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In momentum space the time-ordered, retarded, and Feynman thermal propagators all satisfy rather simple dispersion relations. In coordinate space the first two propagators are related to the thermal Wightman function Tr[{phi}({ital x}){phi}(0){ital e}{sup {minus}{beta}{ital H}}]. However, the Feynman thermal propagator in coordinate space, {ital D}{sub {ital F}}({ital x}), is not related to this thermal average and does not satisfy a KMS condition in complex time. When expressed in terms of matrix elements of the field operator, it requires a new type of operator ordering. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}

Source Citation

Weldon, H. Arthur. (1996). Finite-Temperature Feynman Propagator In Operator Form. Physical Review DParticles and Fields, 53(12), 7265-7269.



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