

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



School of Nursing


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Aaron M. Ostrowski

Committee Co-Chair

Jami D. Pincavitch

Committee Member

Jami D. Pincavitch

Committee Member

Eric J. Lindstrom


Background: At a local tertiary care hospital, there was no recommendation to guide anesthesia providers in the administration of intraoperative dexamethasone to patients with diabetes. While dexamethasone is a highly effective antiemetic, it may promote hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes.

Purpose: The purpose of this project was to guide and educate about current recommendations for the administration of dexamethasone for PONV prophylaxis in patients with diabetes.

Intervention: 1) Examined pre-intervention practices of dexamethasone administration. 2) Educated about current and best practices to anesthesia staff. 3) Developed badge buddy cards outlining the guideline. 4) Examined post-intervention practices. 5) Evaluated the effect of the guideline.

Methods: Retrospective chart audits were performed for 100 charts. After review, 9 were omitted and the remaining 91 were used for this project. These charts included adult patients with diabetes who were undergoing total joint procedures. Surveys were distributed to anesthesia providers pre- and post-intervention. The Logic Model was used as an evaluation tool.

Results: The pre-intervention relationship between percent change in blood glucose levels and dexamethasone doses was r([45]) = .489, p p = .130, and the relationship between the percent change in blood glucose levels and dexamethasone doses was r([38]) = .20, p = .227. There were 24 respondents for the pre-survey and 15 respondents for the post-survey. Post-survey results determined that 20% of respondents followed an algorithm or guideline to determine whether to give or withhold dexamethasone for patients with diabetes, compared to 0% from the pre-survey group.

Conclusions: The post-intervention group demonstrated a moderate positive relationship between the percent change in blood glucose levels and preoperative fructosamine. Both groups demonstrated positive relationships between percent change in blood glucose levels and dexamethasone doses.
