The Size of Your Family, A Thing of Bottled Shrimps

Barrett Lipkin


These poems serve as a representation of what I believe poetry to be. Throughout a commitment to process which highlights the making of poems over the poems themselves, I believe a wide array of poetic forms, modes and tones were explored. I believe I am a moral person so there is a moral tone to these poems. I believe I am a realistic person (in terms of acknowledging the truth of our landscape) and so there is a realistic tone to the poems, I believe. I believe that to make anything of substance in poetry there must be a discovery and so, for better or worse, these poems all were aimed that way.;Formally these poems range widely; I believe in the image and in unlocking ways for the image to be released untethered from the syntactical webbings we normally net them in. I found great pleasure experimenting with forms and voices in these poems. I hope the reader allows the images to speak for themselves; just as one would not look for the meaning of a note struck on a piano nor from the sound of a feather when it's pulled from a robin's neck.