"Taking the Lawyer's Craft into Virtual Space: Computer-Mediated Interv" by Robert M. Bastress and Joseph D. Harbaugh

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2003


WVU College of Law


Bellow's and Moulton's The Lawyering Process emphasized the need for law students and lawyers to draw on other disciplines for effective skills development, to make self-analysis of their professional skills and principles a career-long practice, and to remain ever vigilant of emerging ethical issues. This article attempts to honor those lessons by applying them to lawyers' use of computer mediated communication (CMC) in interacting with clients and in negotiating for clients. The article examines the social science research on CMC, applies that research to the lawyer's context, and makes some tentative assessments about the skills involved in lawyers' use of CMC. Ethical issues that have arisen with the expanding use by attorneys of CMC are also addressed.

Original Publication Title

Clinical Law Review

Source Citation

10 Clinical L. Rev. (2003) 115


This article is included in the Research Repository @ WVU with the permission of the Clinical Law Review.



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