"Disjointed Incrementalism: The Overture to a Full (and Unfinished) Sym" by Roger A. Lohmann

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Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Social Work


On the 50th anniversary of the publication of Charles Lindblom's seminal article on incrementalism, this reconsideration finds that it is still one of the major contributions to understanding how decisions are actually made in organizations and public life.

Source Citation

A revised version of this brief reconsideration/review was published as Disjointed Incrementalism: The Overture to a Full (and Unfinished) Symphony. Public Administration Times. March, 1999. 1.


It is now more than 70 years since that original publication and nearly the third decade of the new millennium and, for those who accept his perspective, Lindblom's view still holds as firmly as it did in 1999. In re-reading this draft in early 2019, I wouldn't change a word.



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