Document Type


Publication Date



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Social Work


An introductory encyclopedia article covering all aspects of the topic of Civil Society.

Source Citation


Citizendium began as a fork of Wikipedia with authors using their real names and an editorial approval process for finished articles. I am the primary author of this piece and nearly all of the edits by other contributors were for very minor, technical matters. I set out to explore the full potential of the Mediawiki platform, and showed it to be very powerful indeed. The full editorial history of the article and all of the related subpages is available online and accessible to any viewer. The article was approved by three editors and was one of the first Citizendium articles to make full use of the subpages feature. A great deal of additional information related to Civil Society is available on those pages which can be reached at the citation above. It was part of my experiments in online scholarly publishing.

Major parts of this article were copied to the Wikipedia entry of the same name (and not the other way around!) with some moderate editing.



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