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WVU College of Law
WVU College of Law
Stigma is an established driver of population-level health outcomes. Antidiscrimination laws can generate or alleviate stigma and, thus, are a critical component in the study of improving population health.
Currently, antidiscrimination laws are often underenforced and are sometimes conceptualized by courts and lawmakers in ways that are too narrow to fully reach all forms of stigma and all individuals who are stigmatized.
To remedy these limitations, we propose the creation of a new population-level surveillance system of antidiscrimination law and its enforcement, a central body to enforce antidiscrimination laws, as well as a collaborative research initiative to enhance the study of the linkages between health and antidiscrimination law in the future.
Digital Commons Citation
Blake, Valarie K. and Hatzenbuehler, Mark L., "Legal Remedies to Address Stigma-Based Health Inequalities in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges" (2019). Faculty & Staff Scholarship. 1118.
Source Citation
Valarie K. Blake and Mark L. Hatzenbueler, Legal Remedies to Address Stigma-Based Health Inequalities in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges, 97 Milbank Q. 480 (2019). DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12391
Included in
Civil Rights and Discrimination Commons, Health Law and Policy Commons, Public Health Commons
This is a preprint of an electronic version of an Article published in The Milbank Quarterly.