Date of Graduation


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The present study was conducted to examine gender and gender role differences in cardiovascular reactivity and confidence in relation to performing gender role-oriented exercise tasks. Sixty-four participants were selected to view videos of male and female models performing two exercise tasks [baton twirling (the feminine gender role-oriented task) and martial arts (the masculine gender role-oriented task)]. Participants then completed the exercise tasks while following along with the same video models. Heart rate (HR) and systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) were measured during experimental conditions. Participants completed questionnaires to assess their level of confidence to perform each exercise task and examine their thoughts prior to engaging in one of the tasks. Results indicated that feminine gender role individuals experienced greater HR than masculine gender role individuals when performing the baton twirling task. Males exhibited a slightly higher SBP than females across all experimental conditions. Masculine gender role individuals exhibited slightly higher DBP responses to the baton twirling task than to the martial arts task. Participants reported significantly greater confidence to engage in the martial arts task than the baton twirling task. Males reported significantly greater confidence than females to perform the martial arts task. Findings of the present study indicate reactivity in different cardiovascular parameters (e.g., HR, DBP) to both a match between gender role of participant and gender role-orientation of task and a mismatch between these variables. The present findings partially support previous research on gender and confidence to perform gender role-oriented exercise tasks. Specifically, the gender difference in confidence was significant only for the masculine gender role-oriented task. Alternative explanations for the lack of expected findings with regard to this aspect of the study are discussed and considerations for future research are discussed.
