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Digital Commons Citation
Dangal, Shree R.S.; Tian, Hanqin; Lu, Chaoqun; Ren, Wei; Pan, Shufen; Yang, Jia; Di Cosmo, Nicola; and Hessl, Amy, "Integrating Herbivore Population Dynamics Into A Global Land Biosphere Model: Plugging Animals Into The Earth System" (2017). Faculty & Staff Scholarship. 565.
Source Citation
Dangal, Shree R.S., Tian, Hanqin., Lu, Chaoqun., Ren, Wei., Pan, Shufen., Yang, Jia.,… Hessl, Amy. (2017). Integrating Herbivore Population Dynamics Into A Global Land Biosphere Model: Plugging Animals Into The Earth System. Journal Of Advances In Modeling Earth Systems.