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School of Medicine
Enzyme activities are well established biomarkers of many pathologies. Imaging enzyme activity directly in vivo may help to gain insight into the pathogenesis of various diseases but remains extremely challenging. In this communication, we report the use of EPR imaging (EPRI) in combination with a specially designed paramagnetic enzymatic substrate to map alkaline phosphatase activity with a high selectivity, thereby demonstrating the potential of EPRI to map enzyme activity.
Digital Commons Citation
Sanzhaeva, Urikhan; Xu, Xuan; Guggilapu, Priyaankadevi; Tseytlin, Mark; Khramtsov, Valery V.; and Driesschaert, Benoit, "Imaging of Enzyme Activity by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Concept and Experiment Using a Paramagnetic Substrate of Alkaline Phosphatase" (2018). Clinical and Translational Science Institute. 955.
Source Citation
Sanzhaeva U, Xu X, Guggilapu P, Tseytlin M, Khramtsov VV, Driesschaert B. Imaging of Enzyme Activity by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Concept and Experiment Using a Paramagnetic Substrate of Alkaline Phosphatase. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2018;57(36):11701-11705. doi:10.1002/anie.201806851