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There has been an increase in the use of web-based training methods to train behavioral health providers in evidence-based practices. This systematic review focuses solely on the efficacy of web-based training methods for training behavioral health providers. A literature search yielded 45 articles meeting inclusion criteria. Results indicated that the serial instruction training method was the most commonly studied web-based training method. While the current review has several notable limitations, findings indicate that participating in a web-based training may result in greater post-training knowledge and skill, in comparison to baseline scores. Implications and recommendations for future research on web-based training methods are discussed.

Source Citation

Jackson CB, Quetsch LB, Brabson LA, Herschell AD. Web-Based Training Methods for Behavioral Health Providers: A Systematic Review. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 2018;45(4):587-610. doi:10.1007/s10488-018-0847-0
