Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 4-30-2021
Chambers College of Business and Economics
Bureau of Business & Economic Research
Parkersburg, WV, Economic Outlook, Forecast
The Parkersburg Area economy has generally struggled over the past several years. Even though the region outperformed many other portions of West Virginia during the early- to mid-2010s, the five-county area has failed to gain much traction since 2015. Indeed, the Parkersburg Area lost nearly 4,000 jobs between early-2015 and mid-2017. The region did see a modest rebound in job growth during 2018 and 2019, due in large part to gains in manufacturing and construction activity.
Digital Commons Citation
Gutmann, Joseph; Ihlenfeld, Sarah; Nunez, Sofia; and Snyder, Ryan, "Parkersburg Area Economic Outlook: 2021-2025" (2021). Bureau of Business & Economic Research. 331.