Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series


Calliope is West Virginia University’s undergraduate literary journal. For more than 30 years, students at WVU have collaborated to create this award-winning journal, a showcase of the exemplary creative efforts of the student body. Submitting to Calliope is exclusive to WVU students, regardless of major, and historically has included works of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and artwork.

Clio: WVU Art History Research Journal

Clio: WVU Art History Research Journal is the journal of the West Virginia University, School of Art and Design, Art History Club. Submission are open to all undergraduate students at WVU.

Journal of the Campus Read

The Journal of the Campus Read has ceased publication after the 2022 issue.

The Journal of the Campus Read provides undergraduate students at West Virginia University to contribute to campus and community-wide conversations of shared reading experiences. The journal is a joint initiative of the WVU Humanities Center and the WVU Libraries.

Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review

ISSN 2769-1764

The Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review (MURR) publishes outstanding multidisciplinary research performed by undergraduates at West Virginia University. MURR is a student-led publication of the West Virginia University Office of Undergraduate Research. Papers are reviewed by qualified faculty members at WVU and are reviewed and edited by a Student Editorial Board.

Open Paleontology

About This Journal

Open Paleontology (OPAL) publishes original, peer-reviewed research in all branches of paleontology, ranging from brief occurrence notes to comprehensive descriptive studies.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Diversity is important to Open Paleontology

Open Paleontology is committed to being a proactive leader for Openness, Inclusivity, and Equity in academic publishing. Scientific research benefits all human-kind, and we believe that all human-kind has a right to access that research. We strive to remove barriers at every phase of scientific research and publishing. In addition to removing financial barriers to scientific research in the form of APCs and paywalls, we are also dedicated to promoting inclusivity and equity in the paleo- and geosciences. We support the publication of scientific research across the world by all, irrespective of gender, gender identity, religious and ethnic background, belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community, geographic location, nationality, political view, socioeconomic status, disability, age, family structure, career level, education level, or career path.

West Virginia Law Review (WVU College of Law)

ISSN 0043-3268

West Virginia Law Review Online (WVU College of Law)

ISSN 2836-6433

The editors of Volume 117 of the West Virginia Law Review launched the West Virginia Law Review Online in 2015. The goal of the online edition is to publish articles that focus on West Virginia issues with articles written by journal editors, WVU College of Law professors, and practitioners from West Virginia. Many will be shorter than a traditional law review article, so as to offer more accessible publication opportunities for lawyers and judges. The online edition provides relevant, topical, high-quality legal research to practitioners in our state, to better fulfill the journal's duty to support the state’s legal community.

West Virginia University Historical Review

The West Virginia University Historical Review publishes award-winning history undergraduate capstone papers, as selected by the WVU Department of History's Undergraduate Committee.