was observed. Food consumption was also decreased; both effects were attributed to decreased water consumption. Renal phosphate-dependent glutaminase activity was increased at the highest concentration, and urinary ammonia was also increased. These changes indicated renal adaptation to an acid load. DCA, in pharmacological doses, impairs glucoenogenesis from lactate in part by decreasing lactate availability. Similar tendencies were observed in the present studies; however, female rats showed a biphasic response. At lower DCA concentrations, tissue lactate and plasma glucose concentrations were increased, whereas at higher concentrations of DCA, the expected decreases were observed.

Source Citation

Davis, M. E. (1986). Effect of chloroacetic acids on the kidneys. Environmental Health Perspectives, 69, 209–214.



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