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Statler College of Engineering and Mining Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Experimental investigations of the magnetic dead layer in 7.6 nm thick film of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) are reported. The dc magnetization (M) measurements for a sample cooled to T = 5 K in applied field H = 0 reveal the presence of negative remanent magnetization (NRM) in the M vs. H (magnetic field) measurements as well as in the M vs. T measurements in H = 50 Oe and 100 Oe. The M vs. T data in ZFC (zero-field-cooled) and FC (field-cooled) protocols are used to determine the blocking temperature TB in different H. Isothermal hysteresis loops at differ- ent T are used to determine the temperature dependence of saturation magnetization (MS), remanence (MR) and coercivity HC. The MS vs. T data are fit to the Bloch law,MS (T)=M0 (1–BT 3/2),showingagoodfitforT <100Kandyieldingthe nearest-neighbor exchange constant J/kB �� 18 K. The variations of TB vs. H andHC vs. T are well described by the model often used for randomly oriented mag- netic nanoparticles with magnetic domain diameter ≈ 9 nm present in the dead-layer of thickness d =1.4 nm. Finally, the data available from literature on the thickness (D) variation of Curie temperature (TC) and MS of LSMO films grown under 200, 150, and 0.38 mTorr pressures of O2 are analyzed in terms of the finite-size scaling, with MS vs. D data fit to MS (D) = MS(b)(1-d/D) yielding the dead layer thickness d = 1.1 nm, 1.4 nm and 2.4 nm respectively.

Source Citation

Mottaghi, N., Seehra, M. S., Trappen, R., Kumari, S., Huang, C.-Y., Yousefi, S., Cabrera, G. B., Romero, A. H., & Holcomb, M. B. (2018). Insights into the magnetic dead layer in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films from temperature, magnetic field and thickness dependence of their magnetization. AIP Advances, 8(5), 56319.



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