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Learning Sciences and Human Development


The phenomenon of “digital divide” is complex and multidimensional, extending beyond issues of physical access. The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure a range of factors related to digital divide among higher education faculty and to evaluate its reliability and validity. Faculty’s Information and Communication Technology Access (FICTA) scale was tested and validated with 322 faculty teaching in public and private sector universities. Principal components analysis with varimax rotation confirmed an 8-factor solution corresponding to various dimensions of ICT access. The 57-item FICTA scale demonstrated good psychometric properties and offers researchers a tool to examine faculty’s access to ICT at four levels – motivational, physical, skills, and usage access.

Source Citation

Soomro KA, Kale U, Curtis R, Akcaoglu M, Bernstein M. Development of an instrument to measure Faculty’s information and communication technology access (FICTA). Education and Information Technologies. 2017;23(1):253-269. doi:10.1007/s10639-017-9599-9
