Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Forest management alters the quantity and apparent stability of soil carbon, Dominick Cifelli
Building better biofuel crops: A field evaluation of transgenic Populus modified to improve feedstock performance for bioenergy use, Molli Elisabeth Coombs
Investigating Changing Macronutrient Dynamics at a Plant, Microbe and Plant-Microbe Interactions Scale, Emel Kangi
A Balancing Act: MicroRNA Mediated Insect-Bacterial Homeostasis and the Tsetse Fly, Mason Hubbard Lee
Analysis of mutations in protein kinase CK2 linked to Okur-Chung’s Neuropathy, Shivani Maan
An Inhibitory Recurrent Network in the Olfactory System, Farzaan Salman
Characterization of Host Cell Specific Interactions During Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae Infection, Emerson Towey
Light wavelength modulates search behavior performance in zebrafish, Matthew Reid Waalkes
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Leveraging a multiparent cross of Populus trichocarpa to characterize recombination rates and dissect the genetic architecture of wood chemistry, Chanaka R. Abeyratne
Cell Signaling and Stress Response in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A study of SNF1, Scott E. Arbet II
Meiotic recombination in Zea mays and its contribution to genetic diversity, Jasmine Elizabeth Freeman
The Birds and The Bees and The Willows: Understanding the reproductive biology of Salix nigra Marsh., Julianne Gmys Grady
Spatial processing of conspecific signals in weakly electric fish: from sensory image to neural population coding, Oak Everette Milam
Sense and Sensitivity: Spatial Structure of conspecific signals during social interaction, Keshav Ramachandra
Morphological, physiological, and transcriptional responses of Populus trichocarpa to water deficit stress, Kristin Justine Ratliff
Measuring and modeling how plant-microbe interactions control soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in managed and unmanaged ecosystems, Joanna Ridgeway
Drought effects on biofuel feedstock production by Populus trichocarpa, Marvin Jacob Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Frayed connections: How long-term nitrogen additions disrupt plant-soil interactions and the carbon cycle of a temperate forest, Brooke A. Eastman
Phenomic and Genetic Controls of the Drought Stress Response in Sorghum, Melissa A. Lehrer
Monitoring the Systemic Immune System to Understand and Improve the Efficacy of Immunotherapy for Metastatic Osteosarcoma, justin edward markel
A Combinatorial 5-HTR Expression Pattern within the Ventral Projection Neurons of the D. melanogaster Olfactory Circuit., Mohd Freezely Ezzani Bin Mazri
Examining development and function of pretectal visual neural circuits in gs homeobox 1 mutant zebrafish, Alexandra Rose Schmidt
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Describing a putative corollary discharge circuit in Drosophila, Kaitlyn Nicole Boone
Using zebrafish to elucidate the expression and gene regulatory network of the Genomic screen homeobox transcription factors and bring innovative science learning experiences to West Virginia, Rebecca Ann Coltogirone
Soil microbial nitrogen-transforming genes influenced by tree species and fertilization in an Appalachian hardwood forest, Emma G. Fox-Fogle
Tree species influence on microbial functional gene abundance and N cycling in riparian soil, Elizabeth Matejczyk
Initial and Advanced Stages of Microbiota Establishment within the Tsetse Fly, Miguel Eduardo Medina Munoz
Mycorrhizal type dictates soil microbial diversity and function and the integrated root-microbial response to water stress in temperate forests, Nanette C. Raczka
Effects of 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol on Stress Response Pathway Regulators, in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Suk Lan Ser
The Receptor Basis of Serotonergic Modulation in an Olfactory Network, Tyler Ryan Sizemore
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The role of genotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae resistance to 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol, Michael C. Ayers
A Flight Sensory-Motor to Olfactory Histamine Circuit Mediates Olfactory Processing of Ecologically and Behaviorally Natural Stimuli, Samual P. Bradley
Nitrogen fertilization decouples roots and microbes in temperate forests: impacts on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, Joseph E. Carrara
The wiring logic of identified serotonergic neurons across olfactory networks in Drosophila, Kaylynn E. Coates
Nutrient Cycling-Tree Species Relationships in Appalachian Forests, Philip Michael Crim
Estimating the Age of a Bloodstain Using Mitochondrial rRNA, Jordan R. Flesher
The morphological, physiological, and genetic underpinnings of intraspecific salinity tolerance in Sorghum bicolor, Ashley N. Henderson
Tree growth and water use efficiency during the twentieth century: from global trends to local drivers, Justin Michael Mathias
The Host Gatekeeper: Using the Flagellar Pathway to Understand Symbiont Host Adaptation, Adam R. Pollio
Accessing the Functional Capabilities of the Tick Microbiome Through Metagenomics, Darin Lee Shrewsberry Jr
Trees, Fungi, Insects: How Host Plant Genetics Builds a Community, Sandra Jeanne Simon
The Exploration of Nanotoxicological Copper and Interspecific Saccharomyces Hybrids, Matthew Joseph Winans PhD
Evolutionary genomics of dynamic sex chromosomes in the Salicaceae, Ran Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Aptamer Functionalized Zinc Oxide Field Effect Transistors For Odor Detection, Michael D. Aldridge
Amazon Nights II: Electric Boogaloo-Neural Adaptations for Communication in Three Species of Weakly Electric FIsh, Kathryne M. Allen
Association Genetics and Local Adaptation of Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray, Hari Bahadur Chhetri
Estimating the Age of a Bloodstain using Droplet Digital PCR, Kalee Rae Crampton
Discrimination and behavioral responses to communication signals compared across Apteronotids., Danielle Leigh Dillon-Seeger
Sodium channel distribution in the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells vary in the hindbrain of Apteronotus leptorhynchus., Sree Indrani Motipally
Canonical Wnt Mechanisms in Neural Crest Induction, Mark Stephen Perfetto
Effects Of Commercial Formulations Of Glyphosate On Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Apoorva Ravi Shankar
Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids in Biological Tissues: Applications in Forensic Entomology, Food Authentication and Soft-Biometrics in Humans, Mayara Patricia Viana de Matos
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education: Reforming Classrooms by Training Current and Future Faculty, Karen E. Bailey
A Corrollary Discharge Circuit Modulates Olfactory Function During Flight In Manduca Sexta, Phillip David Chapman
The integration of extrinsic and intrinsic neuromodulators in the olfactory system, Kristyn M. Lizbinski
Transposable Element Diversity, Divergence, And Contribution To Genome Evolution In Plants, Dhanushya Ramachandran
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Ecological Effects of Forest Canopy Disturbance on the Understory Plant, American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.), Jennifer L. Chandler
Elucidating Mechanisms of Canonical Wnt - ephrin-B Crosstalk, William Tyler Koch
Microbial Dynamics within Shed Mucosal Secretions of Hirudo verbana, the European Medicinal Leech, Brittany Maree Ott
Controls on ecosystem nitrogen (N) status and carbon (C) balance in red spruce forests located in a region of historically high atmospheric N deposition., Kenneth R. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Analysis of RNA Degradation in Dental Pulp to Estimate Postmortem Interval, Amanda Balasko
Role of multi-site phosphorylation in regulation of E(spl) M8 activity during Drosophila neurogenesis, Mohna Bandyopadhyay
Evolution of a Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Gene Family in Vertebrates, Shashwati Bhattacharya
On the Roles of Drosophila Notch Signaling and Atonal Autoregulation in the Specification of R8 Photoreceptors, Adam T. Majot
Expanding the Use of RNA in Forensic Science: A Quantum Dot Molecular Beacon Approach, Joshua R. Moore
Kinematic Basis for Body Specific Locomotor Mechanics and Perturbation Responses, Ryan B. Ross
The Root of Sustainability: Investigating the relationship between medicinal plant conservation and surface mining in Appalachia, Jessica B. Turner
Investigating college evolution instruction: Current practices and how they can be improved to overcome student barriers to acceptance, Nicholas Adam Wilbur
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Taxonomy of the Allium cernuum complex in Appalachia, Rodney David Dever
The effects of accelerated soil acidification on aggrading temperate deciduous forests: The Fernow Experimental Forest Long Term Soil Productivity (LTSP) Study at 13 years, Zachariah K. Fowler
Animal dispersal of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.), Amy M. Hruska
Serotonin (5-HT) Increases Olfactory Responsiveness in the Tobacco Hawkmoth Manduca sexta, Samantha Lynn Jusino
Time-varying phase relationship between spiking neuronal responses and local field potentials in olfactory processing in manduca sexta, Oakland J. Peters
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Mechanisms of cadmium tolerance in Populus, Brahma Reddy Induri
Microbial Genome Evolution Due to Multifaceted Symbiosis within the Tsetse Fly (Diptera: Glossinidae), Anna Kathleen Snyder
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Physiological and genetic changes in poplar during mycorrhizal colonization under phosphorus limitation, Shalaka Desai
Ecological effects of and recovery following surface mining and pasture reclamation, Michael Levy
Investigating changes in productivity of an old growth Juniperus stand: A physiological and isotopic approach, Scott E. Spal
Development of a new Human Identity Testing Kit for the Simultaneous Amplification of the 13 CODIS STR Loci plus Amelogenin Using Locus Specific Brackets (LSBs), Lizmery Suarez Ferguson
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Understanding the role of ascorbic acid and GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase affecting ammonium sensitivity, genome stability and flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana, Chase F. Kempinski
Molecular Phylogeny of the Oestroidea, Baneshwar Singh
RNA in Forensic Science: Novel Techniques for Biological Evidence, Stephanie T. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Analyzing the role of CK2 and PP2A in Drosophila position effect variegation, Swati Banerjee
Role of protein kinase CK2 and phosphatase PP2A in Notch-mediated lateral inhibition, Anasua Bose
On the mechanisms underlying neural repression by E(spl)M8 in Drosophila, Bhaskar Kahali
Elucidating the role of ascorbic acid in flowering and pathogen defense in Arabidopsis thaliana, Madhumati Mukherjee
Investigating the potential of RNA to be used in forensic casework analysis, Tiffany Lynn Smith
Preliminary Analysis of the Environmental Effects on RNA Degradation: Modeling a Realistic Crime Scene, Beatriz A. Vianna
Mechanisms of Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Nanoparticle-induced Angiogenesis, Yingxue Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Foraging ecology of male Cerulean Warblers and other Neotropical migrants, Gregory A. George
Cellular mechanisms responsible for development of sensitivity of the bovine corpus luteum to prostaglandin F2 alpha, Madhusudan P. Goravanahally
Locomotion grows up: The neuromechanical control of interlimb coordinating mechanisms in crayfish, Marc D. Rinehart
Identification of chicken repeat 1 (CR1) elements in forensically important carrion fly species and characterization of one such element within Sarcophaga bullata, Michelle Lee Thompson
A Panax-centric view of invasive species and a case study on the effects of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), Kerry Lynn Wixted