Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 1997


WVU College of Law


This Article examines the 1982 film Gandhi. Although it took factual liberties with Gandhi's life, Professor DiSalvo concludes that it accurately conveyed Gandhi's dedication to self-suffering and philosophy of non-violence. The Article analyzes excerpts from the film which illustrate Gandhi's five fundamental beliefs on the spirituality and politics of suffering. Those beliefs are in suffering as a weapon, as empowerment, as self-interest, as propaganda, and as reconciliation. The film Gandhi also masterfully introduced millions to Gandhi's life, message, and legacy.

Original Publication Title

Oklahoma City Law Review

Source Citation

Charles DiSalvo, Gandhi: The Spirituality and Politics of Suffering, 22 Okla. City L. Rev. 51 (1997).


This article is included in the Research Repository @ WVU with the permission of the Oklahoma City Law Review.



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