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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Social Work


The advent of federal funding for rural social services during the late 1960s and 1970s brought about changes in the political organization of rural America. A host of new organizational actors, like Area Agencies on Aging and various local aging agencies were created in rural communities across the country, in the wake of Baker v. Carr with its “one man/one vote” principle and funding through programs like the Economic Opportunity Act and the Older Americans Act. This article details a leadership succession model suggesting that local leadership of aging interests went through at least four distinct phases during this time: from pre-organizational leadership, to leadership planning, organizational managers, and finally, leadership as special-interest advocacy.

Source Citation

Presented at the Third Annual National Institute on Social Work in Rural Areas, August 7-10, 1978, Morgantown WV and published in Effective Models for the Delivery of Services in Rural Areas: Implications for Practice and Social Work Education. Barry Locke and Roger A. Lohmann, Eds. School of Social Work. West Virginia University.



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