This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Movement in the Classroom: Contingent Factors Underlying Teacher Change, Annie E. Machamer
Integrating renewable energy into the biophilic design of public open space: Masdar city, Abu Dhabi, Mariami Maghlakelidze
Kidney Ailment Prediction under Data Imbalance, Ranaa Mahveen
Health Literacy and Family Factors in the Transition to Adult Care in Adolescents with Type I Diabetes, Ellen M. Manegold
State Capacity and Terrorism in the Developing World, Coty J. Martin
X-Ray Fluorescence Applications in Mudrock Characterization: Investigations into Middle Devonian Stratigraphy, Appalachian Basin, USA, Keithan Garrett Martin
It Wasn't That Fun But It Was Better Than Being Dead, Thomas W. Martin
Music Technology, Gender, and Sexuality: Case Studies of Women and Queer Electroacoustic Music Composers, Justin Thomas Massey
Three Essays on Urban Consumer Service Firms: Evidence from Yelp, Josh Matti
Cash for consideration? An examination of academics, demographics, and student socioeconomics in the provisioning of institutional aid., Matthew G. Matyasovsky
Supporting The Injured Athlete: Coaches’ Perspectives On Providing Social Support, Stefanee Opal Maurice
Mine reclamation using biofuel crops: Insights into the microbial ecology of the switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) microbiome, Brianna L. Mayfield
Analyzing Mathematicians' Concept Images of Differentials, Timothy Shawn McCarty
I Can't Wait to be Water Again, Kayla McCormick
The Inclusion of Organ Within the Concert Band Instrumentation with an Annotated Listing of Original Works for Concert Band and Organ, Matthew Justin McCurry
Artificial Immune System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Abnormal Condition Detection and Identification, Ryan G. McLaughlin
Vi et Armis: Londoners and Violent Trespass Before the Common Pleas in the Fifteenth Century, Lindsey McNellis
Adaptation Of The Streptococcal Collagen-Like Protein 1, Scl1, Of Group A Streptococcus To Recognize Fibronectin Type Iii Repeats, Dudley H. Mcnitt
Development of Ni-based Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) powder particles for Metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) Applications, Markova Dion McPherson
Identity Formation of Adolescents who are Homeschooled: Mothers' Perceptions, Peggy Joan McQueen
Use of Reflective Practices to Improve Self-Awareness in Youth Sport Coaches, Stephanie R. McWilliams
Ground Ingredients: Analysis of Lead Exposure in the California Condor’s (Gymnogyps Californianus) Ground Foraging Habitat, Evan Michael McWreath
The Life And Work Of Alex Klein, Ramon Thiago Mendes De Oliveira
Optimization of engineered super donor strains of Cryphonectria parasitica to reduce canker expansion in a forest setting, Amy Michelle Metheny
Before the Confetti, Everything on Fire, Lauren Elaine Milici
Accessible Design in Rural Health care: Usability Profile of Outpatient Health Care Facilities in Rural West Virginia., Jordan E. Miller
Using the Enrichment Triad Model to Explore Place and Support Curriculum in One Rural Gifted Program, Myriah Mae Miller
Population Health of Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in Created Vernal Pools: an Integrative Approach, Alice R. Millikin
Design of experiment and analysis techniques for fuel consumption data using heavy-duty diesel vehicles and on-road testing, Sarah Ann Mills
A Study of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology, Emily Minor
Promoting Cognitive and Fine Motor Development in the Art Room for Young Students with Exposure to Trauma: an Exploratory Case Study., Tiffany Marie Minuci
Minimizing Trihalomethane Formation through Source Water Monitoring and Optimizing Treatment Practices, Nashid Mirza
RoAdNet: Robust Adaptive Network for Information Diffusion in VANET, Priyashraba Misra
Towards a Framework for Smart Manufacturing adoption in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, SAMEER MITTAL
Development of a Task Analysis Tool to Estimate Shoulder Strain During a Lifting Task, Christopher Wayne Moore
Retaining Wall System with Soldier Pile and Composite Resin Infused Lagging Elements, Shane Phillip Moore
Effects of E-Cigarette Flavoring Chemicals on Human Macrophages and Bronchial Epithelial Cells, Anna Manzi Morris
The Politics of Drug Courts, Jeffrey Chris Moss
Domain Adaptation and Privileged Information for Visual Recognition, Saeid Motiian
Sodium channel distribution in the apical dendrites of pyramidal cells vary in the hindbrain of Apteronotus leptorhynchus., Sree Indrani Motipally
Multidimensional Analysis of Vulnerability: Methodological Advances and a Case Study from Malawi., PARK MCMILLAN MUHONDA
Evaluating the Consistency of a Breathing Flow Recording Device Across Different Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirators, Samuel Jennings Munnis
If Something Should Grow, Heather V. Myers
The role of SIRT1 in skeletal muscle function and repair of older mice, Matthew John Myers
Systematic Control of Aged Skeletal Muscle Following High-Intensity Stretch-Shortening Contraction Exercise Training: Epigenomic Regulation and Signaling Factors Underpinning Adaptation, Marshall Alan Naimo Jr.
Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) and Associated Species Response to Operational Silviculture in the Central Appalachian Region, Gretchen Emily Nareff
Comparing Measures of Physical Activity Intensity, Duration, and Frequency Using Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve Analyses, Abigail M. Nehrkorn-Bailey
The Effect of Sodium Selenate Biofortification on Plant Yield, Mineral Content, and Antioxidant Capacity of Culinary Herb Microgreens, Rachel G. Newman
Legitimacy, Procedural Justice, and Neighborhood Dynamics: Thoughts on Police Reform, Robert Lyle Nicewarner
Evaluation and Understandability of Face Image Quality Assessment, Mohammad I. Nouyed
The Effects of Coal Capacity Retirement on Wholesale Electricity Prices: A Demand Side Analysis, Michael C. O'Conor
The "organ-accompanied solo motet" in in La Maîtrise, 1857–1861, John David O'Donnell
Investigation of Various Factors Affecting Quantification and Characterization Accuracy of NOx Measurement at Near Zero Level in a CVS Sampling Set-Up, Samuel Abimbola Ogunfuye
The Environmental, Social, and Economic Benefits of Blue Green Infrastructure in an Urbanized Area, Joseph L. Oguns
Determinants of Control-Key Responding in an Operant Resurgence Procedure, Anthony C. Oliver
Implications of Sampling Methods on Geospatial Mapping of Methane Sources, Dakota Wesley Oliver
Musical and Cultural Perspectives of Héctor Campos Parsi: An examination of his influences and analysis of selected vocal works, Cynthia Ortiz-Bartley
Distribution and Habitat Use of Benthic Fishes in the lower Kanawha River, West Virginia, Nathaniel V. Owens
Evaluating the Use of Lottery-Based Contingency Management to Increase Physical Activity in Adults, Jennifer M. Owsiany
Bending Response of Timber Mortise and Tenon Joints Reinforced with Filler-Modules and FRP Gussets, Andrew Robert Pacifico
Investigation of Pathways to Enhance SCR de-NOx Efficiency in Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle using an Optical Access Visualization Approach, Vishnu Padmanaban
Novel Computational Methods for Catalytic Applications, Gihan Uthpala Panapitiya
Occupational Fraud: Executive Compensation and Enforcements Against Auditors and Perpetrators., Erlina Papakroni
Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD: Taxonomy, Work Stress Reduction, and Matching, Lindsay Parenti
Enhancing Water Stress Tolerance in Floriculture Crops, Suejin Park
Application of Global Search Methods to Materials Prediction and Design, Adam J. Payne
Nuanced Narratives: Reporting with Critical Race and Feminist Standpoint Theories, Emily Margaret Pelland
Canonical Wnt Mechanisms in Neural Crest Induction, Mark Stephen Perfetto
The Impact Of Using Selected Art Therapy Approaches On Students Diagnosed On The Autism Spectrum (As) Or With Behavioral Disabilities (Bd) In An Elementary School Art Classroom., Amie Dawn Perriello
Copper-Catalyzed Regioselective Boracarboxylation of Vinyl Arenes: Catalytic Efficiency and Synthetic Utility, Trina M. Perrone
Induction of cerebral hyperexcitability by peripheral viral challenge: Role of CXCL10 chemokine, Tiffany J. Petrisko
A Video Decision Aid to Influence Advance Care Planning, Angela Petry
The impact of post translational modification on the aggregation of the ß-amyloid peptide in the presence or absence of lipids, Albert Walton Pilkington IV
Evaluating the Impact of an Intervention to Promote Empathy for Patients with Substance Use Disorder in a Rural Emergency Department, Theresa Poling
A Deep Dive into the Land Development Dynamics of a Complex Landscape, Pariya pourmohammadi
Assessing the reliability of physical end matching and chemical comparison of pressure sensitive tapes, Meghan Nicole Prusinowski
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with and without Incentives in a Community Mental Health Setting, Lauren Borduin Quetsch
Quantifying Human Biological Age: A Machine Learning Approach, Syed Ashiqur Rahman
Object-Based Supervised Machine Learning Regional-Scale Land-Cover Classification Using High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data, Christopher A. Ramezan
Acoustics of Vowel Articulation in Flute Playing, Jose Fernando Ramirez
The Relationship Between Social Skills and Problem Behaviors in Adolescent Males with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Amanda Armstrong Randall
Effects Of Commercial Formulations Of Glyphosate On Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Apoorva Ravi Shankar
Cognitive and Affective Influences on Decision-Making Strategies and Outcomes, Michaela S. Reardon
Recovery Of Rare Earth Elements (Rees) From Coal Mine Drainage Sludge Leachate, Panpan Ren
Utilization of Scale in Keypoint Detection and Feature Description, Andrew P. Rhodes
Improving Broiler Performance Utilizing Modern Feed Additives, Niles Rourke Ridgeway
Metal Nanomaterials: Immune Effects and Implications of Physicochemical Properties on Sensitization, Elicitation, and Augmentation of Allergic Disease, Katherine Adair Roach
In Situ Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Iron-Catalyzed Hydromagnesiation of Vinyl Arenes, Jessica Ann Rogers
Enhancing the Thermoelectric Performance of Calcium Cobaltite Ca3Co4O9 through Single and Dual Elements Doping, Cesar Octavio Romo de la Cruz
Phased Array Feed Beamforming and its Application in Mapping Extended Sources, Gargi Roy