This collection contains theses, dissertations, problem reports, and project reports (ETDs) from West Virginia University graduate students.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Effects of Serial- or Single-Alternative Training on Resurgence., Claudia C. Diaz-Salvat
Jurors' Perceptions of Child Witnesses with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Victoria A. DiSciullo
Algorithmic Issues in some Disjoint Clustering Problems in Combinatorial Circuits, Zola Nailah Donovan
Differentiating Human Populations Based on k-mer Classification of Hand Bacteria, Thrisha Doppala
Estimating Bald Eagle Occupancy and Density in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Bethany Drahota
Association of Diet Quality and Body Mass Index with Serum Ceramides in Middle-aged Adults, Margaret Ann Drazba
Salvaging the Style of Frei Aber Einsam in the music of Brahms: Proposing a Historically Informed Performance Practice for the Three Sonatas for Violin and Piano of Johannes Brahms, Opp. 78, 100, and 108, Phillip Alexander Ducreay
Examining the Association amongst Expected Costs and Benefits, Peer Use, and Self-Reported Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Adolescents, Kristine Durkin
Annual Aboveground Biomass Growth in Temperate Forests of Eastern North America, Alex W. Dye
Effects of Humor use by Brands and their Parody Accounts on Twitter, Nick Eckman
The Effect of Superiors' Mentoring on Subordinates' Organizational Identification and Workplace Outcomes, Molly S. Eickholt
Growing up between two worlds: a portrait of second-generation American a multimedia project, Dalia Ahmed Elsaid
Existence of Global Solutions for Nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics with Finite Larmor Radius Corrections, Fariha Elsrrawi
Factors Related to the Career Intentions of Senior Athletic Training Students Approaching Graduation, Rae Lee Emrick
Effects of Topography on Near-Roadway Particulate Matter Concentrations and Diesel Emissions, Andrew D. Epperly
Ergot Alkaloid Synthetic Capacity of Penicillium camemberti, Samantha J. Fabian
UAV Modeling and Simulation at Normal and Abnormal Conditions, Mofetoluwa Fagbemi
Welding Fume Exposure and Lung Cancer: Evidence of Lung Toxicity and Tumor Promotion from in vivo Studies in AJ Mice, Lauryn Falcone
Songbird Response to Forest Disturbance Due to Unconventional Shale Gas Development in the Marcellus-Utica Region: A Multi-Scale Analysis., Laura S. Farwell
The Principles and Rhetoric of Autarky: Debate and Decision-making in Early Colonial Kenya, Ian Michael Ferguson
Exploring the Geosensory in Geography: Examining Olfaction and Geo-virtual Immersion as Contributors to a Sense of Place and Embodiment, Aaron Michael Ferrari
Regulatory and Financial Influence of Federal Government Activities on Local Economies: A Three Essay Approach, Brianne Renee Firth
Understanding Transgender Prejudice Through the Lens of Emotion, Holly N. Fitzgerald
Unequal Influence: The Impact of Inequality on Trade Policy, Brian William Fitzpatrick
Two Essays on CEO Compensation and Investment Behavior, Jonathan Thomas Fluharty-Jaidee
Contested Narratives: The Influence of Local Remembrance on National Narratives of Gettysburg During The 19th Century, Jarrad A. Fuoss
Delay Discounting and Cannabinoid Enzyme Inhibitors, Devin Andrew Galdieri
Efficient wound assessment system with an RGB-D camera, Xiang Gao
Behaviour Of Laminated Roof Under High Horizontal Stress, Prasoon Garg
Evaluation of WVUteach: Enrollment, Retention, and Students' Intentions, Catherine Garner
Integrating Microscale Enzyme And Lectin Reactions Using Nanogel Assisted Capillary Electrophoresis, Srikanth Gattu
Sic Semper Tyrannis Thus, Always to Tyrants, Joseph Gay
Pulsars as Calibration Tools and X-Ray Observations of Spider Pulsars, Peter Anthony Gentile
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Torque Split Algorithm For Reduction Of Engine Torque Transients, Derek George
Syntheses of azepinoindole alkaloids cimitrypazepine, fargesine and hyrtioreticulins C & D, Ganesh Ghimire
Socialization and Mentoring of Community and Technical College Faculty, Brad Maurice Gilbert
A Study of the Judgment Accuracy of Repeated /r/ Stimuli by Graduate Clinicians, Lauren Glover
Predicting Student Success in Online Physical Education, Tyler Goad
The Policy Dynamics of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (2000), Samantha E. Godbey
Behavior of Stiff-Tailed Diving Ducks and West Indian Whistling Ducks in Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico, Nick S. Goodman
Modeling the Relationship Between Identity and Self-Efficacy in Intercollegiate StudentAthletes: An Exploratory Study, Aaron Goodson
Evaluation and Testing of Eye, Nose, and Mouth Protection for Biological Hazards to Support a Consensus Standard, Jeremy R Gouzd
The Impact of Comorbidities on Diabetes and Hypertension Co-Management and Healthcare Expenditures, Rashmi Goyat
Three Essays on Public Information and Security Prices., Chen Gu
Habitat Suitability of Restored Wetlands and an Investigation of Sampling Bias for Freshwater Turtles in West Virginia, Alissa L. Gulette
Biophysical Investigation of pHLIP-Membrane Interaction, Chitrak Gupta
Effect of Nano-Pore Wall Confinements on Non-Ideal Gas Dynamics in Organic Rich Shale Reservoirs, Nupur Gupta
An Experimental Investigation of the Cooling System for a Free Piston Stirling Engine, Akshay Milind Gupte
Conquering the Fear: A Journey of Triumph Through the Exploration of Creating the Role of Masha in Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters, Cassandra Noel Hackbart
"Squeezed Between The Gunshots And The Gentrifiers”: Urban Agriculture In Philadelphia's Kensington Neighborhood, Arianna Hall-Reinhard
Boundization, Closure and Convergence For The Ultra Extended Complex Banach and Hilbert Spaces with Applications, Salah Hamad
Structural Origins of the Doonerak Anticline, Central Brooks Range, Alaska, Gregory James Hammond
Graph Coloring Problems and Group Connectivity, Miaomiao Han
Exploring the Use of Sport as a Platform for Health Promotion with Youth in Africa: A Scoping Review., Adam H. Hansell
Use of Four Predictive Screening Variables for Determination of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction in Adolescent Soccer Athletes, Brian Hanson
A Low-cost Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Payload for Cubesats and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Steven Hard
Instrumentation And Inertial Navigation Systems Design For Tensegrity Robot Implementations, Scott Edward Harper
Routine Regrets: Over Disclosure and Self-violations of Privacy in Social Media Spaces, Matthew P. Hartwell
Nanocellulose from the Appalachian Hardwood Forest and Its Potential Applications, Masoumeh Hassanzadeh
Vision-Based Road Defect Detection And Classification For Impact Effect Mitigation Using Adaptive Suspensions, Shane M Haught
Development of Resonating Tubular Oscillating Linear Alternator and Engine; System Design and Modeling, Gregory Heiskell
An Exploration of Diversity and Inclusion in Introductory Physics, Rachel J. Henderson
Spatial Fourier Transform for Blind Detection of Radio Observations of Rotating Radio Transients, Xiaoqian He
Impacts of land use and land cover change on regional climate in China, Yaqian He
Calibration of Cameras and LiDAR for Applications in Autonomous Navigation., Jacob J. Hikes
Ground-dwelling Songbirds as Reservoirs and Carriers of Tickborne Disease (Lyme Disease), Amanda Jayne Hill
Systematic Characterization and Analysis of Resistance from Conductors and Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Alec Hinerman
Connecting Talent to Technique An Actor's Exploration of Connecting Back to Their Roots, Madeline Hintz
Polarity and Competition in the Development of the Calyx of Held Terminal in the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body in the Mouse, Paul Steven Holcomb
Under the broom tree, Natalie Kay Homer
Nickel-Catalyzed Oxidative Decarboxylative (Hetero)Arylation Reactions, Aaron P. Honeycutt
Risk and Protective Factors in African American Anxiety, Patricia Hopkins
Development Of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Nickel-Based Super Alloy Powders For Additive Manufacturing, Sizhe Huang
Perceptions of Students, Faculty, and Staff Concerning Visitation Dogs on College Campuses, Brieanna Hughes
Listening for Yes: Consent in the Contemporary Country Love Song, Phoebe E. Hughes
Applications of Cellular Components in Engineered Environments, Xiao Hu
Coaching life skills through sport: An application of the teaching personal and social responsibility model to youth sport in eSwatini, Zenzi Huysmans
Glass-Polymer Composite Pipes and Joints: Manufacturing, Testing, and Characterization, Ben William Imes
An evaluation of preliminary outcomes and characteristics of peer support within a community based weight management program, John Spencer Ingels
Generating Narrative in an Interactive Fiction Game, John L. Jacko
Engineering the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Through Infiltrating the Porous Electrodes, Bryan Jackson
Seeking to Do What’s Best for Baby: A Grounded Theory, Karen P Jagiello
Effect of Natural Gas Fuel Composition on Gaseous and Particle NumberMass Emissions from a Heavy-duty Natural Gas Engine used in Unconventional Well Development Operations, Sashank Jammalamadaka
Nobody laughed but me, Meredith Jeffers
Creating Space for Belonging within the West Virginia Progressive Movement, Roger A. Jennette
Laser and 3-Dimensional Printers: Characterizing Emissions and Occupational Exposures, Alyson R. Johnson
Survey for naturally occurring radioactive materials at a gas fractionation plant, Brittany Diane Jones
Audit Quality: Detection of Material Misstatement, Megan Jones
Multi-Telescope Radio Observations for Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, Megan L. Jones
Supporting Secondary Mathematics Teacher Candidates in Enacting Responsive Teaching across Contexts., Stephanie Jones
Nondestructive evaluation of FRP composite bridge componenets using infrared thermography and digital tap tesing, Ruben Mangal Joshi
Exploring the Meaning of Sustainability within Three Selected Institutions of the Graphic Design Field: A Phenomenological Study, Szilvia Kadas
Exploring Memory of Place and Place Identity Through Narrative Inquiry: A Study of Partisans’ Square in Uzice, Serbia, Sofija Kaljevic
Gas county: a case study on how West Virginia's recent gas boom is transforming a county, Egill Karlsson
An Analysis of the Extinction-Induced Response Burst, Brian Katz
Psychometric Properties of the Wake Forest Physician Trust Scale with Young and Older Adults, Emma Katz
Detection of Buried Non-Metallic (Plastic and FRP Composite) Pipes Using GPR and IRT, Jonas Kavi
Similarity and Practice Schedules: Contextual Interference Variables in Speech Production, Elisabeth P. Kee