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Statler College of Engineering and Mining Resources


Industrial and Managements Systems Engineering


The Generalised MAchine Layout Problem (GMALP) is a generalisation of the integrated machine and layout problem, which is an extension of the machine layout problem. More specifically, the GMALP is the designing of a facility layout by defining the product mix, selecting the number of machines to be used, assigning these machines to the plant floor, and assigning products to machines such that total profit is maximised. Moreover, the GMALP integrates the quadratic assignment problem with a multicommodity flow problem. Therefore, the GMALP is a computationally intractable problem. Consequently, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model was developed and used to solve small problem instances. Also, two simple construction algorithms and a tabu search (TS) heuristic were developed for solving large GMALP instances in acceptable computation times. In addition, a test dataset was used to evaluate the performances of the TS heuristic using the different construction algorithms. The results show that the TS heuristic perform slightly better with the second construction algorithm.



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