"Considering Community Journalism from the Perspective of Public Relati" by Diana Martinelli

Considering Community Journalism from the Perspective of Public Relations and Advertising

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Reed College of Media


Reed College of Media


One look through the local Morgantown, West Virginia, newspaper demonstrates the importance of public relations work in keeping that community informed. The number of articles with the byline “Submitted to The Dominion Post” are numerous, and represent information from local law firms, university programs, hospitals, government agencies, civic groups, animal rights organizations, religious groups, the Chamber of Commerce, and more. In its Sunday issue, The Dominion Post publishes regular columns by hospital community-relations directors, chiropractors, and real estate practitioners. Its mix of community- and reporter-generated news is mirrored in the local television and radio programming.

Source Citation

Martinelli, Diana. (2012). “Considering Community Journalism from the Perspective of Public Relations and Advertising,” in Bill Reader (ed.), The Foundations of Community Journalism, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
