Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 4-28-2022
Chambers College of Business and Economics
Bureau of Business & Economic Research
Parkersburg, WV, Economic Outlook, forecast
The Parkersburg Area economy experienced a substantial loss in jobs during COVID-19 recession, as the combination of public health measures and massive negative shock to economic activity globally caused employment in the area to plunge by nearly 8,000 jobs in early-2020. By some measures, the area’s recession was not demonstrably worse than what occurred at the state and national level yet was still unprecedented in terms of how fast these losses happened when compared to previous economic downturns. At the same time, the area has recovered nearly 6,000 jobs over the last six quarters, putting its overall recovery on par with the statewide average, in which payrolls have increased to just over 97 percent of their pre-pandemic level.
Digital Commons Citation
Kelly, Connor; Moore, Lauren; Whited, Glenn; Deskins, John; and Lego, Brian, "Parkersburg Area Economic Outlook: 2022-2026" (2022). Bureau of Business & Economic Research. 349.