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We use fully nonlinear numerical relativity techniques to study high energy head-on collision of nonspinning, equal-mass black holes to estimate the maximum gravitational radiation emitted by these systems. Our simulations include improvements in the construction of initial data, subsequent full numerical evolutions, and the computation of waveforms at infinity. The new initial data significantly reduces the spurious radiation content, allowing for initial speeds much closer to the speed of light, i.e. \(v\sim0.99c\). Using these new techniques, We estimate the maximum radiated energy from head-on collisions to be \(E_{\text{max}}/M_{\text{ADM}}=0.13\pm0.01\). This value differs from the second-order perturbative \((0.164)\) and zero-frequency-limit \((0.17)\) analytic computations, but is close to those obtained by thermodynamic arguments \((0.134)\) and by previous numerical estimates \((0.14\pm0.03)\).
Digital Commons Citation
Healy, James; Ruchlin, Ian; Lousto, Carlos O.; and Zlochower, Yosef, "High energy collisions of black holes numerically revisited" (2016). Faculty & Staff Scholarship. 182.
Source Citation
Healy, James., Ruchlin, Ian., Lousto, Carlos O., & Zlochower, Yosef. (2016). High Energy Collisions Of Black Holes Numerically Revisited. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 94(10).