"Hypertext and Electronic Publishing in Nonprofit Organization, Volunta" by Roger A. Lohmann

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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Social Work


Computer networking is making it possible to think about completely new ways of organizing and contributing to knowledge in scholarly disciplines. One of these new ways is hypertext, which still lacks a general model or metaphor, but which generally involves electronic links between different texts. This paper proposes an applied model of hypertext termed TESH (Traditional-Established Scholarly Hypertext). Traditionally, publishing has been viewed as a constitutive activity of scholarly communities of peers who have for more than three centuries exchange communications with one another by letter, memorandum and most importantly, through scholarly, scientific and academic journals. In TESH, an indefinite network of electronic databases are linked so thate each manuscript (article, review, commentary) is "posted" somewhere online along with embedded hypertext links and assigned at least one anonymous review by an on-line editorial board. A model TESH-publishing project is outlined and discussed

Source Citation

An earlier version of this paper was presented as Hypertext and Electronic Publishing in Nonprofit Organization, Voluntary Action and Philanthropy Studies. Annual Conference, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Associations. Berkeley CA October, 1994.



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