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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Social Work


One facet of the new conservatism, which is drawing so much interest but not much information currently is the proposal for converting a large number of social service programs (including the Administration on Aging) into a single community block grant program. Even without the Reagan Administration and its new conservatism, however, the case for substantial--if less dramatic--changes in the network of services and programs which benefit the aged has been growing for some time. In this chapter, wel review some of the broader implications of current social policies for the aged, and some of the criticisms raised among gerontologists, concentrating on four principal areas: income policy; housing policy; services policy; and symbolic policy. We do so within the broad framework of social policy as a milieu for aging.

Source Citation

A revised version of this manuscript was published as Aging and the Milieu of Social Policy. In Graham Rowles and Russell Ohta, (Eds.) Aging and Milieu. Academic Press. 1982. 17-28.


Authors' preprint.



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