The designated users of this page are West Virginia K-12 Earth Science teachers and their students, while also providing a wealth of information for teachers of earth-science everywhere. This FREE material has been prepared by Dr. J. Renton, Professor Emeritus, WVU Geology Department and is a culmination of the study of Earth accumulated during his 50 years teaching. For many pre-university students, earth science is their first introduction to the study of Earth. The topics presented here represent a compilation of content and illustrations used to help learners of various ages to understand and appreciate geology in general and the geology and landscape of our Earth and solar system overall. Additional material will be added to the page as it is produced. Should you have any lesson plans created from the material that you believe would add value to this page and be of assistance to other educators or their students, please send your suggestion to Dr. Renton via email at
Support for this project was provided by Dr. Tom Repine, West Virginia Geologic and Economic Survey (retired), Randy Crowe, WVU Geology and Geography, and Barbara L. MacLennan, WVU Geology and Geography.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Fieldtrips - Morgantown Terra Alta