Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Slope Stability Below Historic Pre-Law Mine Benches in the Northern Coalfields of West Virginia, Muhammad Ali
Geochemical Phase Associations of Rare Earth Elements and Lithium in Black Shales of the USA: A study in the Appalachian and Haynesville Basins, Shailee Bhattacharya
(Non-) Recovery of An Agricultural Stream from Straightening and Dredging, Aras Anderson Mann
Advances in machine learning aided seismic interpretation and inversion for subsurface characterization, Tobi Micheal Ore
Spatial Degradation and Livelihood Diversification in the Ever-changing Landscape of Pastoralist Kajiado, Kenya, John A. Paine
Estimating inorganic carbon flux from coal mining discharge portals in the bituminous coal field region of Pennsylvania, Lauren J. Rockwell
The phylogeny of Chasmataspidida, B.D. Voss
Reconstructing Δ14C production events using tree rings: does tree physiology affect estimates of atmospheric Δ14C?, Meagan Rory Walker
Coal as a Resource for Rare Earth Elements in West Virginia, Rachel Elizabeth Yesenchak
Quantifying chemical erosion in the lithologically-heterogenous Appalachian Valley and Ridge, Amelia Jayne Zanoni
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
the uncertain future of landscapes subjected to mountaintop removal mining, Samuel James Bower
Continental saline environments interpreted from bedded gypsum of the Triassic Red Peak Formation (Chugwater Group), northcentral Wyoming, Maya Yamei Bradford
Bedrock channel geometry: meter to micron scale controls on fluvial incision, NICHOLAS J. COLAIANNE
Use of Carbonation for Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage to Increase Limestone Dissolution and Generate Alkalinity, Dietrich Henry Kuhlmann IV
The Role Of Digital Spaces in Caring For Children With Feeding Tubes: Home, Family, and Community Reconsidered, Sara Gilbert Loftus
An Analysis of Urban Land use land cover (LULC) Changes in Lilongwe City, Central Malawi (2002–2022), Zola Manyungwa
Using Extended Two-Step Floating Catchment Area to Map Children’s Level of Access to Physical Books in West Virginia, Heather A. Maxey
Natural Fracture Evolution: Investigations into the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin, USA, Natalie Abigail Mitchell
Relationships between geochemistry, carbon content, and grain size in clastic cave sediments, Rebekah Rose Nicholas
Spatial Variability in Above Ground Carbon Within an Appalachian Forest, Megan A. Ponczek
A study of accidental daughter crystals in fluid inclusions in bedded halite from the Permian Opeche Shale and Cedar Hills Sandstone of the midcontinental United States, Ryan James Prchlik
Linkages between Atmospheric Circulation, Weather, Climate, Land Cover and Social Dynamics of the Tibetan Plateau, Shobha Kumari Yadav
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Understanding Surface Water--Groundwater Connectivity and Discharge in Arctic Deltas, Lindsey N. Aman
The Burning Bush: Linking LiDAR-derived Shrub Architecture to Flammability, Michelle S. Bester
Using Landsat-Based Phenology Metrics, Terrain Variables, and Machine Learning for Mapping and Probabilistic Prediction of Forest Community Types in West Virginia, Faith M. Hartley
Critical Perspectives on Produce Prescription Programs & US Federal Nutrition Policy, Alanna K. Higgins
Embodied Energy Geographies: An Exploration of Fracked Landscapes in the Ohio River Valley, Rachael L. Hood
Structural and petrologic insights into the emplacement of effusive silicic lavas: Inyo Domes, California, Shelby L. Isom
Examining Evolutionary Rate in Xiphosura, Samantha B. Ocon
Chemical characterization of clastic cave sediments and insights into particle transport and storage in karst aquifers, Jill L. Riddell
The Potential of Diabase Sills in Eastern Pennsylvania to Store CO2 and H2, Rhiannon R. Schmitt
Regional Correlation and Depositional History using Well Log and Core Data of the Geneseo-Burket from the Poseidon 8M Well, Westmoreland County PA, USA, Spencer Leonard Williams Jr.
Examining the spatial relationship between maternal morbidity, access to health care, and community characteristics in West Virginia, Sarah E. Woolard
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Reservoir Characteristics and Lateral Variability of the Marcellus Formation at the Allegheny Mountain Front, Bruno J. Abersold
Variations in Produced Water Chemistry and Relation to Regional Geology and Production in the Marcellus Shale, Northcentral West Virginia, Jonathan M. Brady
The Impact of Unsaturated Zone Thickness on the Severity of Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers from Overtopping, Dennis Jesse Carpinello
A Systematic Method for Measuring Gentrification Using Building Permits Data: A Washington D.C Case Study, Andey Fomil
Can stable isotopes from tree rings improve our understanding of past variability in the southern annular mode?, Zachary Grzywacz
Evaluation of a Low-Cost UAS and Phenocams for Measuring Grapevine Greenness, Timothy J. Hoheneder
Putting Policy in Its Place: Policy Enactment and Engagement through a Multiscalar Policy-shed Framework, barbara L. MacLennan
Advancing the Spatial Turn in History through Deep Mapping: Ghost Maps, Neogeography, and Frederick Jackson Turner, Jessica L. Mathai
Refining the sedimentology and geochemistry of the mid-Permian Blaine Formation of the Rebecca K. Bounds core from Greeley County, Kansas, Brigitte Petras
Independent, Semi-Automated Classification of Petrographic Features in Volcanic Rocks Using FiJi and Weka, Holly Danielle Pettus
Assessing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-Derived Temporal Patterns and Digital Terrain Data for Palustrine Wetland Mapping, Jaimee L. Pyron
Sexual and Place-Based Identity: A Life Course Analysis of LGBTQ+ Undergraduate Understandings of Climate Change in Appalachia, Brandon Anthony Rothrock
A Snapshot of Ancient Microbial Life: Microorganisms and Organic Compounds in Primary Fluid Inclusions in Bedded Halite, Neoproterozoic Browne Formation of Central Australia, Sara I. Schreder-Gomes
Petrographic and Core Analysis of the Jurassic Norphlet Formation: A Case Study in the Lithofacies Control of Diagenesis and Porosity in the Flomaton Field, AL, Jarrett Thomas Smith
Women, Water, and Well-being: Gendered Experiences of Household Water Contamination in Parkersburg, West Virginia, Emily Brooke Tingler
Application of 3D Seismic Signal and Geomechanical Attributes for Subsurface Fracture Characterization: A Case Study in Clearfield County, Central Pennsylvania, Iman F. Zulkapeli
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Process Based Analysis Of Fluvial Stratigraphic Record: Middle Pennsylvanian Allegheny Formation, North-Central WV, Oluwasegun O. Abatan
Evolution of extreme continental saline environments: a sedimentological investigation of Permo-Triassic redbeds and evaporites in Northern Ireland and Kansas, Anna Sofia S. Andeskie
'Making it' through migration: success (im)mobility and 'development' in The Gambia, Martin J. Aucoin
Relating recharge mechanisms to chemical changes in an updip Appalachian coal mine discharge: A case study from Lambert Run, West Virginia, Matthew Lewis Bell
Leaf angle and leaf stomata responses to experimental drought in Quercus velutina and Acer saccharum, Brittany Nichole Casey
Mapping Surficial Geology in the New River Gorge National River and Bluestone National Scenic River, West Virginia, using LiDAR-derived Digital Elevation Data, Marla K. Denicola
"We have ground to cover for each other": A case study of mentoring across Black sorority alumni in north central West Virginia, Elizabeth C. Dever
Physical and chemical properties of clastic sediments from two caves in the northern karst region of Puerto Rico, Autum R. Downey
Paleoecological Successions from Shallow-marine Depositional Environments in Upper Silurian Carbonate Rocks of Blair County, Pennsylvania, Shadya El-Ashkar
Investigating Effects Of Carbonate Minerals On Shale- Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Interactions In The Marcellus Shale, Brennan Matthew Ferguson
Resilience in the Mountains: Exploring the Labor and Motives of Food-Caregiver Women Repairing Broken Food Systems in West Virginia Communities, Heidi Lynn Gum
Bullets, Breeding, and Biodiversity: An analysis of trophy hunting in South Africa's green wildlife economy, Dave E. Knieter
Gendered Access to Wetland Gardens (Dimba) in Northern Malawi, Rhoda Nyirenda
The Spatial Historian: Creating a Spatially Aware Historical Research System, JAMES P. SCHINDLING
Reservoir Characterization and Static Earth Modeling for Potential CO2 Storage in Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of Midcontinent, USA, Valerie Lynn Smith
Innovative Approaches to 3D GIS Modeling for Volumetric and Geoprocessing Applications in Subsurface Infrastructures in a Virtual Immersive Environment, Pragya Srivastava
Knickzones in Southwest Pennsylvania Streams Indicate Accelerated Pleistocene Landscape Evolution, Mark D. Swift
Estimating Evolutionary Volatility in a Maximum-Likelihood Framework, Samuel Warren Tybout
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Utilizing Lipid Biomarkers To Understand The Microbial Community Structure Of Deep Subsurface Black Shale Formations, Rawlings Akondi
Boundaries and Policing: Space, Jurisdictions, and Roles in the Collection of Official Crime Data, Cynthia Suzanne Barnett-Ryan
Death-defying Morphologies: Mass Extinction and Disparity in the Order Harpetida, James Desmond Beech
Reconciling the dissonance between Historic Preservation and Virtual Reality through a Place-based Virtual Heritage system., Danny J. Bonenberger
Super-Localizing Food as Tourism Development™: Producing the 30 Mile Meal™ in Athens, Ohio, Jed DeBruin
Historic Log Buildings as Archives of Past Forest Ecology, Kristen K. de Graauw
Crown-level mapping of tree species and health from remote sensing of rural and urban forests, Fang Fang
Sediment Provenance Study of the Lower Hamilton Group: An Analysis of the Organic-Rich Facies and its Depositional History, Luke Patrick Fritz
Application of Lidar to 3D Structural Mapping, Bertrand Gaschot
Discerning the Diets of Sweep-Feeding Eurypterids Through Analyses of Mesh-Modified Appendage Armature, Emily Samantha Hughes
Beneath the Gypsum Dunes: Cenozoic History of Wind and Water from a Core Drilled at White Sands, New Mexico, Jackson Bentley Jakeway
Structural Style And Stratigraphic Architecture Of The Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, Benjamin G. Johnson
Detecting Balsam Woolly Adelgid Infestations Using Tree Rings, Morgan Lane Leef
The Food Bank Fix: Hunger, Capitalism and Humanitarian Reason, Joshua David Lohnes
X-Ray Fluorescence Applications in Mudrock Characterization: Investigations into Middle Devonian Stratigraphy, Appalachian Basin, USA, Keithan Garrett Martin
Ground Ingredients: Analysis of Lead Exposure in the California Condor’s (Gymnogyps Californianus) Ground Foraging Habitat, Evan Michael McWreath
Multidimensional Analysis of Vulnerability: Methodological Advances and a Case Study from Malawi., PARK MCMILLAN MUHONDA
Object-Based Supervised Machine Learning Regional-Scale Land-Cover Classification Using High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data, Christopher A. Ramezan
Peatlands and Histosols in Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge, West Virginia, Mitzy Leigh Schaney
West Virginia waterscapes: Surface and mineral owners’ perspectives on groundwater contamination due to natural gas extraction, Bethani Turley
Richwood, West Virginia after the 2016 Flood: Place, Devastation, and Hope in an Appalachian Community, Christine Elizabeth Witt
Petrophysical and Geomechanical Characterization of the Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian Basin, Yixuan Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Molecular Evolution of Sedimentary Organic Matter in Marcellus Shale., Vikas Agrawal
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Carbonate Waters in the Peters Mountain Region of Monroe County, WV, Emily A. Bausher