"Medicare, Medicaid and the Geriatric Residential Environment" by Nancy Lohmann and Roger A. Lohmann

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences




This article reports on a study of interstate differences in the availability of nursing home beds, personal care home slots and public housing, and attempts to assess the impact of the adoption of Medicare and Medicaid six years before on the availability of these components of what was termed the "geriatric residential environments continuum" or GRE. The underlying idea is that components of long-term health care, personal care and housing/shelter are three common elements of a wide variety of public policy for the aged.


This study was conducted at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies in Minneapolis, MN at the time that this organization was advising the Nixon Administration on what became the Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) Amendment to Medicare. The authors were at the time employed as research associates on that effort. The GRE continuum suggested here approximately a decade before the concept of a geriatric "continuum of care" came into widespread use.



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