"C&RL Classic Reprint: The Bottomless Pit; or, The Academic Library as " by Robert F. Munn

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WVU Libraries


Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies


Library administrators could adjudge their likely fortunes in the academic tug-of-war for funds if they understood more clearly the attitudes of institutional administrators toward libraries. Some view the library as "a bottomless pit"; all recognize that the library is unlikely to generate much political pressure for its own aggrandizement. Many young institutional administrators are coming to apply more sophisticated measures to their funding formulas than than have been utilized in the past. Librarians therefore would be well advised to become more proficient inn modern management techniques and programs budgeting concepts.

Source Citation

Munn, R. F. (1989). C&RL Classic Reprint: The Bottomless Pit; or, The Academic Library as Viewed from the Administration Building. College & Research Libraries, 50(6), 635–637. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl_50_06_635


Copyright Copyright Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. Digitized with permission. Issued with a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License (CC BY-NC).



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