

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Fashion, Dress and Merchandising

Committee Chair

Angela Uriyo

Committee Member

Nora MacDonald

Committee Member

Nicole Kreidler

Committee Member

Aaron J. Giorgi


Urinary incontinence is a urologic condition commonly occurring in geriatric individuals and often results in disability. This affects not only physical functioning, but also psychological and emotional implications. Prior research focused on prevention and using smart technology to improve the current products available to help manage urinary incontinence. Little research has been completed to examine the preferences of geriatric individuals and assess what they are looking for in incontinence products. The purpose of the study was to create an instrument to assess the individual preferences of older adults for these products in a community living environment. Research questions included: (1) Can the instrument meet various cognitive levels of geriatric residents? (2) Can we describe underwear preferences? The questionnaire being examined included both written and visual cues for participants to give their opinions in terms of relatability and understandability. Study results showed participants found the instrument easy to use; however, modifications will need to be made to adapt the instrument based on gender and cognitive abilities. The results of this study then can be used for further research to assess preferences and eventually create products tailored to these individuals.
