"Meeting the Needs of Online Students through Creative Reimagining and " by Jenn Monnin and Beth Nardella

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WVU Libraries


This chapter presents a case study where a Health Sciences Librarian and an Exercise Physiology Professor at an R1 University transformed two library instruction sessions into one graded online assignment. Successful student outcomes proved the asynchronous online method worth continuing for future courses regardless of class format.

The typical instruction methods and experimental modifications made to accommodate remote learning demanded by the COVID-19 pandemic and online course sections will be presented in this chapter. Student learning outcomes will be examined followed by a discussion of best practices discovered during the project. A final recommendation will be made for librarian and instructor collaboration in order to best meet the needs of online students, the course instructor, and the librarian.

See all library assignments in the West Virginia University Research Repository:
Monnin, Jenn and Nardella, Beth, "ExPhys370 Library Assignments Parts 1 & 2, and Library Website Scavenger Hunt" (2021). Faculty & Staff Scholarship. 3037. https://researchrepository.wvu.edu/faculty_publications/3037

Source Citation

Monnin, J., & Nardella, B. (2022). Meeting the Needs of Online Students Through Creative Reimagining and Collaboration with Instructors. In A. Scull (Ed.), Virtual services in the health sciences library: A handbook. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.



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