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Chambers College of Business and Economics




A recursive system of ordered self assessed health together with BRFSS data were used to investigate health and obesity in the Appalachian state of West Virginia. Implications of unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity of lifestyle outcomes on health were investigated. Obesity was found to be an endogenous lifestyle outcome associated with impaired health status. Risk of obesity is found to increase at a decreasing rate with per capita income and age. Intervention measures which stimulate human capital development, diet-disease knowledge and careful land use planning may improve health and obesity outcomes in Appalachia in particular and rural America in general.

Source Citation

Amarasinghe, A., D’Souza, G., Brown, C., Oh, H., & Borisova, T. (2009). The Influence of Socioeconomic and Environmental Determinants on Health and Obesity: A West Virginia Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(8), 2271–2287.


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