"Drilling Performance Monitoring and Optimization: A Data-driven Approa" by Shan e Zehra Lashari, Ali Takbiri-Borujeni et al.

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Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering


Abstract Drilling performance monitoring and optimization are crucial in increasing the overall NPV of an oil and gas project. Even after rigorous planning, drilling phase of any project can be hindered by unanticipated problems, such as bit balling. The objective of this paper is to implement artifcial intelligence technique to develop a smart model for more accurate and robust real-time drilling performance monitoring and optimization. For this purpose, the back propagation, feed forward neural network model was developed to predict rate of penetration (ROP) using diferent input parameters such as weight on bit, rotations per minute, mud fow (GPM) and diferential pressures. The heavy hitter features identifcation and dimensionality reduction are performed to understand the impacts of each of the drilling parameters on ROP. This will be used to optimize the input parameters for model development and validation and performing the operation optimization when bit is underperforming. The model is frst developed based on the drilling experiments performed in the laboratory and then extended to feld applications. From both laboratory and feld test data provided, we have proved that the data-driven model built using multilayer perceptron technique can be successfully used for drilling performance monitoring and optimization, especially identifying the bit malfunction or failure, i.e., bit balling. We have shown that the ROP has complex relationship with other drilling variables which cannot be captured using conventional statistical approaches or from diferent empirical models. The data-driven approach combined with statistical regression analysis provides better understanding of relationship between variables and prediction of ROP.

Source Citation

Lashari, S. e Z., Takbiri-Borujeni, A., Fathi, E., Sun, T., Rahmani, R., & Khazaeli, M. (2019). Drilling performance monitoring and optimization: a data-driven approach. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 9(4), 2747–2756. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-019-0657-2


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