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One-dimensional models are used to study traveling-wave electrophoresis, a tunable method for separating charged analytes. A traveling-electrode model reveals the mechanism for longitudinal oscillations. A stationary-electrode model explains the origin of mode-locked plateaus in the average velocity, predicts devil's staircases with nested Farey sequences, and reduces to a continuum sinusoidal model in the high electrode-density limit. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Digital Commons Citation
Correll, Robert and Edwards, Boyd F., "Velocity plateaus in traveling-wave electrophoresis" (2012). Faculty & Staff Scholarship. 428.
Source Citation
Correll, Robert., &Edwards, Boyd F. (2012). Velocity Plateaus In Traveling-Wave Electrophoresis. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86(4).