Author ORCID Identifier



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Dr. Yuxin Liu

Committee Co-Chair

Dr. David W. Graham

Committee Member

Dr. David W. Graham

Committee Member

Dr. Jeremy M. Dawson


Nanoelectronic devices based on graphene are a promising technology that combines the sensitivity and specificity of ion and element recognition with the accuracy and precision of electronics. The detection principle is based on the interaction of the target molecules with the nanodevice surface, which generates a measurable electrical signal. In the current study, graphene and its derivatives, synthesis and fabrication of high quality, good uniformity, and low defects graphene have been investigated as they are critical for high-performance and highly sensitive devices. Among many synthesis methods, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), have been used that needs to be transferred from the metal substrates on which it is grown onto insulating substrates for practical applications. A novel complete pathway for fabrication of graphene-based devices is studied and comprehensively stated that addresses the challenges the separation and transferring of graphene onto insulating substrates i.e., glass slides, for a uniform single atomic layer without damaging or affecting graphene's structures and properties. Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) assisted graphene transferring approach, fabrication of graphene devices, and electrical signal detection were demonstrated. To attend to the cleaning issue of residual PMMA from PMMA assisted graphene transfer, acetone vapor acetone cleaning protocol has been devised and demonstrated. RAMAN Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) have been applied to characterize and ensure the quality of monolayer graphene. The method is shown to be a practical approach for transferring clean and residue-free graphene while preserving the underlying graphene lattice onto an insulating substrate for electronics or sensing applications.
