Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 4-30-2024


Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Geology and Geography

Faculty Sponsor

Bradley Wilson


In 2020, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced the Farmers to Families Food Box (FFFB) program. Its objectives were threefold: (1) deliver food to those in need, (2) support small and mid-sized producers, and (3) bolster food distribution companies through the pandemic. While the program ended in 2021, the USDA has continued to fund other programs, such as the Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program (LFPA) and the Local Food For Schools Cooperative Agreement Program (LFS). The WVU Center for Resilient Communities (CRC) is researched how previous, current, and future programs can be implemented to best support producers, build a regional food system, and increase food security across the East Coast.
