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WVU College of Law


WVU College of Law


Case at a Glance: Michael Hewitt is a highly compensated employee with executive duties who worked for Helix Energy Solutions Group. Helix paid Hewitt at a daily rate. Employees, even highly compensated employees with executive duties, may be entitled to overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) where they are not paid on a salary basis. This case presents a question of regulatory interpretation of the Department of Labor’s salary-basis test.

Original Publication Title

Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases

Source Citation

Anne Marie Lofaso, Is a Highly Compensated Employee with Executive Duties Entitled to or Exempt from Overtime Pay Under the Fair Labor Standards Act Where That Employee Is Paid at a Daily Rate?, 50 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 35 (2022).


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