"Temperature Effects on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Used to " by Kyle J. Hartman, Beth A. Phelan et al.

Temperature Effects on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Used to Estimate Dry Weight as a Condition Proxy in Coastal Bluefish

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Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Division of Forestry and Natural Resources


The highly migratory nature of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix makes comprehensive study of their populations and their potential responses to factors such as competition, habitat degradation, and climate change difficult. Body composition is an important ecological reference point for fish; however, estimating body composition in fish has been limited by analytical and logistical costs. We applied bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to estimate one body composition component (percent dry weight) as a proxy of condition in bluefish. We used a tetra polar Quantum II BIA analyzer and measured electrical properties in the muscles of bluefish at two locations per fish (dorsal and ventral). In total, 96 bluefish ranging from 193 to 875 mm total length were used in model development and testing. On 59 of these fish BIA measures were taken at both 15°C and 27°C. Temperature had a significant negative effect on resistance and reactance. A subsample of these fish was then analyzed for dry weight as a percentage of their whole body weight (PDW), which is a good indicator of condition because it is highly correlated with fat content in fish. The BIA models predicting PDW inclusive of all lengths of bluefish were highly predictive for 15°C (stepwise regression) and 27°C. Regression (R 2 pred) values that estimate future predictive power suggest that both models were robust. Strong relationships between PDW and other body composition components, coupled with the BIA models presented here, provide the tools needed to quantitatively assess bluefish body composition across spatial and temporal scales for which assessment was previously impossible.

Source Citation

Hartman, K. J., Phelan, B. A., & Rosendale, J. E. (2011). Temperature Effects on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Used to Estimate Dry Weight as a Condition Proxy in Coastal Bluefish. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 3(1), 307–316. https://doi.org/10.1080/19425120.2011.603961


⃝C American Fisheries Society 2011

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