Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


Sport and Exercise Psychology

Committee Chair

Kristen Dieffenbach

Committee Co-Chair

Ryan Flett

Committee Member

Ann Oberhauser

Committee Member

Jennifer Orlikoff

Committee Member

Valerie Wayda


Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) has been used to examine how various predictive variables impact an individual's career choice (Lent, Brow, & Hackett, 1994). SCCT has been applied within coaching education research to examine collegiate athletes interest and intent in collegiate coaching as a profession (Cunningham & Singer, 2010; Moran-Miller & Flores, 2011). This study expanded upon this research by examining non-revenue producing varsity collegiate athletes' (CA), sport science majors that are non-varsity collegiate athletes' (SSM), and varsity collegiate athletes in sport science majors' (AM) intent to pursue full-time collegiate coaching as a career. The results of the study found that AMs' reported a statistically significantly higher level of intent and desire to coach at all four collegiate levels compared to SSMs' and CAs'; with CAs' reporting the lowest level of intent and desire to coach at all four collegiate levels. SSMs' level of collegiate coaching self-efficacy and perceived supports had a statistically significant effect on SSMs level of intent to pursue collegiate coaching as a full-time career. CAs' level of perceived supports also had a statistically significant effect on CAs' level of intent to pursue collegiate coaching as a full-time career. Coaching education programs and sport organizations can use the information from this study to create resources (i.e., network building, internships, mentorship, and coaching education) and structure coaching education curriculums to incorporate methods to increase an individual's level of coaching self-efficacy and supports. Thus, individuals could increase their level of intent to pursue full-time collegiate coaching as a career and help reduce attrition rates of collegiate coaches.
