Recent Content
A Local Option: How Medicare Patients in Rural States Could Obtain Coverage for Weight Loss Medications
Emily Blackburn
Explainable Fairness in Regulatory Algorithmic Auditing
Cathy O'Neil, Holli Sargeant, and Jacob Appel
Ownership and Development of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals in Mine Drainage in West Virginia
Robert E. Akers
Balancing Interests: AI, Business & Human Rights, and the Legal Landscape in an Era of Disruption
Jena Martin and Ritu Narula
The Right to Sit in West Virginia
Leif Olson
Abuse in West Virginia Schools: What Can We Do To Better Protect Our Special Needs Children?
Camille Treadway
Meet the New Chief, Same as the Old Chief: A Coherent Solution to the Problem of Prior Conviction Proof Procedures
Robert Barnhart
Our Dumb First Amendment: The Case of the Foul-Mouthed Cheerleader
D. A. Jeremy Telman
Symposium Remarks: Public Litigation Values Versus the Endless Quest for Global Peace
Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Nonviolent Drug Offenders Need Treatment--Not Prison: The Solution to Prison Overcrowding in West Virginia
Kendra Amick
The Cartoon Physics of the Court-Martial
John M. Bickers
Immunity Through Bankruptcy for the Sackler Family
Daniel G. Aaron and Michael S. Sinha
Quiet Encroachments on School Prayer Jurisprudence
Amanda Harmony Cooley
Purdue and Mass Tort Claims: Will Non-Debtor Release Survive?
Christopher M. Alston and Alena Ivanov
The Socioeconomic Gap of Infertility: Medicaid Coverage of Infertility Treatments in West Virginia
Samantha Wilson
Medical Malpractice as Murder? Using Root Cause Analysis as a Guiding Framework for Criminal Medical Malpractice
Kinsey Novak Booth
From Crypto Wild West to Regulated Frontier: Unleashing the Potential of Blockchain Technology
Pawan Jain
A Degree of Pro-IP Preference: An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Federal Judges' Undergraduate Programs and Their Trade Secret Decisions
Christopher P. Dinkel
Terms of Injustice
Przemyslaw Palka
Just How Paternalistic is the VA? An Examination of the Non-Adversarial" Veterans' Benefits System
Nino C. Monea
COVID, Contracts, and Colleges
John K. Setear
Child Protection and Infant Mental Health: An Essential Partnership
Claudia M. Gold M.D.
Removing Barriers--Not Children: How West Virginia Can Prevent Further Harm to Children
Emily R. Mowry
In Response to Professor, Please Help Me Pass the Bar Exam
Jaylin K. Johnson
Sovereign Immunity and the West Virginia Constitution
J. Zac Ritchie
The Dobbs Effect on West Virginia
Anne Marie Lofaso and Cameron Kiner
Dismantling the Mine Act
William B. Moran
Child Custody is No Place for a Magic Formula: Why a Presumption of 50/50 Physical Custody in West Virginia is Not in Its Children's Best Interests
Stephanie R. Weber
Federal Sentencing: The Need for a New Test for the Abduction Enhancement in the Context of Robbery
Alex Leroy
Shifting the Scope Towards Students: An Analysis of Tax Code Treatment of the Higher Education Loan Interest Deduction
Brianna C. Frontuto
Public Ownership and the WTO in a Post-COVID-19 Era: From Trade Disputes to a 'Social' Function
Paolo Davide Farah and Davide Zoppolato
Home Court Advantage? An Empirical Analysis of Local Bias in U.S. District Court Diversity Jurisdiction Cases
Kyle C. Kopko and Christopher J. Devine
Homeless Residency Restrictions
Ben A. McJunkin
In a League of Her Own: Why Female Student-Athletes Are Poised to Win Big in the NIL Era With a Properly Crafted Federal Law
Anna G. Williams
Law of the Land: The Continuing Legacy of Indian Law's Racist Roots and Its Impact on Native American Land Rights
Maggie Lohmann
A First Step Back in Time?
Blake Jacobs
What a Data Privacy Law Should Look Like in West Virginia: Balancing Competing Interests of Consumers and Businesses
Harrison Enright
Why Cost/Benefit Balancing Tests Don't Exist: How to Dispel a Delusion That Delays Justice for Immigrants
Joshua J. Schroeder
Comrades or Foes: Did the Chinese Break the Law or New Ground Ground for the First Amendment
Artem M. Joukov
God, Guns, and Hair Salons: Public Perceptions of Rights and Liberties During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jessica R. Graham and Kyle J. Morgan
Fencing the Wind: Property Rights in Renewable Energy
Martin Lockman
Food, Freedom, Fairness, and the Family Farm
Robin Rotman and Sophie Mendelson
Retooling Blue-Ribbon Advisory Committees for a Post-Fact World
Will Rhee and Claire Flynn Sellers
Medicaid Expansion Expectations
Deborah R. Farringer
Financing Rural Health Care
Isaac D. Buck
International Human Rights as a Vehicle for Achieving Rural Health
David H. Moore, Emily Lowder, and Cami Schiel
Why Aren't Mountain State Folks Getting the Shot?: Health Literacy, COVID-19, and Vaccination Rates in West Virginia Counties
Elizabeth Van Nostrand, Taylor J. Robinson, and Aimee J. Palumbo
Healthcare Education Leaves the Hills: Frontier Nursing University's Move from Appalachia
Hannah Haksgaard
Putting Together the Pieces: The Mosaic Theory and Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence since Carpenter
Ben Vanston
Broadband in the Mountain State: Connectivity Linked to Local Options
Denali S. Hendrick
In the Eye of the Storm: West Virginia's Uniquely Clear Opportunity to Revise Its Education Funding Formula during COVID-19
Lauren Trumble
Warrant Nullification
L. Joe Dunman
Paper of Record: Modernizing Ownership Disclosures for U.S. Patents
Jonathan Stroud and Levi Lall
Reported Experiences with Plea Bargaining: A Theoretical Analysis of the Legal Standard
Krystia Reed, Allison Franz, Vincent Calderon, Alisha Meschkow, and Valerie F. Reyna
When Is a Debt "Obtained by" Fraud?: Reconsideration of the Fraud Nondischargeability Exception under Section 523(A)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code
Theresa J. Pulley Radwan
Transgender Rural Communities and Legal Rights to Gender-Affirming Health Care
Nathan R. Hamons and Valarie K. Blake
Suits Against Gas-Emitting Landfills in West Virginia: Identifying and Overcoming the Barriers
Shawn H. Hogbin
Keeping Nutrient Pollution at Bay: An Analysis of Efforts to Mitigate Non-Point Source Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay
Madison Hinkle
Without a Leggett to Stand On: Arguing for Retroactive Application of West Virginia's Amended Flat-Rate Well Statute
Adam H. Wilson
The Founders' Multi-Purpose Chief Justice: The English Origins of the American Chief Justiceship
Justin W. Aimonetti and Jackson A. Myers
Restoring Causality in Attenuation: Establishing the Breadth of a Fourth Amendment Violation
Bryan H. Ward
Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co.: A Ten-Year Retrospective on Its Impact on Law and the Judiciary
Amam McLeod
An OSM for IOT: Establishing an Office of Special Masters to Resolve Certain Cases Involving the Internet of Things
Abigail Perdue and Bethany Corbin
Just-AIED: An Essay in Just Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Chris Chambers Goodman Esq.
Algorithms in Business, Merchant-Consumer Interactions, & Regulation
Tabrez Y. Ebrahim
Copyright Protection for Patents: Some Surprising Implications for Artificial Intelligence
Dean Alderucci
Bias Preservation in Machine Learning: The Legality of Fairness Metrics Under EU Non-Discrimination Law
Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt, and Chris Russell
Seriously Doe: Why a Hybrid Approach to Regulating Deer Farms is Right for West Virginia
Jordan R. McMinn
Content, Context, What's Next? A Garcetti-Pickering Analysis for Public Employees in Court
Austin Longnecker
The Governor's Mansion is a House, Not a Home: Requiring Executives To Live at the Seat of Government
Ashley Faulkner
Sane, Manipulative Self-Harm: When Hostage and Hostage Taker Become One
John R. FitzGerald
National Cybersecurity Innovation
Tabrez Y. Ebrahim
Pilot Agreements in West Virginia: A Tale of Turbulent Taxation
Blake N. Humphrey
The Threat of Data Misuse as an Injury-In-Fact: Establishing a Uniform Framework for Constitutional Standing in the Privacy Era
Isabella Anderson
Reform Needs to Happen PFAST: The Importance of Federal Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Regulation
Erin E. O'Brien
A Thing Called Character: Bringing the Export-Import Bank of the United States and West Virginia to the World
Kimberly A. Reed
"Alexa, Call My Lawyer!" Determining Liability For Unauthorized Purchases Made on Voice-Based Virtual Assistants
Mark Giancaspro
The Balkanization of Data Privacy Regulation
Fernanda G. Nicola and Oreste Pollicino
Taxes, Theft, and Indian Tribes: Seeking an Equitable Solution to State Taxation of Indian Country Commerce
Adam Crepelle
States, Localities and Public Health
David Gartner
Enacting Local Workplace Regulations in an Era of Preemption
Dilini Lankachandra
Cities and Citizens Seethe: A Case Study of Local Efforts to Influence Natural Gas Pipeline Routing Decisions
Heidi Gorovitz Robertson
Indigent Defense in West Virginia: A Historical Look at Public Defender Services
Ralph E. McKinney Jr. and Casey W. Baker J.D.
North Carolina's H.B.2: A Case Study in LGBTQ Rights, Preemption, and the (Un)Democratic Process
Mark Dorosin
Enhanced Civil Rights in Home Rule Jurisdictions: Newly Emerging UAS/Drone Use Ordinances
Jennifer A. Brobst
Home Rule in West Virginia
Robert M. Bastress Jr.
Hedge Your Bets: How the Legalization of Sports Betting Could Be the Downfall of Intercollegiate Sports
Haley M. Robb
A Tenantโs Fate in the Mountain State: What State Ex Rel Morrisey v. Copper Beech Townhome Communities Means for Tenants as Consumers
Emily Ann Cramer
Pain in the Ash: How Coal-Fired Power Plants Are Polluting Our Nation's Waters Without Consequences
Amanda P. Demmerle
Committed to Treatment?: The Potential Role of Involuntary Hospitalization in West Virginiaโs Response to the Opioid Epidemic
Quentin T. Collie
A Liability Insurer's Breach of the Duty to Defend and the Often Erroneous Consequence of Extracontractual Liability
Douglas R. Richmond
Hard Cases Make Bad Law: Extraterritorial Application of the United States Constitution
Brendan O. Beutell
Presidential Responses to Protest: Lessons Jefferson Davis Never Learned
Ashlee Paxton-Turner
Criminal Lawโs Folk Psychological Dilemma: Resolving Neuroscientific and Philosophical Challenges to the Voluntary Act Requirement
Branden D. Jung Esq.
Downgrading Superprecedents
R. George Wright
Bulwark of Equality: The Jury in America
Nino C. Monea
Under Pressure: How Incorporating Time-Pressured Performance Tests Prepares Students for the Bar Exam and Practice
Sabrina DeFabritiis and Kathleen Elliott Vinson
"23 and Plea": Limiting Police Use of Genealogy Sites After Carpenter v. United States
Antony Barone Kolenc
Perverting Incentives When the Priceless Is Not Compensable: Victimsโ Subjective Value in Negligence
Yehonatan Shiman
The Need for a Wealth Inequality Amendment
Stuart Ford
Smart Contracts and Consumers
Tatiana Cutts
When the First and Second Amendments Collide: The Free Speech Implications of West Virginia's Business Liability Protection Act of 2018
Alex A. Tsiatsos
Is the Gate Open for West Virginia Counties and Cities to File for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy Relief
Bill Pepper
A Legal Mandate That Authorizers Consider Fiscal and Other Impacts of Charter School Expansion
Susan L. DeJarnatt
Foreword: Pauley - and "The Recht Decision" - at Forty
John E. Taylor
Dedication to Judge Arthur Recht
Blair Wessels
State Ex Rel. Holmes v. Gainer: The Legislative Pay Raise and the Disappearing West Virginia Constitution
Matthew L. Clark
Better Late Than Never: Bringing the Data Security Regulatory Environment into the Modern Era
Jacob Holden
Won't You Be My Neighbor: Meza-Rodriguez, the Second Amendment, and the Constitutional Rights of Noncitizens
Blair E. Wessels
Privacy Spaces
Bert-Jaap Koops
Geographic Discrimination: Of Place, Space, Hillbillies, and Home
William Rhee and Stephen C. Scott
Populist Placemaking: Grounds for Open Government-Citizen Spatial Regulating Discourse
Michael N. Widener
The Take Care Clause, Justice Department Independence, and White House Control
Andrew McCanse Wright
Clinton v. Jones: The King Has No Clothes (Nor Absolute Immunity to Boot)
Christopher James Sears
The Stored Communications Act: Property Law Enforcement Tool or Instrument of Oppression?
Raymond Boyce
Will Rule 401(b) Ever Be Predictable
Sean D. Thomas
Addicted to Hope: Abating the Opioid Epidemic and Seeking Redress from Opioid Distributors for Creating a Public Nuisance
Nathan R. Hamons
One Rule to Compensate Them All
Noam Sher
Co-Parenting War Powers: Congress's Authority to Escalate Conflicts
Russell A. Spivak
Milking the Estate
David R. Hague
A Mountain State Transformation: West Virginia's Move into the Mainstream
Cary Silverman and Richard R. Heath Jr.
Regulation of Silica: Will Lowering the Exposure Level Cost Jobs or Improve Public Health?
Elizabeth Ann Glass Geltman
Parallel Worlds: Comparing Rural Development to Development in Global Communities
Jena Martin and Karon Powell
Community Orchards and Food Security in Appalachia
Ursula Ramsey
Improving Outcomes in Child Poverty and Wellness in Appalachia in the "New Normal" Era: Infusing Empathy into Law
Jill C. Engle
Healthcare in Appalachia and the Role of the Federal Government
Robert R. Davis and Shelly Cole
Receivership: Another Option for Partition of Heirs Property
Jesse J. Richardson Jr.
Working for Recovery: How the Americans with Disabilities Act and State Human Rights Laws Can Facilitiate Successful Rehabilitation for Alcoholics and Drug Addicts
Samuel Brown Petsonk and Anne Marie Lofaso
Unified in Dignified Appalachian Pride
Aaron Ferrari and Will Rhee
De-essentializing Appalachia: Transformative Socio-Legal Change Requires Unmasking Regional Myths
Nicholas F. Stump and Anne Marie Lofaso
Black Lung in the 21st Century: Disease, Law, and Policy
Evan Barrett Smith
The Unsung Latino Entrepreneurs of Appalachia
Eric Franklin Amarante
Keep Your Powder Dry and Your Standards High: Protect the Second Amendment's Core with Strict Scrutiny Review
Rebecca L. Trump
Getting Steamy with Property Law: Are Geothermal Resources a Mineral Right in West Virginia?
Joshua A. Lanham
Ebolamania and Equal Protection of Health Care Workers Under Rational Basis with Bite Review
Jennifer Jolly-Ryan
What a Contract Has Joined Together Let No Court Cast Asunder: Abolishing Separability and Codifying the Scope of the Provisions of Arbitration Agreements
Taylor Payne and Richard Bales
Jurisdiction over Jihid: Islamic Law and the Duty to Fight
Adnan A. Zulfiqar
Pinging into Evidence: The Implications of Historical Cell Site Location Information
Alexandra C. Smith
Fallout from Obergefell: The Dissolution of Unconventional Adoptions to Pave the Way for Same-Sex Marriage Equality
Jodi B. Mileto
Ordering Criminal Restitution: An Exercise In Overstepping Statutory Authority
Christopher W. Maidona
Highway to Hell: The Privatized Prison Transportation Industry and the Long Road to Reform
Jaden P. Rhea
Creating Single-Member House Districts in West Virginia
Charles R. Russell
The History of the West Virginia Code
Robert W. Kerns Jr.
Executive Enforcement Discretion and the Separation of Powers: A Case Study on the Constitutionality of DACA and DAPA
Louis W. Fisher
Nonparental Childcare and Child Contact Orders for Grandparents
Jeffrey A. Parness and Alex Yorko
Catholic Institutions in Court: The Religion Clauses and Political-Legal Compromise
Angela C. Carmella
Finalizing the Grand Compromise in West Virginia Workers' Compensation: Repeal Deliberate Intent
Charles R. Russell
Brian L. Owsley
Stingray Technology, The Exclusionary Rule, and the Future of Privacy: A Cautionary Tale
Shawn Marie Boyne
Drinking from the Fire Hose: How Massive Self-Surveillance from the Internet of Things is Changing the Face of Privacy
Steven I. Friedland
Rethinking the Fourth Amendment in the Age of Supercomputers, Artificial Intelligence, and Robots
Melanie Reid
Tightenting the Loophole: The Role of Fee-Shifting Statutes in Resolving the Growing Problem of Servicing America's Student Loan Debt
Katheryn E. Marcum
Building the Infrastructure for "Justice Through Science": The Texas Model
Sandra Guerra Thompson and Nicole Bremner Cรกsarez
An Uncivil Action: Criminalizating Daubert in Procedure and Practice to Avoid Wrongful Convictions
Jessica G. Cino
Strengths and Limitations of Forensic Science: What DNA Exonerations Have Taught Us and Where to Go From Here
Vanessa Meterko
Forensics and Fallibility: Comparing the Views of Lawyers and Jurors
Brandon L. Garrett and Gregory Mitchell
Folklore and Forensics: The Challenges of Arson Investigation and Innocence Claims
Parisa Dehghani-Tafti and Paul Bieber
Introduction to the West Virginia Law Review Flawed Forensics and Innocence Symposium
Valena E. Beety
Legislation's Culture
Richard K. Neumann Jr.
Land, Slaves, and Bonds: Trust and Probate in the Pre-Civil War Shenandoah Valley
Alfred L. Brophy and Douglas Thie
Statutory Heirs Apparent?: Reclaiming Copyright in the Age of Author-Controlled, Author-Benefiting Transfers
Tonya M. Evans
Writing Better Jury Instructions: Antitrust as an Example
Joshua P. Davis, Shannon Wheatman, and Cristen Stephansky
Testing for Regulatory Penalties: Insuring the Health of Fedrealism in the Age of Obamacare
Steven Z. Hodaszy
Peter Singer, Drowning Children, and Pro Bono
John M.A. DiPippa
Professional Speech and the First Amendment
Rodney A. Smolla
The Execution of the Innocent in Military Tribunals: Problems from the Past and Solutions for the Future
Justin Walker
Easing the Transition: Proposing a Supranational Body to Facilitate Formalizing Economies
J. Berkeley Bentley
Healing Sex-Trafficked Children: A Domestic Family Law Approach to an International Epidemic
Melissa L. Breger
Awakening the Spirit of the NLRA: The Future of Concerted Activity Through Social Media
Benjamin J. Hogan
Penary Energy
Carla F. Fredericks
Specifically Authorized by Binding Precedent Does Not Mean Suggested by Persuasive Precedent: Applying Good-Faith Exception After Davis v. United States
Zachary C. Bolitho
Conflicts Originalism: The "Original Content" of the Full Faith and Credit Clause and the Compulsory Choice of Marriage Law
J. Sephen Clark
The Three-Dimensional World in a Two-Dimensional Patent System: 3D Printing and the Importance of Claiming CAD Files
Gary N. Stewart
Statutory Pooling and Unitization in West Virginia: The Case for Protecting Private Landowners
James E. McDaniel
Contract Remedies in Action: Specific Performance
Yonathan A. Arbel
Why Don't More Employers Adopt Flexile Working Time?
Robert C. Bird
Behavioral Public Choice and the Law
Gary M. Lucas Jr. and Slavisa Tasic
Taxing Honesty
Adam B. Thimmesch
World Cup Dreaming: Sporting Activism and the Incrementalist Advancement of Sexual Equality Through Association Football
Richard J. Peltz-Steele and Jose A. Benavides
An Early Report on Benefits Reports
J. Haskell Murray
The Strange Persistence of Affirmative Action Under Title VII
Deborah C. Malamud
Coping with a New "Yellow Peril": Japanese Immigration, the Gentleman's Agreement, and the Coming of World War II
Paul Finkelman
The Ghosts of White Supremacy: Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and the Spectors of Black Criminality
Nick J. Sciullo
An Analysis of the Legal and Practical Implications of the Potential Increased Participation in Jury Service by Racial Minorities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
Brian Keith Leonard
Seen but Not Recognized: Black Caregivers, Childhood Cruelties, and Social Dislocations in an Increasingly Colored America
Reginald Leamon Robinson
The Civil Rights of Sexually Exploited Youth in Foster Care
Dale Margolin Cecka
Democracy and the Other: The Inverse Relationship Between Majority Rule and a Heterogeneous Citizenry
Franciska A. Coleman
Moving from Carolene to the Commerce Clause: A New Approach to Race for the New American Future
Nareissa L. Smith
A Dry Hate: White Supremacy and Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric in the Humanitarian Crisis on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Kristina M. Campbell
Projecting Diversity: The Methods, Results, Assumptions and Limitations fo the U.S. Census Bureau's Population Projections
Howard Hogan, Jennifer M. Ortman, and Sandra L. Colby
Worker Collective Action in the Digital Age
Jeffrey M. Hirsch
Compelled Commercial Speech
Robert Post
Development Through Trade Disputes: Building a Reputation Using the World Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement System
Jason L. Holliday
The Linchpin of Identification Evidence: The Unreliability of Eyewitnesses and the Need for Reform in West Virginia
Jared T. Dotson
Mandated Reassignment for the Minimally Qualified
Edward Hood Dawson III
Stuck Between a Lump of Coal and a Hard Place: The Mine Safety and Health Administration's Struggle with Due Process and America's Coal Industry
Patrick R. Baker
Local Regulation of Hyraulic Fracturing
Jesse J. Richardson Jr.
Lights Out in the Bakken: A Review and Analysis of Flaring Regulation and Its Potential Effects on North Dakota Shale Oil Production
Monika U. Ehrman
One Stick in the Bundle: Characterizing Nonparticipating Royalty Interests Under West Virginia Law
Andrew S. Graham, Allison J. Farrell, Lauren A. Williams, and Amber M. Moore
Better for Business, Better for Justice: Why West Virginia Needs an Intermediate Appellate Court
Stephanie Zwerner
The Prohibition of Moonshine: A Consumer Protection Analysis of Raw Milk in Interstate Commerce
Whitney R. Morgan
Minding Your Meds: Balancing the Needs for Patient Privacy and Law Enforcement in Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
Devon T. Unger
A Second Chance: Rebiography as Just Compensation
Jamila Jefferson-Jones
Variety, Mergers, and Consumer Well-Being: Towards a Capability Approach to Merger Law
Jennifer E. Sturiale
The Ascending Role of Crime Vctims in Plea-Bargaining and Beyond
Elizabeth N. Jones
Would You Like Fries With That? Staying "Open for Business" in a Tourism-Based Post-Coal Economy
Walton C. Shepard
The Role of Litigation in the Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse
Richard C. Ausness
Water Quality Standard Setting Under the Clean Water Act: Is it Nimble Enough to Avoid Wasteful Spending on the Wrong Goals
Christopher B. Power and Jennifer J. Hicks
Drilling and Deductions: Making the Section 170(h) Conservation Easement Work in the Shale Boom Era
Michael T. Fulks
Unringing the Bell: Time for EPA to Reconsider Its Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding
David Yaussy and Elizabeth Turgeon
Feed-In Tarrifs in Turmoil
Lincoln L. Davies and Kirsten Allen
Say What? The Resolution of Ambiguous Written Agreements in West Virginia
James Matthew Davis
Geology, the Marcellus Shale, Experts, and Dispute Resolution
Itzchak E. Kornfeld
Facts, Fiction, and Perception in Hydraulic Fracturing: Illuminating Act 13 and Robinson Township v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Joshua P. Fershee
Aiding the Enemy or Promoting Democracy? Defining the Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers to Disclose National Security Information
Candice M. Kines
The Battle over the Embryo: How West Virginia Should Legally Define the Embryo and Regulate Embryo Adoption
Alyssa Lechmanik
The Paradoxes of Restitution
Mark A. Edwards
Luis E. Chiesa
Protecting the Faithful from Their Faith: A Proposal for Snake-Handling in West Virginia
Robert W. Kerns Jr.
At What is the Supreme Court Comparatively Advantaged?
R. George Wright
A Good Name: Applying Regulatory Takings Analysis to Reputation Damage Caused by Criminal History
Jamila Jefferson-Jones
The MPAA: A Script for an Antitrust Production
Ian G. Henry
Hypothetical Efficiency Is Not Grounds for Breach
Daniel M. Isaacs
Re-Establishing Distributor Liability on the Internet: Recognizing the Applicability of Traditional Defamation Law to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996
William E. Buelow III
Out of the Shadows: Requiring Strategic Management Disclosure
Nadelle Grossman
From Consultation to Consent: Community Approval as a Prerequisite to Environmentally Significant Projects
Nicholas A. Fromhertz
Led Blindly: One Circuit's Struggle to Faithfully Apply the U.S. Supreme Court's Religious Symbols Constitutional Analysis
William M. Janssen
Conflicting Federal and State Medical Marijuana Policies: A Threat to Cooperative Federalism
Todd Grabarsky
From the Great Depression to the Great Recession: (Non-)Lawyers Practicing Deregulated Law
Michael A. Bush
Up, Up & Away: How Siegel & Shuster's Superman Was Contracted Away & DC Comic Won the Day
Dallas F. Kratzer III
Child Protection and Infant Mental Health: An Essential Partnership
Claudia M. Gold M.D.
Mayfly Mayday: The West Virginia Legislature Attempts To Redefine Compliance with the Narrative Water Quality Standards Through Senate Bill 562
Aaron S. Heishman and Robert G. McLusky
Viability of Arbitration Clauses in West Virginia Oil and Gas Leases: It Is All About the Lease!!!
Phillip T. Glyptis
Upstream Oil and Gas Legal Frameworks: Brazil and the United States Compared
Gabriela Engler Pinto
An Energy and Sustainability Roadmap for West Virginia
James M. Van Nostrand
Dedication to Professor Franklin D. Cleckley
Amber M. Moore
Presumed Disadvantaged: Constitutional Incongruit in Federal Contract Procurement and Acquisition Regulations
William J. Bogard
Can Damages Be Too Damaging Examining Mason County and Its Progeny
Amber Marie Moore
Talking Chalk: Defacing the First Amendmen in the Public Forum
Marie A. Failinger
Can Law and Literature Be Practical? The Crucible and the Federal Rules of Evidence
Martin H. Pritikin
Bypassing Civil Gideon: A Legislative Proposal to Address the Rising Costs and Unmet Legal Needs of Unrepresented Immigrants
Erin B. Corcoran
Youngstown Sheet to Boumediene: A Story of Judicial Ethos and the (Un)Fastidious Use of Language
Laura A. Cisneros
The Legality of Drilling Sideways: Horizontal Drilling and Its Future in West Virginia
Jason A. Proctor
Always Ask for a Brand-Name Drug: Trying to Untangle the Holding in PLIVA v. Mensing
Elizabeth M. LaFayette
A Horse of a Different Color: Distinguishing the Judiciary from the Political Branches in Campaign Financing
Anthony J. Delligatti
Confronting the Invisible Witness: The Use of Narrative to Neutralize Capital Jurors' Implicit Racial Biases
Pamela A. Wilkins
The Regulation of Private Police
Stephen Rushin
In the Language of Pictures: How Copyright Law Fails to Adequately Account for Photography
Teresa M. Bruce
Delinquent and Non-Entered Lands and Due Process
John W. Fisher II
A Bakerian Response to Weinstein's Free Speech Theory
Anne Marie Lofaso
Baker's Autonomy Theory of Free Speech
Anne Marie Lofaso
The Intellectual Integrity of Ed Baker
Vincent Blasi
Baker Tribute
Anne Marie Lofaso
Forum Selection Clauses in Attorney-Client Agreements: The Exploitation of Bargaining Power
Jennifer Dempsey
Fred Zain, the CSI Effect, and a Philosophical Idea of Justice: Using West Virginia as a Model for Change
Kathleen Keough Griebel
Nonviolent Law? Linking Nonviolent Social Change and Truth and Reconciliation Commissions
James W. McCarty III
The Wane in Spain (of Universal Jurisdiction): Spain's Forgetful Democratic Transition and the Prosecution of Tyrants
James J. Friedberg
Civil Resistance and the Law: Nonviolent Transitions to Democracy
Charles R. DiSalvo
Restoring Balance to Checks and Balances: Checking the Executive's Power Under the State Secrets Doctrine, Mohamed v. Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc.
Jessica Slattery Karich
Mission Creep in National Security Law
Fletcher N. Baldwin Jr. and Daniel Ryan Kosloskey
Medical Professional Liability Litigation in West Virginia: Part II
Thomas J. Hurney Jr. and Jennifer M. Mankins
Shareholder Litigation After the Meltdown
Daniel J. Morrissey
Toward a Cohesive Interpretation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act for the Electronic Monitoring of Employees
Ariana R. Levinson
The Early Demise of Early Release
Cecelia Klingele
The Impact of Technology on Pre-Digital Recording Agreements: An Examination of F.B. T. Productions, LLC v. Aftermath Records
Lauren K. Turner
Rescuing the International Arbitral Model: Identifying the Problem in Natural Resources Trade and Development
Jacob R. Shaffer
The Dodd-Frank Corporation: More Than a Nexus-of-Contracts
Stefan J. Padfield
Addressing Environmental Injustices: A Capability Approach to Rulemaking
Shannon M. Roesler
Title Examinations, When Is Action on the Security Instrument Barred
John W. Fisher II
Cause Breaking Up is Hard to Do: The Need for Uniform Enforcement of Cohabitation Agreements in West Virginia
Emily E. Diederich
A Blogger, Google, and a "Skank": An Analysis of Whether Google Has a Fiduciary Obligation to Its Bloggers
Michael W. Taylor
Protecting Your Rights, But Not Your Paycheck: How Executive Compensation Regulation Passes Constitutional Muster
Sarah B. Patterson
The Illusion of Due Process in West Virginia's Property Tax Appeals System: What Illusion?
Steven R. Broadwater
Copyright for Engineered DNA: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
Christopher M. Holman
Adverse Possession of the State's Property
John W. Fisher II
Once, Twice, Three Times a Victim: Why a Defendant in a Sexual Assault Case Has No Right to Compel Physical Examinations
Jenny M. Flanigan
The Tipping Point: Prison Overcrowding Nationally, in West Virginia, and Recommendations for Reform
Karina Kendrick
The Researcher Rat's Culture and Ease of Access to the Publication Lever: Implications for the Patentability of University Scientific Research
Joshua R. Nightingale
Modem Products Liability Law in West Virginia
Philip Combs and Andrew Cooke
Is There a Doctor in the (Station) House?: Reassessing the Constitutionality of Compelled DWI Blood Draws Forty-Five Years After Schmerber
Michael A. Correll
Multiemployer Bargaining and Monopoly: Labor-Management Collusion and a Partial Solution
Anthony B. Sanders
Does Judicial Philosophy Matter?: A Case Study
Francisco J. Benzoni and Christopher S. Dodrill
The Problem With the Solution: Why West Virginians Shouldn't "Settle" for the Uniform Debt Management Services Act
Ryan McCune Donovan
Realizing the International Human Right to Health: The Challenge of For-Profit Health Care
Eleanor D. Kinney
Defeating Health Disparities-A Property Interest Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Dayna Bowen Matthew
Deadication to Senator John D. Rockefeller IV
Lee Adair Sparks
Taking a Gamble: Money Laundering after United States v. Santos
Rachel Zimarowski
An Act of Criminal Skullduggery: A Critical Analysis of the Circuit Split Resolved in United States v. Abuelhawa
C. William Ralston
Eliminating Earmarks: Why the Congressional Line Item Vote Can Succeed Where the Presidential Line Item Veto Failed
Jason Iuliano
Race, American Law and the State of Nature
George A. Martinez
Rural Property Law
Alan Romero
A Survey of the Law of Easements in West Virginia
John W. Fisher II
Opportunistic Evolution: How State Legislation is Seeking to Redefine Academic Freedom to Permit Intelligent Design in the Classroom
Crystal Canterbury
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: An Examination of the Growing Problem of Offshore Oil and Gas Royalty Relief
J. Todd Bergstrom
From the Mouths of Babes: Protecting Child Authors from Themselves
Julie Cromer Young
Exploring Animal Rights as an Imperative for Human Welfare
Stephen A. Plass
Judicial Decision-Making and Judicial Review: The State of the Debate, CIRCA 2009
Charles D. Kelso and R. Randall Kelso
Different Shades of Bias: Skin Tone, Implicit Racial Bias, and Judgments of Ambiguous Evidence
Justin D. Levinson and Danielle Young
A Door Closed: The Right to Full Appellate Review of Sentences of Life Imprisonment without Parole in West Virginia
Linnsey Evick
Not Your Mother's Remedy: A Civil Action Response to the Westboro Baptist Church's Military Funeral Demonstrations
Chelsea Brown
Capitalizing on Digital Entrepreneurship for Low-Income Residents and Communities
Janet Thompson Jackson
Facebook 2 Blackberry and Database Trading Systems: Morphing Social Networking to Business Growth in a Global Recession
Roger M. Groves
The End of the (Virtual) World
Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Virtual Rule of Law
Michael Risch
The New World
Brandon M. Stump
Let 'Em Work, Let 'Em Nurse: Accommodation for Breastfeeding Employees in West Virginia
Matthew L. Williams
Relics or Relevant: The Value of the Modern Law Review
Joshua D. Baker
An Indigenous Lens into Comparative Law: The Doctrine of Discovery in the United States and New Zealand
Robert J. Miller and Jacinta Ruru
West Virginia as a Judicial Hellhole: Why Businesses Fear Litigating in State Courts
Victor E. Schwartz, Sherman Joyce, and Cary Silverman
Update: The Amended and Reenacted Delinquent and Nonentered Land Statutes - The Title Examination Ramifications
Robert Louis Shuman
The Scope of Title Examinations in West Virginia Revisited
John W. Fisher II
In Memory of Justice Joseph P. Albright
Larry V. Starcher
In Re Seagate: Effects and Future Development of Willful Patent Infringement
Christopher Ryan Lanks
Licensed Anarchy: Anything Goes on the Internet - Revisiting the Boundaries of Section 230 Protection
Thomas D. Huycke
Shrinkwrap, Clickwrap, and Other Software License Agreements: Litigating a Digital Pig in a Poke in West Virginia
David R. Collins
One May v. the 800-Pound Gorilla: An Argument for Truly Just Compensation in Condemnation Proceedings
Allison Minton
On Appeal: Reviewing the Case against the Death Penalty
Dawinder S. Sidhu
A Judicial Philosophy: People-Oriented Justice
Larry V. Starcher
Unsafe Workplace, Injured Employees, and the Bizarre Bifurcation of Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act
David L. Gregory
The Right to Defensive Arms after District of Columbia v. Heller
Michael P. O'Shea
What Works, What Doesn't: Revising DUI Laws in West Virginia to Reduce Recidivism and Save Lives
Jennifer L. Tampoya
Using the Employee Free Choice Act as Duct Tape: How Both Active and Passive Deregulation of Labor Law Make the EFCA an Improper Mechanism for Remedying Working Class Americans' Problems
Meghan Brooke Phillips
Chop it Up or Sell It Off: An Examination of the Evolution of West Virginia's Partition Statute
John Mark Huff
Let's Not Abandon What Works
Edward Chair
Free Markets, Individual Liberties and Safe Coal Mines: A Post-Sago Perspective
C. Gregory Ruffennach
Mining Mining Data: Bringing Empirical Analysis to Bear on the Regulation of Safety and Health in U.S. Mining
Alison D. Morantz
The Failed Promise of Workplace Health Regulation
David C. Vladeck
Approaching Coal Mine Safety from a Comparative Law and Interdisciplinary Perspective
Anne Marie Lofaso
Joyce E. McConnell
Confronting the Appalachian Breakdown: Historic Preservation Law in Appalachia and the Potential Benefits of Historic Preservation for Rural Communities
Rebecca S. Schoen
Brennan v. Scalia, Justice or Jurisprudence? A Moderate Proposal
Travis A. Knobbe
"I Will Not Divulge": How to Resolve the "Mass of Legal Confusion" Surrounding the Physician-Patient Relationship in West Virginia
Mary Claire Johnson
What is So "Grand" About the West Virginia Grand Jury System? A Desperate Need for Reform After the Duek Lacrosse Rape Scandal
Nicholas James
Battered By Men, Bruised by Injustice: The Plight of Women Who Fight Back and the Need for the Battered Women Defense in West Virginia
Jeffrey M. Shawver
Judicial Hellholes, Lawsuit Climates and Bad Social Science: Lessons from West Virginia
Elizabeth G. Thornburg
Doubting Demaree: The Application of Ex Post Facto Principles to the United States Sentencing Guidelines After United States v. Booker
James R. Dillon
The 1994-'95 Baseball Strike and National Labor Relations Board: To the Precipice and Back Again
William B. Gould IV
The Unjust Exclusion of Gay Sperm Donors: Litigation Strategies to End Discrimination in the Gene Pool
Luke A. Boso
The Policy Power and "Pubic Use": Balancing the Public Interest Against Private Rights through Principled Constitutional Distinctions
Christopher Supino
Democracy and Tort Law in America: The Counter-Revolution
Christopher J. Roederer
Always Be Disclosing: The Prosecutor's Constitutional Duty to Divulge Inadmissible Evidence
Brian D. Ginsberg
Reflections on the Mirror Image Doctrine: Should the Federal Trade Commission Regulate False Advertising for Books Promising Wealth, Weight Loss, and Miraculous Cures?
Keith R. Fentonmiller
The Soft Power and Persuasion of Translations in the War on Terror: Words and Wisdom in the Transformation of Legal Systems
Donald J. Kochan
Is Public Reason Counterproductive?
Eduardo M. Peรฑalver
Religious v. Secular Ideologies and Sex Education: A Response to Professors Cahn and Carbone
Vivian E. Hamilton
Deep Purple: Religious Shades of Family Law
Naomi Cahn and June Carbone
Religious Exemptions and the Common Good: A Reply to Professor Carmella
Laura S. Underkuffler
Responsible Freedom Under the Religion Clauses: Exemptions, Legal Pluralism, and the Common Good
Angela C. Carmella
When Accommodations for Religion Violoate the Establishment Clause: Regularizing the Supreme Court's Analysis
Carl H. Esbeck
Establishment Clause Limits on Free Exercise Accommodations
Kent Greenawalt
The Establishment Clause and Religious Expression in Government Settings: Four Variables in Search of a Standard
Daniel O. Conkle
Uncivil Religion: Judeo-Christianity and the Ten Commandments
Frederick Mark Gedicks and Roger Hendrix
Why Student Religious Speech is Speech
John E. Taylor
Instruments of Accommodation: The Military Chaplaincy and the Constitution
Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle
Substantive Neutrality Revisited
Douglas Laycock
Life After the Establishment Clause
Steven G. Gey
Introduction to Symposium: The Religion Clauses in the 21st Century
William P. Marshall, Vivian E. Hamilton, and John E. Taylor
Dedication: Professor Steven G. Gey
Mary Claire Johnson, John E. Taylor, Vivian E. Hamilton, and William P. Marshall
This Land is Whose Land? The Feasibility of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in West Virginia's Land Use Planning Laws
Lori Schwartzmiller
Dead Man Talking: A Historical Analysis of West Virginia's Dead Man's Statute and a Recommendation for Reform
Wesley P. Page
De Facto Marriage in West Viginia: If the Court Recognizes the Relationship for Alimony, Why Not for Probate?
Lisa M. Gunno
A Small Step Forward: An Analysis of West Virginia's Attempt at Joint and Several Liability Reform
Michael P. Addair
The History of the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia
Forest J. Bowman Esq.
Localism and the West Virginia Constitution
Robert M. Bastress Jr.
The Ethical Mine Field: Corporate Internal Investigations and Individual Assertions of the Attorney-Client Privilege
Lawton P. Cummings
The Unseen Track of Erie Railroad: Why History and Jurisprudence Suggest a More Straightforward Form of Erie Analysis
Donald L. Doernberg
Americans and the Quest for an Ethical International Law
Mark Weston Janis
Double Jeopardy Law and the Separation of Powers
Alex Tsiatsos
The Downlow on Kelo: How an Expansive Interpretation of the Public Use Clause has Opened the Floodgates for Eminent Domain Abuse
Eric L. Silkwood
The Youngblood Success Stories: Overcoming the "Bad Faith" Destruction of Evidence Standard
Teresa N. Chen
Critiquing Crump: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Professor Crump's Model Laws of Homicide
Arnold H. Loewy
Thoughts on Professor Crump's Comparison of Traditional American Homicide Law and the Model Penal Code
Neil P. Cohen
A Taking Without Just Compensation? The Constitutionality of Amortization Provisions for Nonconforming Uses
Julie R. Shank
Separation of Powers and the Governor's Office in West Virginia: Advocating a More Deferential Approach to the Chief Executive From the Judiciary
Jason C. Pizatella
Piercing the Corporate Veil in West Virginia: The Extension of Laya to All Sophisticated Commercial Entities
J. Jarrod Jordan
A Tough Pill to Swallow: Does the First Amendment Prohibit WV From Regulating Pharmaceutical Companies' Advertising Expenses to Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs?
Brienne Taylor Greiner
Institutional Professionalism for Lawyers: Realizing the Virtues of Civic Professionalism
Steven K. Berenson
Robert C. Byrd and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals: An Addendum Respecting Judge Robert Bruce King
M. Blane Michael
Shaffer's Footnote 36
Arรญstides Dรญaz-Perosa
Freedom of the Press Box: Classifying High School Athletes under the Gertz Public Figure Doctrine
Jonathan Deem
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later: Double-Tapping under the Laws of War
Stephen W. Simpson
Rights, Rules, and Raich
Alex Kreit
Marshall, Marbury, and Mr. Byrd: America Unchecked and Imbalanced (Reviewing Losing America by Senator Robert C. Bryd)
Gerald G. Ashdown
Senator Robert C. Byrd, the Unsung Hero of Watergate
David A. Corbin
Robert C. Byrd and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
Robert Bruce King
The Power of History to Stir a Man's Blood: Senator Robert C. Byrd in the Line Item Veto Debate
M. Blane Michael
Market Impact in the Information Age: Protecting Hotel Owners from Hotel Management Companies
Charles S. Hale II
Protecting West Virginia's Public FORA: Criteria to Safeguard Our Rights of Expression
Melissa M. Rounds
Child's Play: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Crawford v. Washington in Child Abuse Prosecution
Matthew M. Staab
Small Hope Floats: How the Lower Courts Have Sunk the Right of Privacy
Stephanie D. Taylor
Excessive Compensation in Publicly Held Corporations: Is the Doctrine of Waste Still Applicable
John W. Murrey III
Undoing the Otherwise Perfect Crime-Applying Unjust Enrichment to Consumer Price-Fixing Claims
Daniel R. Karon
Confronting America's Ambivalence towards Same-Sex Marriage: A Legal and Policy Perspective
Justin R. Pasfield
Arbitration of Employer Violations of the West Virginia Human Rights Act: West Virginia Should Make Like Ants Marching and Continue Its Pursuit of Bliss
Nicholas S. Johnson
Constitutional Considerations for Local Government Reform in West Virginia
Robert M. Bastress Jr.
The Material-Fetal Conflict: The Right of a Woman to Refuse a Cesarean Section versus the State's Interest in Saving the Life of the Fetus
Daniel R. Levy Esq.
Allocating the Burden of Proof in Administrative and Judicial Proceedings under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Thomas A. Mayes, Perry A. Zirkel, and Dixie Snow Huefner
Private Practice, Public Profession: Convictions, Commitments, and the Availability of Counsel
Barry Sullivan
Adequate Drug Warnings in the Face of Uncertain Causality: The Learned Intermediary Doctrine and the Need for Clarity
Michael Imbroscio and Gabriel Bell
The One and the Many: Individual Rights, Corporate Rights and the Diversity of Groups
Bruce P. Frohnen
The Water Resources Protection Act and Its Impact on West Virginia Water Law
David M. Flannery, Blair D. Gardner, and Jeffrey R. Vining
Who Is the Corporation's Lawyer
Ethan S. Burger
Hate Crime Law in West Virginia
Paul R. Sheridan
Diversity: Denied, Deferred or Preferred
Carl G. Cooper
Brown v. Board of Education in West Virginia
Nelson R. Bickley
All Deliberate Speed: Brown's Past and Brown's Future
Charles J. Ogletree Jr.
Who Owns Coalbed Methane in West Virginia
S. Ryan White
Want Fries with That - A Critical Analysis of Fast Food Litigation
Donald R. Richardson
Yes, West Virginia, There Is a Special Priority for the Purchase Money Mortgage: The Recognition of Purchase Money Mortgage Priority in West Virginia
Abraham M. Ashton
If At First You Don't Succeed: A Critical Evaluation of Judicial Selection Reform Efforts
Amam McLeod
A Realistic Proposal for the Contract Duress Doctrine
Grace M. Giesel
Costs of Sovereignty
K. A.D. Camara
Holding Media Responsible for Deceptive Weight-Loss Advertising
Chester S. Galloway, Herbert Jack Rotfeld, and Jef I. Richards
Riner v. Newbraugh: The Role of Mediator Testimony in the Enforcement of Mediated Agreements
Joshua S. Rogers
Making a Statement without Saying a Word: What Implied Covenants Say When the Lease Is Silent on Post-Production Costs
R. Cordell Pierce
Judicial Elections in West Virginia: By the People, for the People or By the Powerful, for the Powerful - A Choice Must Be Made
Brian P. Anderson
The Generality of Law
Frederick Schauer
The Doctrine of Judicial Deference and the Independence of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
R. Henry Moore
West Virginia's Seemingly Eternal Struggle for Fiscally and Environmentally Adequate Coal Mining Reclamation Bonding Program
Craig B. Giffin
Workers' Compensation Litigation in West Virginia: Assessing the Impact of the Rule of Liberality and the Need for Fiscal Reform
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
This Land Is Your Land (Our Right to the Environment)
Victor B. Flatt
Unraveling Ring v. Arizona: Balancing Judicial Sentencing Enhancements with the Sixth Amendment in Capital Punishment Schemes
Daren S. Koudele
Closing Arguments in West Virginia: A Practitioner's Guide
Brian J. Headley
Bad Facts, Bad Law: Feliciano v. 7-Eleven, Inc. and Self-Defense as a Substantial Public Policy
Thomas H. Ewing
The Privacy Standards under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: A Practical Guide to Promote Order and Avoid Potential Chaos
Tamela J. While and Charlotte A. Hoffman
Water and Coal Mining in Appalachia: Applying the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 and the Clean Water Act
Robert E. Beck
Maintaining Instream Flow and Protecting Aquatic Habitat: Promise and Perils on the Path to Regulated Riparianism
Lee P. Breckenridge
Adapting Riparian Rights to the Twenty-First Century
Joseph W. Dellapenna
Water Law Reform in West Virginia: The Broader Context
A. Dan Tarlock
Bailey v. Norfolk & Western Railway Co.: Creating a Collateral Victim Doctrine under the West Virginia Human Rights Act
Brad C. Friend
The Ramifications of West Virginia's Codified Child Custody Law: A Departure from Garska v. McCoy
John D. Athey
Guardrails on the Information Superhighway: Supervising Computer Use of the Adjudicated Sex Offender
Brian W. McKay
What's a Mediator to Do - Adopting Ethical Guidelines for West Virginia Mediators
Madeleine H. Johnson
Time for a Change - The Kennewick Man Case and Its Implications for the Future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Ryan M. Seidemann
Dueling Democracies: Protecting Labor Representation Elections from Governmental Interference
John W. Tetter Jr.
Shared Responsibility: The Duty to Legal Externs
Kathleen Connolly Butler
What Constitutes a Substantial Public Policy in West Virgina for Purposes of Retaliatory Discharge: Making a Mountain out of a Molehill
Parween S. Mascari
If Due Process Is a Big Tent, Why Do Some Feel Excluded from the Big Top
William S. Mattingly
An Appeal in Good Faith: Does the Leon Good Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule Apply in West Virginia
Matthew A. Nelson
Response to Boyle's Comment
David Horowitz
Unsavory Black Insinuations: A Reply to David Boyle
David Horowitz
The Rehnquist Court and the Devolution of the Right to Privacy
Scott P. Johnson and Robert M. Alexander
The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material For Constitutional Interpretation
Seth Barrett Tillman
The Arbitrability of Side and Settlement Agreements in the Collective Bargaining Context
Richard A. Bales
West Virginia Takes Refuge in Troxel's Safe Harbor: State Ex Rel. Brandon L. v. Moats
Kristina Thomas Whiteaker
It's Hard to be a Human Being and a Lawyer: Young Attorneys and the Confrontation with Ethical Ambiguity in Legal Practice
Robert Granfield and Thomas Koenig Northeastern University
Socratic Ignorance: Once More into the Cave
James R. Beattie Jr.
Subordinate Lawyers and Insubordinate Duties
Douglas R. Richmond
Medical Professional Liability in West Virginia
Thomas J. Hurney Jr. and Rob J. Aliff Jackson Kelly PLLC
Government Hostility to Religion: How Misconstruction of the Establishment Clause Stifles Religious Freedom
Andrew R. Cogar
Terrorism and Weapons Detection Technology: Reevaluating the Reasonable Expectation of Privacy after 11 September 2001
Michael A. Menzel Jr.
Replacing a Solid Wall with a Chain-Link Fence: Special Relationship Analysis for Tort Recovery of Purely Economic Loss
Robert M. Stonestreet
Federal Criminal Prosecutions and the Right to Consular Notification under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention
Roberto Iraola
New York v. Belton and State Constitutional Doctrine
Eugene L. Shapiro
Not Quite Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: The Uncertain Future of Sense-Enhancing Technology in the Aftermath of United States v. Kyllo
Heather K. McShain
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Business Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Probate Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Constitutional Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Original Jurisdiction
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Appellate Jurisdiction
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Election Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
State and Local Government
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Insurance Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Administrative Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Civil Rights
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Contract Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Civil and Criminal Contempt Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Judicial Disciplinary Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Lawyer Disciplinary Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Juvenile Delinquency Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Property Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Domestic Relations
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Civil Procedure
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Criminal Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Criminal Procedure
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Introduction and Table of Contents
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
A Tribute to Thomas E. McHugh: An Encyclopedia of Legal Principles From His Opinions as a Justice of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Survey of Developments in the Law of West Virginia: 2001 Part One
J. Christopher Gardill, Ashley Wilkinson, G. Kurt Dettinger, Paul L. Frampton, Paul W. Gwaltney Jr., Tammy Clark, Parween S. Mascari, Amy Moats, Kristina Thomas, Michael A. Menzel Jr., and Matthew A. Nelson
By the Way - The Equal Protection Clause Has Always Protected a Class-of-One: An Examination of Village of Willowbrook v. Olech
David S. Cheval
Admitting Expert Testimony in Federal Courts and Its Impact on West Virginia Jurisprudence
Robin Jean Davis
Rehnquist's Renunciation - The Chief Justice's Constitutional Duty to Preside over Impeachment Trials
Michael F. Williams
German Reparations to the Herero Nation: An Assertion of Herero Nationhood in the Path of Namibian Development
Sidney L. Harring
Wired, Wonderful West Virginia - Electronic Signatures in the Mountain State
Robin C. Capehart and Mark A. Starcher
Digital Music Distribution via the Internet: Is It a Plantinum Idea or a One Hit Wonder
L. Kevin Levine
The Impact of Revised UCC Article 9 on the Law of Secured Transactions in West Virginia
Martha M. Nepa
Balancing States' Rights with Individual Rights: Tipping the Scales against the Rights of Non-Suspect Classes
Linda Carter Batiste
The Very Faithless Elector
Vasan Kesavan
Stare Decisis as a Constitutional Requirement
Thomas Healy
The Clintons' Legal Defense Fund: Income from Payment of Legal Expenses by Another and Deductibility of Such Expenses
John R. Dorocak
Carl M. Selinger, Teacher
Charles R. DiSalvo
Carl M. Selinger Dedication
John W. Fisher II
To Retain or Destroy--That is the Health Care Records Question
Christine L. Glover
Going, Going, Gone...The Opportunities and Legal Pitfalls of Online Surgical Auctions
Brian J. Caveney
The Taming of E-Health: Asserting U.S. Juridiction over Foreign and Domestic Websites
Melissa K. Cantrell
HIPAA Becomes Reality: Compliance with New Privacy, Security, and Electronic Transmission Standards
Mary Beth Johnson and Leighton Roper
Health Care, Technology and Federalism
Kevin Outterson
Cybermedicine and Virtual Pharmacies
Ronald L. Scott
E-Health: The Medical Frontier--Preface
Brian J. Caveney
So You Want to Ban Mountaintop Mining--You May Have to Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Stephanie Renรฉ Timmermeyer
Exhaustion Doctrine Should Not Be a Doctrine with Exceptions
Rebecca L. Donnellan
West Virginia's Antidegradation Policy for State Waters: From Theoretical Construct to Implementation Procedures
M. Ann Bradley and Joseph M. Dawley
Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ann Maxey
Floyd E. Boone
Common Law Tort Immunity for State Officials in West Virginia after the Parkulo v. West Virginia Board of Probation Decision
Grant P.H. Shuman
Slouching toward Barbarism--The Quest to Limit Partial Birth Abortion after Stenberg v. Carhart
Todd Goudy
Principles of Forum Selection
Antony L. Ryan
The Idea of the Common Law in West Virginia Jurisprudential History: Morningstar v. Black & Decker Revisited
James Audley McLaughlin
Recovery of Medical Monitoring Costs: An Argument for the Fund Mechanism in the Wake of Bower v. Westinghouse
Shannon L. Smith Wolfe
Hamilton v. Accu-Tek: Collective Liability for Handgun Manufacturers in the Criminal Misuse of Handguns
Colin K. Kelly
The Jurisprudence of Tradition and Justice Scalia's Unwritten Constitution
J. Richard Broughton
Fostering Mutual Respect and Cooperation between State Courts and State Legislatures: A Sound Alternative to a Tort Tug of War
Victor E. Schwartz, Mark A. Behrens, and Monica G. Parham
Wilson, v Layne: Bans Press with Police in the Home, but Leaves Media Ride-Alongs Intact
Kathy A. Brown
Employing Common Sense in West Virginia Trial Courts: Encouraging Juror Note-Taking and the Questioning of Witnesses by Jurors
Leslie Miller-Stover
Post Claim Underwriting
Thomas C. Cady and Georgia Lee Gates
Musing about Community, or Why is it Beter to be an American Grandparent Than a Cuban Father
Karen Syma Czapanskiy
Grandparent Visitation: Best Interests Test is Not in Child's Best Interests
Katharine T. Bartlett
Second Chances: Insuring that Poor Families Remain Intact by Minimizing Socioeconomic Ramification of Poverty
Cynthia R. Mabry
Changing the Law in Child Abuse and Neglect Proceedings: An Improvement on Improvement Periods
Morgan E. Persinger
Suffer the Little Children: Justifying Same-Sex Marriage from the Perspective of a Child of the Union
Lewis A. Silverman
The Reawakening of Marriage
Raymond C. O'Brien
From Property to Personhood: What the Legal System Should do for Children in Family Violence Cases
Leigh Goodmark
United States v. Emerson: The Second Amendment as an Individual Right--Time to Settle the Issue
Scott A. Henderson
The Politics of the Clinton Impeachment and the Death of the Independent Counsel Statute: Toward Depoliticization
Marjorie Cohn
The Same Actor Inference: A Mechanism for Employment Discrimination
Jennifer R. Taylor
Vandevender v. Sheetz, Inc.: A Closer Look at the Framework for Review of Punitive Damages Awards
William B. Hicks
Deliberate Intention Claims Based on Third-Party Criminal Acts: Blake v. John Skidmore Truck Stop, Inc.
Philip R. Strauss
Confusion Reigns Supreme: The United States Supreme Court's Refusal to Grant Certiorari in L.R. Willson and Sons, Inc. v. OSHRC Perpetuates the Split among Circuits in OSHA Employee Misconduct Cases
Heather Malone Garrison
Public Rights in West Virginia Watercourses: A Unique Legacy of Virginia Common Lands and the Jus Publicum of the English Crown
Larry W. George
The Restatement Third, Torts: Products Liability: Progress or a Radical Departure for West Virginia
J. Zachary Zatezalo
Willis v. Wal-Mart: Same-Sex Sexual Harassment is a Recognized Claim in West Virginia
Rochelle L. Brightwell
Heteronormativity and Federal Tax Policy
Nancy J. Knauer
Health Care Surrogate Statutes: Ethics Pitfalls Threaten the Interests of Incompetent Patients
Aaron N. Krupp
The Law of Insurance Company Claim Misconduct in West Virginia
Thomas C. Cady, Amy Andrews, Daniel Cuppett, Mark Glover, and Mary Loss
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Constitutional Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Appellate Procedure
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Election Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Corporate Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Insurance Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Administrative Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Civil Rights
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Contract Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Negotiable Instrument Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Judicial Disciplinary Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Lawyer Disciplinary Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Juvenile Delinquency Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Property Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Domestic Relations
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Civil Procedure
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Criminal Law
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Criminal Procedure
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Introduction and Table of Contents
Robin Jean Davis and Louis J. Palmer Jr.
Chemical Castration: Constitutional Issues of Due Process, Equal Protection, and Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Linda Beckman
The American Adversary System
William T. Pizzi
Introduction: Adding a Comparative Perspective to American Criminal Procedure Classes
Albert W. Alschuler
Comparative Law Symposium: Is There a European Advantage in Criminal Procedure: Preface
Carl M. Selinger
An Overview of the Ownership and Control Rule under the West Virginia Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Act
Charles Saffer
Regulatory Violations in the Mining Industry: Mountaintop Removal Mine Valley Fills Violate the Federal Clean Water Act
Jeffery W. Lilly
Ownership of Coalbed Methane Gas: Recent Developments in Case Law
Michelle D. Baldwin
Asset Purchases, Successor Liability, and Insurance Coverage: Does the Tail Always Follow the Dog
Albert Bates Jr. IV, D. Matthew Jameson III, and Bren J. Pomponio
Black Lung Update: The Evolution of the Current Regulations and the Proposed Revolution
William S. Mattingly
Hiding behind the Corporate Veil: Employer Abuse of the Corporate Form to Avoid or Deny Workers' Collectively Bargained and Statutory Rights
Grant Crandall, Sarah J. Starrett, and Douglas L. Parker
Self v. Queen: Retaining Eighteenth Century Feudalistic Jurisprudence to Determine a Landowner's Duty of Care
Thomas S. Kleeh
Preserving a Place for the Past in Our Future: A Survey of Historic Preservation in West Virginia
Megan M. Carpenter
West Virginia Landlord and Tenant Law: A Proposal for Legislative Reform
Richard L. Costella and Christopher S. Morris
Bad Witches: A Cut on the Clitoris with the Instruments of Institutional Power and Politics
Joan R. Tarpley
Holsten v. Massey: The Coexistence of the Public Duty Doctrine and the Governmental Tort Claims and Insurance Reform Act
Stephanie M. Bonnett
Mental Health Experts on Trial: Free Will and Determinism in the Courtroom
Ronald J. Rychlak and Joseph F. Rychlak
Coming out in West Virginia: Child Custody and Visitation Disputes Involving Gay Or Lesbian Parents
Jeffery L. Hall
The Evolution of Restrictive Covenants in West Virginia
John W. Fisher II
West Virginia Corporate Law: Is It "Broke"?
Debra R. Cohen
Comments Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the West Virginia Law Review
David C. Hardesty Jr.
Introduction to Volume 100 of the West Virginia Law Review
John W. Fisher II
Limiting Lawyer Liability in West Virginia
Michael T. Escue
Substantially Prevailed Damages: Fee Shifting in West Virginia Insurance Law
Richard L. Costella
The Current Assault on Constitutional Rights and Civil Liberties: Origins and Approaches
Nadine Strossen
Separation of Powers, State Constitutions & the Attorney General: Who Represents the State
Patrick C. McGinley
Can You Lie to the Government and Get Away with It--The Exculpatory-No Defense under 18 U.S.C. 1001
Stephen Michael Everhart
West Virginia Takes a Step Backward in Elective Share Law
Bruce L. Stout and Audy M. Perry Jr.
Creditors of a Joint Tenant: Is There a Lien after Death
John W. Fisher II
Some Green for Some Green in West Virginia: An Overview of the West Virginia Conservation and Preservation Easements Act
Ryan Christopher Anderson
Confusion in Regulating Coal Mine Water Pollution: Regulatory Overlap in SMCRA and the CWA
Brian Peterson
Town & Country Electric, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board: Salts: We're Employees--What Happens Now
Kenneth N. Dickens
Worth Its Weight in Gold: Legal Analysis of the Current Appraisal of Coal Property in West Virginia
Ryan J. Morgan
Oil and Gas Regulatory Considerations for Coal, Oil and Gas Operators in West Virginia: Selected Issues
William H. Hill III
The Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Act--West Virginia Restructures Environmental Liability
M. Ann Bradley and David L. Yaussy
Mergers in Western Coal Markets: Conforming Antitrust Analysis to the New Reality
Mark A. Glick, David G. Mangum, and Raymond J. Etcheverry
To Recover Or Not to Recover: A State by State Survey of Fetal Wrongful Death Law
Jill D. Washburn Helbling
After Farley v. Sartin: The Consequences of Declaring a Nonviable Fetus a Person for the Purpose of Wrongful Death
Stacie L. Lude
Whitner v. State: Expanding Child Abuse and Endangerment Laws to Protect Viable Fetuses from Prenatal Substance Abuse
Stephanie Hainer Ojeda
A Practical View of Farley v. Sartin
Thomas J. Hurney Jr.
Criminal Discovery and Psychological Defenses in West Virginia: Squeezing a Lemon or Kicking a Dog
J. Robert Russell
Government Antitrust Enforcement in the Health Care Markets: The Regulators Need an Update
Gordon H. Copland and Pamela E. Hepp
Legislative and Judicial Controls of Contingency Fees in Tort Cases
Stephen D. Annand and Roberta F. Green
A Royalty Pain in the Gas: What Costs May Be Properly Deducted from a Gas Royalty Interest
Robert S. Raynes Jr.
The Legality of Designating a Union Representative as the Miners' Walkaround Representative at a Non-Unionized Mine
Christian J. Helbing
North Star Steel Company v. Thomas: Time for Warning
Vanessa Zyla Goddard
The Allocation of Authority under the Mine Act: Is the Authority to Decide Questions of Policy Vested in the Secretary of Labor or in the Review Commission
W. Christian Schumann
Where Do We Go from Here: The Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act--Past, Present, and Future
Sam Kalen
Farley v. Sartin: Viability of a Fetus No Longer Required for Wrongful Death Liability
Robin C. Hewitt
For Better or Worse: The Federalization of Domestic Violence
Michelle W. Easterling
Federalism and the Judicial Function: A Cutting Edge amidst Professions of Restraint
Donald E. Lively
The Defunding of the Post Conviction Defense Organizations as a Denial of the Right to Counsel
Roscoe C. Howard Jr.
Lopez and the Federalization of Criminal Law
Russell L. Weaver
Federalism, Federalization, and the Politics of Crime
Gerald G. Ashdown
The Federalism Pendulum
Ronald J. Bacigal
West Virginia University v. Decker: The Future of Age Discrimination in West Virginia
Sophie E. Zdatny
International Justice and International Law
Lea Brilmayer
West Virginia's Very Own Celotex Trilogy: A Series of Recent Opinions by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia Reveals That the Rumors of Rule 56's Death Were Greatly Exaggerated
Rodney L. Bean and Sean P. McGinley
The Amended and Reenacted Delinquent and Nonentered Land Statutes--The Title Examination Ramifications
Robert L. Shuman and Robert Louis Shuman
The Fourth Circuit's Baby K Decision: Plain Language Does Not Make Good Law
David Zell Myerberg M.D.
The Wall Crumbles: A Look at the Establishment Clause Rosenberger v. Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia
Paul L. Hicks
The Illusion of Due Process in West Virginia's Property Tax Appeals System: Making the Constitution's Promise a Reality
Michael E. Caryl
Developments in West Virginia's Insurance Bad Faith Law--Where Do We Go from Here
Thomas V. Flaherty, Rebecca L. Ross, Michael D. Sullivan, and Charles T. Blair
History, Jurisdiction, and the Federal Courts: Changing Contexts, Selective Memories, and Limited Imagination
Judith Resnik
Assessing Fairness in Workers' Compensation Reform: A Commentary on the 1995 West Virginia Workers' Compensation Legislation
Emily A. Spieler
One Kind of Legacy: Judge Sprouse's Law Clerks
Geraldine Szott Moohr
Judge James M. Sprouse
Forest J. Bowman
James M. Sprouse
J. Harvie Wilkinson III
Gentleman Jim
J. Dickson Phillips Jr.
Tribute to Judge Sprouse
Francis D. Murnaghan Jr.
Tribute for the Honorable James M. Sprouse
Sam J. Ervin III
Subjacent Support: A Right Afforded to Surface Estates Alone
Robert Louis Shuman
Is the Doctor Hostile--Obstructive Impairments and the Hostility Rule in Federal Black Lung Claims
Timothy F. Cogan
Administrative and Private Searches for Smoking Articles Conducted Pursuant to the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act: Constitutional Considerations
David J. Hardy and Maris E. McCambley
Coal Royalty Valuation: The Federal Perspective
Bruce E. McGee
West Virginia Child Support Guidelines: The Melson Formula
Charles T. Berry
Bitter Battles: The Use of Psychological Evaluations in Child Custody Disputes in West Virginia
Alison Richey McBurney
Portia's Daughters: The Role of the Individual Litigant in Developing European Community Sex Discrimination Law
Holly Cullen and Andrew Charlesworth
Exclusion to Emancipation: A Comparative Analysis of Women's Citizenship in Australia and the United States 1869-1921
Linda J. Kirk
West Virginia's Pioneer Women Lawyers
Teree E. Foster and Sandra M. Fallon
W Stories: Women in Leadership Positions in the Judiciary
Deanell Reece Tacha
Women and the Law: A Century of Achievement
Mary Beth Nolan
Rethinking the West Virginia Municipal Code of 1969
Willard D. Lorensen
West Virginia's Automobile Insurance Policy Laws: A Practitioner's Guide
Thomas C. Cady and Christy Hardin Smith
A Tribute to Justice Thomas B. Miller
Ancil G. Ramey
West Virginia Trade Secrets in the 21st Century: West Virginia's Uniform Trade Secrets Act
Lisa A. Jarr
Simplifying the Law in Medical Malpractice: The Use of Practice Guidelines as the Standard of Care in Medical Malpractice Litigation
Sam A. McConkey IV
The West Virginia Limited Liability Company Act: Time for a Change
Noel P. Brock CPA
Shareholders' Preemptive Rights in West Virginia
Lori A. Dawkins
Consolidated Environmental Regulation in West Virginia
David M. Flannery, Kathy G. Beckett, and Michael P. McThomas
Prosecutorial Discretion under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: Is the Fox Guarding the Hen House
William J. Powell and Michael T. Cimino
If Judgment Creditors Cannot Set Asunder a Debtor Spouse's Interest in the Marital Home, What Can They Do
John W. Fisher II
BFP v. Resolution Trust Corporation: Supreme Court Shifts Focus onto State Law in Ruling on Mortgage Foreclosure Sales
Audy M. Perry Jr.
Guns for Hire, Commercial Speech and Tort Liability: Making a Case for Preserving First Amendment Free Speech Rights
Stephen T. Raptis
Batterers Beware: West Virginia Responds to Domestic Violence with the Probable Cause Warrantless Arrest Statute
Toni L. Harvey
Public Law from the Bottom Up
William N. Eskridge Jr.
Drug Testing College Athletes: NCAA Does Thy Cup Runneth Over
Stephen F. Brock, Kevin M. McKenna, and Rhett Traband
Cart v. Marcum: The Discovery Rule as an Exception to the Statute of Limitations in West Virginia
James R. Leach
A Survivor's Guide to Law School
Erik M. Jensen
Equity as the Basis of Implementing Sustainability: An Exploratory Essay
Robert W. Collin and Robin Morris Collin
A New Approach to Expanding Resources for Environmental Justice: The Professor-in-Residency
M. Casey Jarman and Luke W. Cole
Large Binocular Telescopes, Red Squirrel Pinatas, and Apache Sacred Mountains: Decolonizing Environmental Law in a Multicultural World
Robert A. Williams Jr.
Environmental Law, Environmental Justice, and Democracy
William A. Shutkin and Charles P. Lord
Doing Environmental Justice in Appalachia: Lawyers at the Grassroots and the Aspiration of Social Change
Dean Hill Rivkin
Environmental Justice/Racism/Equity: Can We Talk
Marc R. Poirier
Following up the AALS Symposium: An Environmental Justice Network
Charlie Lord, Zygmunt Plater, and William Shutkin
Market Dynamics and the Siting of LULUs: Questions to Raise in the Classroom about Existing Research
Vicki Been
Environmental Racism and Invisible Communities
Robert D. Bullard
Environmental Justice and the Teaching of Environmental Law
Richard Lazarus
Environmental Injustice and Racism: Making the Connection in Classrooms and Courtrooms
Patrick C. McGinley
Environmental Justice: A Growing Union
John Douglas Moore
Digging Up New Revenue: Retrospective Estate Taxation and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
Michael George
Mine Safety and Health: A Formula for Continued Success
J. Davitt McAteer
Federal Black Lung Update
William S. Mattingly
Walkaround Rights for Miners' Representative under MSHA: A Compatible Statutory Scheme
Robert H. Stropp Jr.
Meeting the Challenge at the Mines: The Americans with Disabilities Act
Susan E. Chetlin and Mark E. Baker
Restoring Balance to Collective Bargaining: Prohibiting Discrimination against Economic Strikers
William D. Turner
Fire in the Hole to Longwall Shears: Old Law Applied to New Technology and Other Longwall Mining Issues
J. Thomas Lane
Refunding Residential Tenant Security Deposits: A Legislative Proposal for West Virginia
Billie L. Snyder
Free Speech on College Campuses: Protecting the First Amendment in the Marketplace of Ideas
Melanie A. Moore
Hinerman v. Gazette: A Pro-Victim Shift in West Virginia Libel Law
Carole Lewis Bloom
Lex, Lies, and Audiotape
David R. Fine
Environmental Justice in Rural Communities
Robert B. Wiygul, Sharon Carr Harrington, and Florence T. Robinson
The Lawyer's Duty of Public Service: More Than Charity
Tigran W. Eldred and Thomas Schoenherr
Project Challenge: Pro Bono Opportunity in Private Corporate Practice
Wendy E.D. Smith and Cheryl J. Terai
Righting the Law: Seeking a Humane Voice
john a. powell
Personal Reflections of a Life in Public Interest Law: From the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice to Appalred
John M. Rosenberg
Practicing Public Interest Law in a Private Public Interest Law Firm: The Ideal Setting to Challenge the Power
Debra S. Katz and Lynne Bernabei
Practicing Public Interest Law: Minority Voices in a Dominant Culture
Charles R. DiSalvo
Robinson Crusoe Torts
Carl M. Sellinger
Is There a Law of Federal Courts
Gene R. Nichol
Laying Claim: A Practitioner's Guide to Will Contests in West Virginia
Christopher J. Winton and Mark W. Kelley
Statutory Reform Revisited: Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of the New Law of Intestate Succession and Elective Share
John W. Fisher II
Rationing Firearms Purchases and the Right to Keep Arms: Reflections on the Bills of Rights of Virginia, West Virginia, and the United States
Stephen P. Halbrook
Post-Trial Interviews with Jurors: An Absence of Regulation in West Virginia
Pamela M. Smoljanovich
Prosecuting Child Sexual Abuse: A Survey of Evidentiary Modifications in West Virginia
Kelley L. Brown
Hedonic Damages: To Value a Life or Not to Value a Life
Douglas L. Price
Tax Update: The 1993 West Virginia Legislature
Harry Preston Henshaw III
Workplace Injury Litigation
Scott S. Segal, Jeffrey V. Mehalic, and Mark R. Staun
Hospital Liability in West Virginia
Thomas J. Hurney Jr.
Determining the Appropriate Time Limitations on Attorney Malpractice Lawsuits in West Virginia: A Brief Overview
Vincent Paul Cardi
Recent Cases
David C. Jenkins
Rum Creek Coal Sales, Inc. v. Caperton: The Fourth Circuit Preempts West Virginia's Neutrality Statute
Kelly R. Reed
The Inclusion of Externalities in Electric Generation Resource Planning: Coal in the Crossfire
Richard D. Gary and Michael L. Teague
Potential Criminal Liability in the Coal Fields under the Clean Water Act: A Defense Perspective
Webster J. Arceneaux III
Criminal Enforcement of the Clean Water Act in the Coal Fields: United States v. Law and beyond
Phillip B. Scott and S. Benjamin Bryant
Rights of Mine Access for Miners' Representatives: Has a Walk around the Mine Become a Run around the Law
Rosemary M. Collyer and J. Michael Klise
Dedication to E. Ann Compton Keel
Frank W. Volk
Recent Cases - Domestic Relations
Denese Venza
R.A.V. v. St. Paul: The Debate over the Constitutionality of Hate Crime Laws Ends; Or Is This Just the Beginning
Joseph E. Starkey Jr.
Facilities Review Panel v. Coe: The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Adopts an Objective Approach to Deciding Pretrial Detention of Accused Juveniles
Elizabeth S. Lawton
Reflections on an Era
Benjamin L. Hooks
Injured Workers, Workers' Compensation, and Work: New Perspectives on the Workers' Compensation Debate in West Virginia
Emily A. Spieler
Personal Memories of and a Tribute to Ralph J. Bean
John W. Fisher II
Modern Technology and the Conflict between Copyright and Free Speech: The Application of Copyright Law to Television Newscasts
James A. Wells
The Validity of Anit-Stacking Language in Automobile Insurance Policies in West Virginia--Application Is Limited by Public Policy
James C. Stebbins
The Uniform Statutory Rule against Perpetuities: Taming the Technicality-Ridden Legal Nightmare
John D. Moore
The AALS Sexual Orientation Policy: The Argument against Barring Military Recruiters from Law School Campuses
Christopher R. McDowell
Thin Copyrights
Dale P. Olson
The 1990 Uniform Probate Code's Elective-Share Provisions--West Virginia's Enactment Paves the Way
Patricia J. Roberts
Hospital Liability Related to Understaffing of Nursing Services: Walking the Fine Line between Respondeat Superior and Corporate Negligence
Carmen D. Rasmussen
Dimarco v. Lynch Homes-Chester County, Inc.: How Far Should West Virginia Go in Extension of Physician Liability for Transmission of Communicable Disease
Rebecca Coffield Moore
Criminal Prosecution of Workplace Safety Violations
Michael T. Cimino
Federal Prosecution of State and Local Public Officials: The Obstacles to Punishing Breaches of the Public Trust and a Proposal for Reform, Part Two
Michael W. Carey, Larry R. Ellis, and Joseph F. Savage Jr.
The Citizen-Soldier under Federal and State Law
James Biser Whisker
A Practical Guide to Statutory Interpretation Today
William L. Reynolds
Advance Medical Directives in West Virginia, Part Two
Gordon H. Copland
Advance Medical Directives in West Virginia, Part One
Irene M. Keely
America's Health Care System: Condition Critical
John D. Rockefeller IV
Legal Issues Surrounding Preemployment Physical Examinations in the Coal Industry
Daniel L. Stickler and Albert F. Sebok
Federal Black Lung Update: The Standard of Disability Causation for Federal Black Lung Benefits
Willaim S. Mattingley and Martin E. Hall
West Virginia's New Workers' Compensation Anti-Discrimination Provision: The Road to Court is Paved with Good Intentions
Bryan R. Cokeley
Unlocking the Fire: A Proposal for Judicial or Legislative Determination of the Ownership of Coalbed Methane
Jeff L. Lewin, Hema J. Siriwardane, Samuel J. Ameri, and Syd S. Peng
ERISA: Anti-Alienation Superiority in Bankruptcy
George Lee Flint Jr.
Federal Prosecution of State and Local Public Officials: The Obstacles to Punishing Breaches of the Public Trust and a Proposal for Reform, Part One
Michael W. Carey, Larry R. Ellis, and Joseph F. Savage Jr.
Rust v. Sullivan: The Supreme Court Upholds the Title X Abortion-Counseling Gag Rule
Scott E. Johnson
Mandatory HIV Testing of Rape Defendants: Constitutional Rights are Sacrificed in a Vain Attempt to Assist the Victim
Raymond S. Franks
Glasnost and Perestroika at West Virginia University: The College of Law's Soviet Exchange Program
Donald G. Gifford
Equal Protection and Minimum Social Benefits: An Addendum to Professor West's Abolitionist Theory
Carl M. Selinger
Conflict of Laws: The New Approach to Choice of Law: Justice in Search of Certainty, Part Two
James Audley McLaughlin
A Free Market Analysis of the Effects of Medical Malpractice Damage Cap Statutes: Can We Afford to Live with Inefficient Doctors
Franklin D. Cleckley and Govind Hariharan
Tribute to a Champion: Thurgood Marshall
Robert M. Bastress and Franklin D. Cleckley
Maternal Drug Use During Pregnancy as Child Neglect or Abuse
Ellen L. Townsend
Constructive Discharge: A Suggested Standard for West Virginia and Other Jurisdictions
Mark W. Kelley
Insider Preference Recovery against Non-Insider Creditors
Thomas E. Johnston
Current Status of the Traditional Duty of the Attorney to Serve without Compensation upon Court Appointment
Henry M. Hills
Conflict of Laws: The Choice of Law Lex Loci Doctrine, the Beguiling Appeal of a Dead Tradition, Part One
James Audley McLaughlin
A Contrasting View of the Effect of Foreign Competition on Labor Unionism in the United States
Charles R. Greer and Robert T. Rhodes
Labor in the Era of Multinationalism: The Crisis in Bargained-For Fringe Benefits
Staughton Lynd and Alice Lynd
The Single Owner Revisited: A Brief Reply to Professor Lewin
Richard A. Epstein
Whose Values are Protected by Environmental Regulation--A Response to Professor Epstein
Jeff L. Lewin
Regulation--and Contract--in Environmental Law
Richard A. Epstein
United States Department of Labor v. Triplett: Black Lung Claimants will Continue to Suffer from a Lack of Legal Representation
Robert A. Campbell
The Endangered Species Act: A Comprehensive Evaluation for the Coal Industry
John A. MacLeod, Thomas C. Mean, and Thomas R. Lunquist
Proposals for Funding United Mine Workers of America Retiree Health Benefits: The Constitutional Dimensions
John R. Woodrum and Larry P. Rothman
Criminal Liability for Environmental Law Violations by Coal Operators
Robert D. Fluharty and Robert E. Lannan
A Study of Coal Arbitration under the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement between 1975- and 1990
Calvin William Sharpe
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: An Innovative, but Uncertain Approach to Acid Rain Control
Robert C. Byrd
Judicially Imposed Liquor Liability and Developments in West Virginia Negligence Actions
R. Scott Summers
King v. Kayak Manufacturing Corporation: Comparative Assumption of Risk in West Virginina
Daniel W. Greear
Civil Disobedience and Civil RICO: Anti-Abortionists as Racketeers
Patricia G. Barnes
Battered Spouses' Section 1983 Damage Actions against the Unreponsive Police after Deshaney
James T.R. Jones
Premarital Wills and Pretermitted Children: West Virginia Law v. Revised Uniform Probate Code
Elma M. Reed
Emergency Medical Care for Indigents: All Hospitals Must Provide Stabilizing Treatment or Pay the Price
James P. McHugh
Reforming the Law of Interstate Succession and Elective Shares: New Solutions to Age-Old Problems
John W. Fisher II and Scott A. Curnutte
A Modest Proposal: A Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege for West Virginia
Franklin D. Cleckley
A Response to Colombian Coal Imports: The Path to New Competitiveness for the U.S. Coal Industry
Paul Sarahan
Attorney's Fees under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977: A Primer
E. Ann Compton Keel
Article II of the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1988: Contractual Antecedents and Current Issues
Ronald E. Meisburg
Do Waivers of Support and Damage Authorize Full Extraction Mining
Timothy W. Gresham and Monroe Jamison
Reopenings and Modifications in West Virginia Workers' Compensation Claims: A Practitioner's Guide
Bradley A. Crouser
Federal Black Lung Update
Allen R. Prunty and Mark E. Solomons
Private Mining Law in the 1980's: The Last Ten Years and Beyond
Cyril A. Fox jr.
National Collegiate Athletic Ass'n v. Tarkanian: Viewing State Action through the Analytical Looking Glass
Stephen R. VanCamp
Judging the Judges: Three Opinions
James Boyd White
Death by Lottery--Procedural Bar of Constitutional Claims in Capital Cases Due to Inadequate Representation of Indigent Defendants
Stephen B. Bright
The Conflict Concerning Expert Witnesses and Legal Conclusions
Charles W. Ehrhardt
Clearly Erroneous: The Fourth Circuit's Decision to Uphold Removal of a State-Bar Disciplinary Proceeding under the Federal-Officer Removal Statute
Franklin D. Cleckley
Case Digests: West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Decisions, 1988-1989
Robert V. Leydon and Gary S. Wigal
Are States Free to Pirate Copyrighted Materials and Infringe Patents--Pennsylvania v. Union Gas May Mean They Are Not
Susan C. Hill
Preventing Spousal Disinheritance: An Equitable Solution
Scott A. Curnutte
Nelson v. Logan Motor Sales, Inc.: Providing Damages for Breach of the Implied Warranty of Merchantability
Chad A. Cicconi
Forum Non Conveniens: A Case Management Tool for Comprehensive Environmental Insurance Coverage Actions
Peter J. Kalis and Thomas M. Reiter
Beyond the Best Interest of the Child: The Primary Caretaker Doctrine in West Virginia
Dan O'Hanlon and Margaret Workman
Stanford v. Kentucky: Upholding Juvenile Capital Punishment--A Confirmation of Society's Evolving Standards of Decency
Jeffery L. Robinette
An Abused Child's Right to Life, Liberty, and Property in the Home: Constitutional Approval of State Inaction
Michael J. Florio
The Effect of Superfund Liability on Property Owners
Michael A. Bell
Eminent Domain, Police Power, and Business Regulation: Economic Liberty and the Constitution
Philip P. Houle
Gaining Access to the Jury: A Critical Guide to the Law of Jury Selection in West Virginia, Part Two
Charles R. DiSalvo
Men Who Lived As Well As Taught the Law: A Dedication to Professor Londo Brown, Professor Henry Collins, and Professor Marlyn Lugar
Forest J. Bowman
Case Digests: West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Decisions, 1988
Gregory Vincent Smith and Matthew Victor
Sexual Molestation within America's Parishes and Congregations; Should the Church be Thy Priest's Keeper
Stephanie D. Young
The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1989 and Other Tax Changes Made by the 1989 West Virginia Legislature
Harry Preston Henshaw III
State Takeover Laws, Insider Trading, and the Interplay between the Two: A New Perspective
Christopher J. Bebel and Kenneth C. Vert
Paul Selby as Dean, 1964-72
Carl M. Selinger
Paul Selby: Coal Industry Labor Arbitrator
Stephen B. Goldberg
Procedural Provisions for Permanent Program Permit Applications
Walter F. Schellin
Petitions for Modification of MSHA Safety Standards: Process, Problems and a Proposal for Reform
Timothy M. Biddle, Thomas C. Means, and Susan E. Chetlin
The Debate over the Adequacy of the United States Approach to Acid Deposition: The Electric Utility Industry Perspective
Michael L. Teague, Maida O. Lerner, Mel S. Schulze, and Norman W. Fichthorn
Acid Rain: A Decade of Footdragging May Be Coming to an End
J. Wallace Malley Jr.
The Steelworkers' Trilogy and the Coal Miners' Trilogy: Is Discrimination an Exception to the Rule
Steven P. McGowan and Robert J. Schiavoni
The Federal Black Lung Program: Its Evolution and Current Issues
Allen R. Prunty and Mark E. Solomons
McGuire v. Farley: The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Takes a Step toward Equal Protection for the Unwed Father
David E. Thompson
California v. Greenwood: A Trashing of the Fourth Amendment
Richard H. Taylor
Computer Crime in West Virginia: A Statutory Proposal
Jeffry A. Pritt
The Latest Battle in the Revolution of Attorney Advertising: A Step Too Far
Elizabeth Frasher Pagani
New York State Club Association v. City of New York: Private Club Sex Discrimination
Isabelle Mouysset
Coffman v. West Virginia Board of Regents: A Case of Handicap Discrimination, No Transfer Required
Michele W. Good
Admission and Reinstatement of Felons to the Bar: West Virginia and the General Rule
Leonard Copeland
State v. Buckner and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in West Virginia
Michael O. Callaghan
Training Future Lawyers to Work with the Politically and Socially Subordinated: Anti-Generic Legal Education
Gerald P. Lรณpez
Joint Tenancy in West Virginia: A Progressive Court Looks at Traditional Property Rights
John W. Fisher II
Gaining Access to the Jury: A Critical Guide to the Law of Jury Selection in West Virginia
Charles R. DiSalvo
Case Digests: The Law of Higher Education in West Virginia
Deborah L. Miller and Paul L. Weber
Women in Non-Traditional Fields and Feminism: An Uneasy Connection
Carroll Wetzel Wilkinson carroll.wilkinson@mail.wvu.edu
Sexism, Language, and the Law
Mary Ellen Griffith
Nursing Malpractice--The Nurse's Duty to Follow Orders
Barbara R. Benninger
Corporate Crime Under Attack
D. Christopher Wells
Implied Contracts and Creating a Corporate Tort, One Way State and Local Government Are Starting to Fight Plant Closings
J. Bradley Russell
Spousal Property Rights--'Til Death Do They Part
John W. Fisher II
Beware the Solutions
H. Lee Sarokin
Environmental Liabilities Not Bankruptable: A Look at the State of West Virginia's Agreement with DLM Coal Corp.
John R. McGhee Jr.
Proposed Nonproduction or Excess Acreage Tax: Viable Revenue Source or Unconstitutional Property Tax
Ellen R. Archibald
Labor Law Successorship under the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement and the Union's Campaign for Job Security
Thomas P. Geis and Ward L. Smith
Substance Testing vs. Workers' Rights: Litigation and Collective Bargaining Strategies to Protect the Private-Sector Employee
Deborah Stern and James L. Weeks
Modification of Pension Fund Contributions during the Term of a Collective Agreement: The 1987 Employment and Economic Security Pact
Jonathan D. Schiller and Robert C. Bell Jr.
Federal Coal Royalty Reduction and Product Valuation
David B. Pariser
The Controlled Group Rule for Purposes of the Withdrawl Liability Provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
Israel Goldowitz and Thomas S. Gigot
Controlled Group Liability under the Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act: Liability without Limit
John R. Woodrum and Timothy B. McBride
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals Decision, 1986-1987
Patrick Harton, Susan M. Robinson, and Bruce Stanley
Summary Seizure of Personalty to Satisfy Delinquent Taxes: The Predictable Death of West Virginia's Distraint Statute
Susan B. Saxe
Municipal Compliance with the Clean Water Act
Jeffrey D. Robertson
Aesthetic Regulation: A New General Rule
Michael Pace
Excessive Fees and Attorney Discipline: The Committee on Legal Ethics v. Tatterson
Cassandra M. Neely
Paul v. National Life, Lex Loci Delicti and the Modern Rule: A Difference without Distinction
Vernon A. (Bo) Melton Jr.
A Proposal for West Virginia: Admissibility of Seat Belt Evidence on the Issue of Mitigation Damages
Michelle Lafond
Price v. Halstead--Passengers Held Civilly Liable for Aiding and Abetting an Intoxicated Driver
Joseph J. John
The New Small Business Credit and Other Changes to Tax Incentives for Business Development in West Virginia
Harry Preston Henshaw III
Rule 11 Sanctions in State and Federal Courts in West Virginia
Thomas J. Hurney Jr. and W. Scott Campbell
Public Purpose, Law, and Economics: J. R. Commons and the Institutional Paradigm Revisited
James B. Zimarowski
Treating Crazy People Less Specially
Stephen J. Morse
A Synthesis and a Proposal for Reform of the Employment At-Will Doctrine
Robert M. Bastress
The Foundations of the Right to Die
Peggy L. Collins
Federalism: The Founders' Design
Jeremy M. Miller
A Discussion of the Movement to Desecularize Public Education
Deborah L. McHenry
Trimming the Ivy: A Bicentennial Re-Examination of the Establishment Clause
William C. Porth and Robert P. George
In Celebration of Constitutional Kindness: Soft Symbolism in a Hard Shell
James Audley McLaughlin
The New Federalism in West Virginia
Thomas B. Miller
The Due Process Clause and the Commerce Clause: Two New and Easy Tests for Nexus in Tax Cases
Thomas E. McHugh and R. Michael Reed
The Role of Original Intent in Reading a Two Hundred Year Old Constitution
Darrell V. McGraw Jr. and Elizabeth L. Crittenden
A Case of Treasonous Interpretation
W. T. Brotherton Jr.
Women and Poverty
Marie Ashe
The Right of Who to Bear What, When, and Where--West Virginia Firearms Law v. The Right-to-Bear-Arms Amendment
James W. McNeely
Hazardous Waste--The Oil and Gas Exception
David M. Flannery and Robert E. Lannan
Classifying Marital and Separate Property--Combinations and Increase in Value of Separate Property
Joan M. Krauskopf
Forfeited and Delinquent Lands--The Unresolved Constitutional Issue
John W. Fisher II
International Law and the United States' Air Operation against Libya
Christopher J. Greenwood
Has Labor Law Failed--A Management View
Joseph Price
Has Labor Law Failed--A Rejoinder to Richard Trumka
Marion Crain-Mountney
Mr. Trumka: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It
Robert M. Steptoe Jr.
The Capricious Lure of Labor Law Regulation
Laurence E. Gold
Why Labor Law Had Failed
Richard L. Trumka
United Mine Workers of America v. Faerber: Full Roof Bolting Required in Auger Mines
Peggy L. Collins
Stapleton v. Westmoreland Coal Company: Toward Making the Interim Presumption Irrebuttable
Michael D. Weikle
Kentucky Mineral Law
Patrick C. McGinley
Proceeds in Bankruptcy: United Virginia Bank v. Slab Fork Coal Company
Jeffery L. Tarkenton
An Update of Donley's the Law of Coal, Oil and Gas in West Virginia and Virginia: 1971-1986
Paul N. Bowles, Jennifer N. Taylor, and J. Thomas Lane
Medical and Health Issues in Coal Arbitration
Marlin M. Volz
Prudence of Electric Utilities' Coal Contracts and Fuel Procurement Practices: The Impact on Coal Contract Negotiations
Amy R. Templeton
Discovery in State and Federal SMCRA Proceedings
G. Daniel Kelley Jr. and Stephen M. Terrell
The Bonding Program under the 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act: Chaos in the Coalfields
L. Thomas Galloway and Thomas J. FitzGerald
Assessing Abandoned Mining Land Reclamation Fees on Coal
Deborah S. Colby
Protected Work Refusals under Section 105(c)(1) of the Mine Safety and Health Act
Timothy M. Biddle, Thomas C. Means, and Peter K. Levine
Current Issues Relating to Emergency Federal Coal Leasing
David B. Pariser
Workers Compensation
Patricia A. Morrison
Public Officials
Kurt L. Krieger
Labor and Employment
Patricia A. Morrison
Domestic Relations
Patricia L. Rush
Criminal Procedure
Susan K. Brown
Criminal Law
Gerald Bobango
Constitutional Law
Kurt L. Krieger
Commercial Law
Gerald Bobango
Civil Procedure
Kurt L. Krieger
Administrative Law
Patricia A. Morrison
Tort Reform: The Reemergence of Local Government Immunity: The West Virginia Governmental Tort Claims and Insurance Reform Act of 1986
Johnny M. Knisely II
State v. Hickman: An Accused's Right to a Third Party Attorney--Lady Luck or Lady Liberty
JoEllen Lyons
Reforming West Virginia's Jury Selection Process: West Virginia Jury Selection and Service Legislation of 1986
Keith A. George
Lemley v. Barr: Who Gets Baby Ryan and Who Should Decide
Thomas G. Steele
Crain v. Bordenkircher: Prison Reform in the Eighties--An Impossible Dream
Deborah Jean Saladini
Heckler v. Chaney: The Presumption of Unreviewability in Administrative Nonenforcement Cases
Elizabeth L. Crittenden
Analysis of Tax Incentives for Business Development in West Virginia
Harry Preston Henshaw III
The Duty to Warn in Products Liability: Contours and Criticism
M. Stuart Madden
En El Nombre De Dios--The Sanctuary Movement: Development and Potential for First Amendment Protection
Carl W. Levander
Beyond Bradley: A Critique of Comparative Contribution in West Virginia and Proposals for Legislative Reform
James B. Stoneking
Policy Activism in the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, 1930-1985
John Patrick Hagan
Law, Politics and the Homeless
Inez Smith Reid
Tort Claims against Churches and Ecclesiastical Officers: The First Amendment Considerations
Carl H. Esbeck
Forfeiture of Attorney's Fees: A Trap for the Unwary
Elazabeth A. Raies
Antitrust Immunity: The State of State Action
W. Scott Campbell
In the Interest of Children
Samuel M. Davis
Terry White: A Two-Front Negotiation Exercise
Philip G. Schrag
A Comment for Tom Shaffer: The Ethics of Race, the Ethics of Corruption
James J. Friedberg
The Ethics of Dissent and Friendship in the American Professions
Thomas L. Shaffer
The Impact of District 29, United Mine Workers v. Royal Coal Co. on the Sale of a Coal Facility
Charles L. Woody
Clinchfield Coal Co. v. District 28, United Mine Workers: A New Standard for Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards
Charles L. Woody
Hazardous and Solid Waste Laws and Regulations: Effects on the Mining of Coal and Other Minerals
David B. Graham and John S. Lopatto III
Preclusion under Primacy: The Effect of Prior State Determinations on Federal Oversight Enforcement under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
John A. MacLeod and Thomas C. Means
States Make the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act Work
Jed C. Christensen
Effectiveness of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act: Reclamation or Regulatory Subversion
Louise C. Dunlap and James S. Lyon
State Primacy under the Office of Surface Mining
Carl E. Bagge
How Effective is the Federal Stripmining Law
John F. Seiberling
Commerce Legislation
Mark B. D'Antoni and Mark A. Stach
Tax Legislation
Mark A. Stach
Public Utilities
Cathy Rider Culhane
Municipal Law
Gretchen L. Roos
Scott A. Lane
Elected Officials
Frank Venezia
Domestic Relations
Cathy Rider Culhane
Criminal Procedure
C. Chilton Wise III and Brian A. Darst
Criminal Law
Mark McQueen
Constitutional Law
Renatha S. Hodgson
Commercial Law
Mark B. D'Antoni
Civil Procedure
Bradley R. Oldaker
Administrative Law
John F. Donogher
Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel: Refining the Regulation of Attorney Advertising
Brent P. Copenhaver
Meeting the Goals of Medicare Prospective Payments
J. Timothy Philipps, Don E. Wineberg, and Adam D. Elfenbein
Santa Clara Revisited: The Development of Corporate Theory
Morton J. Horwitz
Regulating Human Gene Therapy
Judith Areen
Wainwright v. Witt: A New Standard for Death-Qualifying a Capital Jury
Phillip M. Stowers
Fairness Doctrine Limitations on Broadcasters' Copyright of News and Public Affairs: The Liberty to Argue in the Marketplace of Ideas
Susan E. Morton
Perspectives on Market Share Liability: Time for a Reassessment
Keith S. Miller and John D. Hancock
Involuntary Dissolution as a Remedy for Freeze-Outs of Minority Shareholders: Two West Virginia Statutes
D. Christopher Wells
Title VII and the Applicability of Disparate Impact Analysis to Subjective Selection Criteria
Jane Rigler
Fifty Years of the NLRA: An Overview
Arnold Ordman
Penumbras and Privacy: A Study of the Use of Fictions in Constitutional Decision-Making
James B. Stoneking
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Stevic: Standards of Proof in Refugee Cases Involving Political Asylum and Withholding of Deportation
Arthur C. Helton
New Directions in Worker Participation and Collective Bargaining
Robert B. Moberly
The Road to Exclusion is Paved with Bad Intentions: A Bad Faith Corollary to the Good Faith Exception
Ronald J. Bacigal
An Opportunity Missed: Armco, Inc. v. Hardesty, a Retreat from Economic Reality in Analysis of State Taxes
C. James Judson and Susan G. Duffy
Cooperative Federalism under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act: Is This Any Way to Run a Government
Mark Squillace
Pandora in the Coal Fields: Environmental Liabilities, Acquisitions, and Dispositions of Coal Properties
Patrick C. McGinley and Barbara S. Webber
Valid Existing Rights and the Constitution: 1983 Regulatory Changes
John McFerrin and Benita Y. Whitman
Abuse of the Surface Mining Act: A Continuing Story
L. Thomas Galloway and Thomas G. Firtzgerald
The Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 and Prior Federal Coal Leases: Putting New Wine into Old Bottles
Michael H. Hyer
The Federal Black Lung Program--The View from the Top
Robert L. Ramsey and Robert S. Habermann
Public Officials
Charles O. Lorenson
Labor and Employment
Raymond Parker
Domestic Relations
Mary Ellen Guy
Criminal Procedure
Kathryn A. Kersting
Criminal Law
Mark A. Colantonio
Commercial Law
James Robert Williamson
Civil Procedure
Charles Peter Miller
Administrative Law
James W. McNeely
New York v. Quarles: Dimming Miranda's Bright Line
W. Scott Campbell
Marriage Neutrality: An Old Idea Comes of Age
Douglas K. Chapman
Grandparent Visitation Rights: Social Policies and Legal Rights
Elaine D. Ingulli
The Key-Man System for Composing Jury Lists in West Virginia--The Story of Abuse, the Case for Reform
Charles R. DiSalvo
Restrictions on Political Activities of Government Employees
Elizabeth L. Crittenden
Tort Liability of Institutional Review Boards
Linda Bordas
Note: Equitable Distribution: Approaches to Apportionment
Linda P. Zarski
The Prosecutorial Perspective: The Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982
William A. Kolibash
Union Liability for Illegal Strikes: The Mass Action Theory Redefined
Jerald R. Cureton and Victor J. Kisch
Medicare Prospective Payment: A Quiet Revolution
J. Timothy Philipps and Don E. Wineberg
Thoughts on Decisionmaking
Patricia M. Wald
The Freelancer's Trap: Work for Hire under the Copyright Act of 1976
Johanna Fisher Stewart
Personal Residence: Disposition Alternatives
D. Frank Hill III
People of the State of Illinois vs. John Gacy: The Functioning of the Insanity Defense at the Limits of the Criminal Law
Donald H.J. Herman, Helen L. Morrison, Yvonne Sor, Julie A. Norman, and David M. Neff
The Constitution of the Bureaucratic State
Mark Tushnet
Forfeiture: General State of the Law and Movement to Further Confine Its Application in the Coal Lease
Linda Rae Arimez
Black Lung Benefits Amendments of 1981: Transfer of Special Claims under Section 205
James B. Stoneking
Jurisdiction and Exemptions under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
John M. Hedges
Coal Law and Regulation
Jerome H. Simonds and John S. Lopatto
Encouraging Advances in Mining and Reclamation Practices: An Analysis of the Experimental Practices Provision of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
David C. Short, John R. Batt, and Barbara Lovan
Federal Regulation of Coal Mine Waste Disposal: A Blueprint for Disaster
Thomas J. FitzGerald
Contract Mining Agreements--The Contract Miner's Perspective
Henry McC. Ingram and John H. Lawrence Jr.
Coal Slurry Pipelines--In the Public Interest
C. Howard Hardesty and Edward S. Shipper Jr.
Federal Coal Leasing and Partisan Politics: Alternatives and the Shadow of Chadha
C. Peter Goplerud III
The Fair Market Value of Federal Coal
David A. Gulley
Coal Resource Development--Toward a Rational Policy
J. Davitt McAteer
Setting National Coal Policy: Interaction between Congress, Regulatory Agencies and the Courts
Carl E. Bagge
Energy Independence through Increased Utilization of American Coal: Goal of the 98th Congress
James A. McClure
Statutory Construction
Bryan R. Cokeley
James B. Stoneking
Domestic Relations
Christopher P. Riley
Criminal Procedure
Linda Rae Artimez
Criminal Law
John M. Lynn
Susan E. Morton
Commercial Law
Linda Rae Artimez
Civil Procedure
Elizabeth L. Crittenden
Administrative Law
Elizabeth L. Crittenden
Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha: The Legislative Veto Declared Unconstitutional
Robert E. Lannan II
Arizona Governing Committee for Tax Deferred Annuity and Deferred Compensation Plans v. Norris: Mandate of Manhart
Michele Grinberg
Conflicts between the West Virginia Landlord's Lien and Article Nine of the Uniform Commercial Code
Nicholas L. DiVita
Suicide as a Compensable Claim under Workers' Compensation Statutes: A Guide for the Lawyer and the Psychiatrist
John Blatt and Christopher P. Bastien
The Comptroller General's Authority to Examine Contractor Books and Records after Bowsher v. Merck and Company: The Need for Legislative Reform
Steven W. Feldman
Does Gender Equality Always Imply Gender Blindness--The Status of Single-Sex Education for Women
Caren Dubnoff
Comments on Judicial Nullification of Jury Awards in Public Official and Public Figure Libel Suits
William P. Murphy
LaRue v. LaRue: Equitable Distribution of Marital Assets Finally Available in West Virginia
Gerald A. Kinchy
Deregulation of the Banking Industry in the 1980's
Colleen A. Coyne
The Exception Swallows the Rule: Market Conditions as a Factor Other Than Sex in Title VII Disparate Impact Litigation
Judith A. Pauley
Confronting Close Corporate Status in West Virginia: Alternative Theories to Prevent Abuse to the Detriment of Creditors
William E. Galeota
The Utility of Recklessness
Willard D. Lorensen
Judge Hand's History: An Analysis of History and Method in Jaffree v. Board of School Commissioners of Mobile County
Michael Kent Curtis
Finding an Optimum Legal Policy Level: The Undesirability of Doing Too Much or Too Little in the Law
Stuart S. Nagel
Article Six Bulk Transfers: Thirty Years of Confusion
Steven F. Brines
West Virginia's Racial Heritage: Not Always Free
A. Leon Higginbotham Jr.
Henry D'Alton Collins
E. Gordon Gee
Kell v. Appalachian Power Co.: Aerial Application of Herbicides on Utility Right-of-Ways
Thad S. Huffman West Virginia University College of Law
Revisions in Abandoned and Unclaimed Property Legislation: A Look at the 1981 Uniform Unclaimed Property Act and West Virginia's Revised Uniform Act
James Dartlin Meadows West Virginia University College of Law
Parental Notification and Abortion: A Review and Recommendation to West Virginia's Legislature
David W. Frame West Virginia University College of Law
Confidentiality: The Future Crime--Contraband Dilemmas
Deborah Abramovsky Touro College School of Law
Bad Faith Suits: Are They Applicable to Health Maintenance Organizations
Joanne B. Stern Whittier College School of Law
Employment Discrimination and Labor Arbitrators: A Question of Competence
Anthony F. Bartlett Pace University School of Law
Legal Implications of a Permanent Manned Presence in Space
Delbert D. Smith Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis; Stefan M. Lopathiewicz; and Martin A. Rothblatt
United States Steel Corp. v. Hoge: A Judicial Decision Which Fails to Solve the Coalbed Gas Ownership Problem
Steven P. McGowan
Retroactive Land Statutes--Indiana's Dormant Mineral Act Declared Constitutional
Deborah McHenry Woodburn
Grievance Mediation: A Step towards Peace in the Bituminous Coal Industry
Stephen B. Goldberg
Criminal Sanctions under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
Dennis M. Ryan and Ronald J. Schell
The Staggers Rail Act of 1980: Deregulation Gone Awry
Ben Johnson and Sharon D. Thomas
Minimizing the Impact of Withdrawal Liability under the Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980
Bruce Gabler
The Federal Black Lung Program: A 1983 Primer
John S. Lopatto III
The Coal Depletion Allowance Deduction
Martin J. McMahon Jr.
Federal Tort Liability for Negligent Mine Safety Inspections
W. Eugene Basanta
Jury Instructions
John M. Purcell
Evidentiary Issues
John M. Purcell
Elements of Statutory Offenses
Steven P. McGowan
Teresa Morris
Steven P. McGowan
Deborah McHenry Woodburn
Domestic Relations
Catherine Munster
Teresa Morris
Charles D. Dunbar
Robert L. Stewart Jr.
Death Knell for Trageser: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act in Light of North Haven
M. Katherine Webster-O'Keefe
Marital Status Discrimination: A Survey of Federal Caselaw
Joyce D. Edelman
Pauley v. Bailey: Towards a Thorough and Efficient School System
Jacqueline A. Kinnaman
Due Process and Commerce Clause Considerations under the West Virginia Business and Occupation and Carrier Income Taxes--J.C. Penney to Milacron
Robert G. Lathrop
Sydenstricker v. Unipunch Products, Inc.: Contribution and Indemnity under Mandolidis Theory
Richard M. Yurko Jr.
Bowman v. Leverette: Retroactivity of Criminal Procedure Decisions
Mary Sanders Richards and John Michael Hedges
Teachers' Union and Employment Rights: A Survey of West Virginia Law
William B. Flanigan
Right to Education for the Handicapped in West Virginia
Laura F. Rothstein
A Proposed West Virginia Response to the Initiative of Regulation D
James A. Russell Jr.
Communication in the Courtroom: Jury Instructions
Michael J. Farrell
Russell C. Dunbar: A Wise and Understanding Heart
Forest J. Bowman
Russell C. Dunbar
James M. Sprouse
Commerce Clause v. Coal Severance Taxation
Wray Voegelin
The Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977--First to Survive a Direct Tenth Amendment Attack
Dennis Abrams
Employment Discrimination under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act
James A. Broaderick and Daniel Minahan
Universal Scrubbing: Cleaning the Air
Eugene M. Trisko
Agricultural Land Preservation by Local Government
Thomas R. Michael
The Limits upon a Labor Union's Duty to Control Wildcat Strikes
James Bryan Zimarowski
Havalunch v. Mazza--The Scrambling of Constitutional and Common Law Defamation Analysis in West Virginia
W. Martin Harrell
John Locke's Theory of Government and Fundamental Constitutional Rights: A Proposal for Understanding
Nicholas L. DiVita
How Courts Govern America
H. John Rogers
Sexual Harassment and the Employer-Employee Relationship
Alayne B. Adams
Bankruptcy Reform and the Constitution: Retroactive Application of Section 522(f)(2) Takes Private Property
James B. Craven III and Pamela A. Bates-Smith
An Enhanced Conception of the Bankruptcy Judge: From Case Administrator to Unbiased Adjudicator
Richard L. Levine
Bankruptcy Preference Concerns in Industrial Development Bond Financing
C. Edward Dobbs and Margaret M. Joslin
Talbert v. City of Richmond
John Lewis
Into the Mire of Uncertainty: Union Disciplinary Fines and NLRA 8(b)(1)(A)
James B. Zimarowski
Hazardous Waste Management Act--Closing the Circle
David M. Flannery and Kim Brown Poland
The Due-on-Sale Mortgage Clause as a Method of Reconciling the Competing Interests of Lender and Borrower
Brenda D. Crocker
Cameras in the Courts--A Revival in West Virginia and the Nation
Larry V. Starcher
Toward a More Complete Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: A Judicial Overview and Suggestions for Change
Charles R. Bailey
Editor's Page
Carmin David Grandinetti
All My Friends Are Becoming Strangers: The Psychological Perspective in Legal Education
James R. Elkins
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act: An Analysis of Its History, A Prediction of Its Future
Jane Moran
"Deprogramming": From the Defense Counsel's Perspective
Albert R. Vermeire
The Developing Law Involving the Teacher's Right to Teach
Frank R. Kemerer and Stephanie Abraham Hirsh
Ideas of Relevance to Law
Mortimer J. Adler
Safety in the United Kingdom's Deep Coal Mines
John L. Collinson
Independent Contractor Safety in the Mines: A Review and Analysis of Regulatory History with Proposals for Change
Diane C. Chernoff
Editor's Page
James M. O'Brien
A Critical Analysis of the Legislative History Surrounding the Black Lung Interim Presumption and a Survey of Its Unresolved Issues
Mark E. Solomons
The Black Lung Benefits Act: An Operator's Perspective
J. Randolph Query
Closing the Evidentiary Gap: A Review of Circuit Court Opinions Analyzing Federal Black Lung Presumptions of Entitlement
Henry L. Stephens Jr. and Alva A. Hollon Jr.
The Basics of Federal Black Lung Litigation
Samuel J. Smith and Ford F. Newman
A Lawyer's Medical Guide to Black Lung Litigation
N. LeRoy Lapp M.D.
Editor's Page
Larry W. Blalock
Sex Discrimination: Theories and Defenses under Title VII and Burwell v. Eastern Airlines, Inc.
Debra G. Archer
Third Party Standing for Property Tax Assessments: Tug Valley Recovery Center, Inc. v. Mingo Cty. Comm'n
Kenneth P. Simons II
U.C.C. Warranties: Mountaineer Contractors, Inc. v. Mountain State Mack, Inc.
David D. Johnson III
Pregnancy and Hiring Discrimination
April L. Dowler
The Federal Monetary Control Act of 1980: A Step toward Deregulation of State Usury Laws
Peter Daniel Levy
Editor's Page
Ernie K. Demanelis
Social Commentary: Values and Legal Personhood
Jeffrey A. Parness
Implementation of Economic Impact Analysis: The Lessons of OSHA
Barry Roberts and Regina Kossek
First Do No Harm: Least Restrictive Alternative Analysis and the Right of Mental Patients to Refuse Treatment
David Zlotnick
The Public, the Media and the Criminal Defendant: Access to Courtrooms Prevails over Fears of Prejudicial Publicity
W. Martine Harrell
Ballot Access: Applying the Constitutional Balancing Test to the West Virginia Election Code
David A. Mohler
Editor's Page
Ernie K. Demanelis
Essay--Prejudgment Attachments and the Concept of the Neutral Magistrate: A Tale of Two Cases
James Audley McLaughlin
Prosecutorial Discovery: An Overview
Harry G. Deitzler, Susan Klimas, and Walt Auvil
Problems Associated with the Management of Solid Wastes: Is There a Solution in the Offing
Jeffrey M. Wakefield
Due Process Protection for Nontenured Faculty in Public Institutions of Higher Education: Long Overdue
Donna P. Grill
West Virginia's Generation of Electricity Tax: Is It Valid after Snead
Thodore H. Ghiz Jr.
Revenue Bonds for Commercial Development in West Virginia: The Endorsement by the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals
Steven F. White
Essay--Affirmative Action: Making Decisions
Thomas D. Barton
A Judicial Dilemma: Real or Imagined
Forrest J. Bowman
Ownership of Coalbed Gas: United States Steel Corp. v. Hoge
Richard H. Lorensen
Evidentiary Requirements to Prove a Claim for Black Lung Benefits: Impact of the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977
F. Thomas Rubenstein
The Current State of Grievance Arbitration in the Coal Industry
Larry W. Blalock
Editor's Page
Keith Wm. Peluchette
Special Student Project: Developments under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
William Sunday Winfrey II, Cheryl Lee Davis, Larry W. Blalock, Lawrence W. Hancock, and Allen R. Prunty
Book Review: Energy Future: Report of the Energy Project at the Harvard Business School
William H. Miernyk
The Pit and the Pendulum: The Senate and S. 1403
Robert J. Shostak
Federal Income Tax Aspects of the Disposition of Coal Interests by a Corporation
Louis S. Southworth and James H. Nix
Acquisition of Coal Property Interests: Some Federal Tax Planning Observations
Aaron H. Haspel and Douglas Sumner
Federal Income Tax Treatment of the Acquisition and Disposition of Coal Interests: An Examination of I.R.C. 631(c)
John C. Coggin III
A Tax Incentive Approach to the Depletion Allowance Dilemma
Thomas E. Bulleit Jr.
The Survivors' 25-Year Presumption under the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977: A Case for Its Unconstitutionality
David J. Millstone and Maria J. Codnach
Federal and State Regulatory Authority under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
Steven L. Friedman and Henry F. Siedzikowski
A Comparative Study of Miners' Training and Supervisory Certification in the Coal Mines of Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany, Poland, Romania, France, Australia and the United States: The Case for Federal Certification of Supervisors and Increased Training of Miners
J. Davitt McAteer and L. Thomas Galloway
Clementine in the 1980's (EEO and the Woman Miner)
Thomas H. Barnard and Brenda J. Clark
Clean Air Act Proceedings Affecting National Coal Markets: An Examination of the Authority of the President to Allocate Markets
James M. Friedman
A Common Sense Approach to Coal's Role in Resolving America's Energy Crisis
John D. Rockefeller IV
Coal: The Coming Decade
Jennings Randolph
Baughman v. Bradford Coal Co., Inc.: A Reaffirmation of Citizen Suits Policy within the Clean Air Act
Hunter C. Quick
State v. Frazier
Lucinda Masterton
A Review of the Conflict between Community-Based Group Homes for the Mentally Retarded and Restrictive Zoning
Jane E. Reiner
The Automobile Exception to the Warrant Requirement: Speeding Away from the Fourth Amendment
Gene W. Gardner
The Distrubution of Marital Real Property upon Divorce in West Virginia: The Need for Legislative Reform
John F. Cyrus
Jury Instructions v. Jury Charges
J. Patrick Jones
Editor's Page
Wm. Michael Hanna
The Plaintiff's View of Comparative Negligence
E. Joseph Buffa Jr.
Prior Crime Impeachment of Criminal Defendants: A Constitutional Analysis of Rule 609
Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Inquiries into the Numerical Division of Juries: Ellis v. Reed
James M. O'Brien
Gypsum Intent and Felonious Conspiracies under Section 1 of the Sherman Act: U.S. v. Gillen
Larry W. Blalock
The Creation of Joint Tenancies--Common Law Technicalities vs. the Grantor's Intent
Ellen Carle Lilly
A Reappraisal of the Branch Banking Prohibition in West Virginia
Kurt E. Entsminger
Book Review: The Brethern, by Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong
Gene R. Nichol Jr.
The Law of Medical Malpractice in West Virginia
Michael J. Farrell
Legal Representation of the Mentally Ill
James R. Elkins
Attorney's Liabilities under ERISA
David L. Campbell
Secular Control of Non-Public Schools
Carl L. Fletcher Jr.
Compensating Victims of Crime: Evolving Concept or Dying Theory
Kathleen V. Duffield
Editor's Page
Wm. Michael Hanna
Application of a Constitutionally-Based Duty of Fair Representation to Union Hiring Halls
Robert M. Bastress
Applying Strict Liability to Defective Products Litigation in West Virginia with Explanatory Emphasis upon Coal Mining Machinery Cases
Richard E. Rowe
Commentary--Funding the Federal Judiciary
John M. Slack
Unauthorized Work Stoppages--Carbon Fuel Co. v. UMW
Joseph E. Bernot
Judicial Review of Regulations Promulgated under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977--In Re Surface Mining Regulation Litigation
Joyce Fleming Ofsa and David E. Godwin
A Summary of the Legislative History of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 and the Relevant Legal Periodical Literature
Robert A. Waters
Regulation of Blasting Practices under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
Ralph C. Young
Preventive Law and the Negotiating and Drafting of Coal Leases after the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
Laurence W. Hancock
Constitutional Issues in the Reclamation of Orphaned Mined Lands under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
Betsy Clare Steinfeld
Citizen Participation in the Regulation of Surface Mining
Joshua I. Barrett
The Far Side of Paradox: State Regulation of the Environmental Effects of Coal Mining
K. W. James Rochow
The Enactment of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 in Retrospect
Morris K. Udall
Age Discrimination in Employment Suits: A Practical Guide
J. Michael McDonald
Workmen's Compensation: The Cumulative Injury Doctrine
Russell Furbee Ethridge
Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia: A Statistical Analysis
John C. Parr and Karen L. Speidel
Editor's Page
Michael W. Carey
Limitations on the Lobbying of Section 501(c)(3) Organizations--A Choice for the Public Charities
James H. Nix
Waiver under the West Virginia Habeas Corpus Act
Gene R. Nichol Jr.
Territorial Due Process: Analysis of an Emergent Doctrine
James Audley McLaughlin
Mobile Homes: A Partial Solution to West Virginia's Housing Problems
Vicki Obenchain Tucker
Copyright--The Home Video Recording Controversy
Mark E. Kauffelt
Book Review: A Theory of Criminal Justice
James R. Elkins
The Judicialization of Federal Administrative Law Judges: Implications for Policymaking
Gerald M. Pops
Disqalification of Justices and the Constitutional Status of the Judicial Budget: State ex rel. Bagley v. Blankenship
Kathleen Duffield
The Tender Years Presumption in Child Custody Determinations: J. B. v. A. B.
Vicki Obenchain Tucker
The Right to an In Camera Voluntariness Hearing: State v. Sanders
Ellen Carle Lilly
Usury--A Primer on the West Virginia Law
Richard S. Stephenson and George A. Patterson
The Implied Warranty of Habitability in Residential Leases
Glen L. Kettering
The Legal Protection of Printed Systems
Dale P. Olson
The Expanding Role of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals in the Review of Workmen's Compensation Appeals
David M. Flannery, Joseph S. Beeson, M. Ann Bradley, and Richard P. Goddard
Unauthorized Work Stoppages--Stranger Pickets in the Coalfields
S. Benjamin Bryant
The Federal Coal Leasing Waltz
Brian E. McGee and Gerald E. Dahl
The Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977: Closure Encounters of the Third Kind
Edmund J. Moriarty and Mark M. Pierce
A Miner's Bill of Rights
L. Thomas Galloway, J. Davitt McAteer, and Richard L. Webb
Legal Problems Relating to Ownership of Gas Found in Coal Deposits
Patrick C. McGinley
Water and Watercourses--Recreational Rights--A Determination of the Public Status of West Virginia Streams
George Castelle
Torts--Parent's Recovery for Loss of Society and Companionship of Child
Michael B. Victorson
Expert Witnesses--Right to Pay Expert Witnesses on a Contingent-Fee Basis in Civil Cases
Gale Reddie Lea
Criminal Procedure--Recent Developments in West Virginia--Boyd, Mcaboy, and Cannellas
Joseph M. Price
Civil Procedure--Concepts of Personal Jurisdiction before and after Shaffer v. Heitner
James E. Showen
Consumer Law--The Supervised Loan in West Virginia
Jon David Levy
Limitations on Rule 10b-5
Arthur J. Marinelli Jr.
An Historical View of the Term Esquire as Used by Modern Women Attorneys
Richard Bozman Eaton
Toward Constitutionalizing the Corporation: A Speculative Essay
Arthur S. Miller
Survey of Develpoments in West Virginia Law: 1977
Joseph W. Bowman, Thomas Evans, Janet Archer Goodwin, Laura Jane Kelly, and Kenneth E. Tawney
Contracts--Developing Concepts of Unconscionability
Kevin D. Dolan
Environmental Law--The Nuances of Nuisance in a Private Action to Control Air Pollution
Michael E. Winck
A Critique of the Proposed West Virginia Criminal Code
Robert Batey and Jay Montgomery Brown
Labor Law--Injunctions--The Role of the Courts in the Resolution of Labor Disputes
S. Benjamin Bryant
Editor's Page
Lloyd G. Jackson II
The Edward G. Donley Memorial Lecture: Non-Victim Crime and the Regulation of Prostitution
John Kaplan
Civil Rights--Employment Rights of the Physically Handicapped
Denver C. Offutt Jr.
Legal Ethics and the Prosecuting Attorney
John O. Kizer
Streamlining Criminal Procedure in Magistrate Court
Robert Batey and Diana L. Fuller
Judicial Reform in West Virginia: The Magistrate Court System
John C. Purbaugh and Robert A. Burnside Jr.
Criminal Procedure--Right of Cross-Examination--Sexual Assault Statute
Priscilla L. Swalm
Constitutional Law--Restricting the Application of the Commercial Speech Doctrine
Stephen Lee Thompson
Election Law and Election Reform: Strategy for the Long Run
Stephen E. Gottlieb
The Future of Civil Monetary Penalties: Two Federal Safety Statutes Compared
William Hugh O'Riordan
Securities--Liability for Short-Swing Profits under Section 16(b)
Vincent A. Collins
Products Liability--Assumption of Liability in Sale of Assets
James Ronald Snyder
Liens--Priority of Common Law Liens and Secured Interests in West Virginia
Willard Craig Broadwater
Labor Law--Arbitration--Agreements to Arbitrate in West Virginia
Roberta Sue Core
Editor's Page
Lloyd G. Jackson II
Resolving Public Employment Disputes: A Guide for West Virginia
Charles Matthew Kincaid
Why Wage-Price Controls Fail: A Theory of the Second Best Approach to Inflation Control
Richard Neely
Survey of Developments in West Virginia Law: 1975-1976
Lloyd George Jackson II, John Burdick Koch, Alan Dale Moats, and Thomas A. Vorbach
Zoning--Modification of Zoning Ordinance Use Restrictions
John Preston Bailey
Labor Law--Arbitration--Duties of Successor Employer
James A. Varner
Criminal Law--Criminal Responsibility--A Pragmatic Approach to the Fourth Circuit
Michael Frank Pezzulli
Editor's Page
James A. Liotta
Prohibition of Surface Mining in West Virginia
Patrick Charles McGinley
Juvenile Courts--Waiver of Juvenile Jurisdiction after Adjudication of Delinquency Violates Double Jeopardy Clause of Fifth Amendment
Taunja Willis Miller
Municipal Bonds--The Need for Disclosure
Daniel R. Schuda
Medical Malpractice--Constitutionality of Limits on Liability
Taunja Willis Miller
Living Wills--Need for Legal Recognition
James C. Turner
Corporations--1975 Amendments to the West Virginia Corporations Act
Robert Dean Fisher
School Books, Lesson Plans, and the Constitution
Frederick F. Schauer
Torts--Governmental Immunity--Municipal Immunity Abolished
James Albert Russell
Social Welfare--Effect of Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation on A.F.D.C. Benefits
Vincent A. Collins
Fetal Research--The Legislative Answer
Roberta Sue Core
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 as Applied to the Surface Mine in West Virginia--Pollutant Discharge Permit Requirements
Lawrence W. Marquess
Prospective Remedies in Constitutional Adjudication
Doug Rendleman
Criminal Law--Juvenile Delinquency--Contributing Survives Constitutional Attack: Confusion or Certainty
Michael Frank Pezzulli
Debtor's and Creditor's Rights--Attachment and Garnishment--Constitutional Parameters of Prejudgment Remedies
Michael Frank Pezzulli
Editor's Page
James A. Liotta
Occupational Safety and Health Act: The Right of a Worker to a Safe Work Place Environment
Arthur J. Martinelli Jr.
Finality and Habeas Corpus: Is the Rule that Res Judicata May Not Apply to Habeas Corpus or Motion to Vacate Still Viable
Marilyn L. Kelley
Labor Law--Unfair Labor Practices--Solicitation of Employee Grievances during a Union Organizational Campaign
William G. Mercer
Judicial Ethics--Recusal of Judges--The Need for Reform
Don R. Sensabaugh Jr.
Constitutional Law--The Eleventh Amendment--Injustice for All
Devon L. Gosnell
The Use of Closure Orders and Notices of Violation under the Federal Coal Mine Health &(and) Safety Act of 1969--The Necessity for Stringent Enforcement
J. Davitt McAteer
Enforcement of Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Regulations
Madison McCulloch
Enforcement and Administration of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969: Do the Ends Justify the Means
Michael C. Hallerud, Vilma L. Kohn, and John T. Meredith
Labor Law--Unions--Union Must Petition for an Election
William G. Mercer
Consumer Protection--Implied Civil Remedy under the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act
James D. Gray
Criminal Procedure--Post-Conviction Right to Counsel
Thomas W. Smith
Criminal Procedure--Discovery--Movement toward Full Disclosure
Richard B. Pyles
Intellectual and Industrial Property in a Nutshell
Thomas G. Fields Jr.
The West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act
Vincent Paul Cardi
Obscenity and the Conflict of Laws
Frederick F. Schauer
Criminal Procedure--Right to Counsel--Standard for Judging the Effectiveness of Assistance
Rowland H. Burns Jr.
Criminal Procedure--Recidivism--Constitutionality of the West Virginia Recidivist Statute
Cynthia L. Turco
Products Liability--West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act--Definitional Inadequacies
Gerlad R. Stowers
West Virginia and the Uniform Probate Code: An Overview Part II
Earl M. Curry Jr.
Corporations--A Survey of the Pending West Virginia Corporation Act
Stephen R. Brooks, Steven E. Deem, Frederick L. Delp, Michael D. Foster, James P. Holland, Charles J. Kaiser Jr., Katherine P. Kenna, Charles F. Printz Jr., and William A. Trainer
Editor's Page
Charles J. Kaiser Jr.
The Uniform Securities Act--A Step Forward in State Regulation
Roger W. Tompkins
An Extraordinary Rule: Rule XVIII, Rules of Practice in the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia
Willard A. Sullivan Jr.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure--Use of Rule 23 Restricted
Charles J. Kaiser Jr.
Environmental Law--The National Environmental Policy Act
Frederick L. Delp
Environmental Law--Acid Mine Drainage
Katherine P. Kenna
Constitutional Law--Obtaining Due Process in Public Utility Pre-Termination Procedures
Mark A. Summers
Editor's Page
Gregory R. Gorrell
A Proposed New Judicial Article for West Virginia
Thornton G. Berry Jr.
Private Actions for Public Nuisance: The Standing Problem
Mark A. Rothstein
Environmental Law--Clearcutting in the National Forests: A Violation of the Organic Act of 1897
Charles F. Printz Jr.
Income Tax--Tax Free Transfers to Controlled Corporations
Frederick L. Delp and James P. Holland
Constitutional Law--State Taxation of Interstate Commerce--Commerce Clause Analysis
Charles F. Printz Jr.
Ad Valorem Taxation of Coal Bearing Lands in West Virginia--A Viewpoint of the Coal Industry
Rolla D. Campbell, Lynn C. Johnson, and Ernest F. Hays II
A New Technique for Evaluating Coal Property for Ad Valorem Tax Assessment
Donald M. Bondurant
State and Local Taxation of the Bituminous Coal Industry
James H. Thompson
Coal and the Appalachian Economy
William H. Miernyk
Coal's New Values and Our National Priorities
Ronald G. Pearson
Factors Affecting Development of the New Values of Coal
Sheldon P. Wimpfen
Coal and the Energy Crisis
C. Howard Hardesty Jr.
Labor Law--Arbitration of Safety Disputes
J. Timothy DiPiero
Criminal Procedure--Habeas Corpus--Waiver of Relief under the West Virginia Post-Conviction Habeas Corpus Act
Steven E. Deems
Criminal Procedure--Habeas Corpus--Federal Jurisdiction Expanded
Charles J. Kaiser
Constitutional Law-Right to Privacy-Electronic Surveillance
J. Timothy DiPiero
Wills--Implied Gifts of Remainders
W. Richard McCune Jr.
Torts--Invitees, Licensees and Trespassers--A Trend towards Abolishing Classification of Entrants
Stephen R. Brooks
Torts--Expanding the Concept of Recovery for Mental and Emotional Injury
Jean Karen Dressler
Dental Litigation
William O. Morris
West Virginia and the Uniform Probate Code: An Overview Part I
Earl M. Curry Jr.
Taxation--Apportionment of Inheritance Tax Where Contingent or Limited Interests Are Present
Anne R. Williams
Constitutional Law--Minimum Protection in Public School Financing
Katherine P. Kenna
Labor Law--Safety Disputes--Walkouts under Section 502 of the Taft-Hartley Act
Bert Michael Whorton
Constitutional Law--Due Process of Law--Creditors' Rights and Prejudgment Remedies
Thomas V. Flaherty
Procedural Due Process in the Juvenile Courts of West Virginia
Richard A. Warmuth
VEPCO--The Need for a Revised Tax Appeals Procedure in West Virginia
J. Timothy Philipps
Taxation--Subchapter S--Relaxation of the One Class of Stock Requirement
W. Richard McCune Jr.
Housing--Mobile Homes--Some Legal Questions
Mark Summers, Frederick D. Fahrenz, and David C. Shepler
Criminal Procedure--Justice of the Peace Courts--Increased Penalty upon Trial De Novo
Anne C. Reppert
The Modern Supreme Court
Joseph E. Fortenberry
A Primer on the Law of Deceptive Practices
Edward D. McDevitt
Taxation--"Section 306 Stock"
Edward G. Kennedy
Real Property--Wills--Judicial Construction of to A and His Children
Thomas R. Ross II
Evidence--Presumptions--Application of the Deadly Weapons Presumption in West Virginia
John P. Carter
Environmental Law--Air Pollution Abatement--A Supplemental Damage Remedy under the Clean Air Act
Joseph S. Beeson
Adverse Possession--Personal Property--Acquiring Title to Personal Property by Adverse Possession in West Virginia
Claude A. Brown
Editor's Page
Donald M. O'Rourke
The Supreme Court, Compulsory Education, and the First Amendment's Religion Clauses
Philip B. Kurland
U.C.C. - Statute of Limitations - Conflict Between Personal Injury and Sales Contract Statutes of Limitations
Harvey D. Peyton
Taxation - Requirement for Business Bad Debt Deductions
Joseph S. Beeson
Legal Ethics - Drafter of Will Who Serves as Executor
Bert Michael Whorton
Elections - Vacancies Occurring Close to Elections
James H. McCune
Police Use of Firearms in West Virginia--An Empirical Study
James R. Keegan
Constitutional Law--Martial Law--Preserving Order in the State: A Traditional Reappraisal
James E. Roark
Editor's Page
Donald M. O'Rourke
The Purpose of Law--A Trial Judge's View
Robert M. Worrell
The Judicial Role in Intra-Church Disputes under Constitutional Guarantees Relating to Religion
Royal Clarence Guilkey
Torts - Wrongful Death - Dependent Distributee Need Not Be Totally Dependant Upon Deceased
Mark A. Summers
Constitutional Law--Taxation--Equal Education: A Public School Financing Proposal for West Virginia
Elba Gillenwater Jr. and Gregory R. Gorrell
Editor's Page
Donald M. O'Rourke
State Disaster Legislation
Carl M. Frasure
Taxation--The Office-in-Home Deductions
Thomas G. Freeman II
Real Property--Covenant of General Warranty--Novel Definition of Conservative Eviction in West Virginia
Donald M. O'Rourke and Michael B. Keller
Negligence--Intoxicating Liquors--Vendor's Liability for Damages by Intoxicated Patrons
Roger A. Wolfe
The Pauper--Short-Changed at the Jury Box
Jeffrey J. Yost
Labor Law--Employer Free Speech--Use of the Gissel Guidelines in Determining Predictions or Threats
Douglas Alan Cornelius
Environmental Law--The Control of Nonreturnable Beverage Containers, Proposed Legislation
Frederick A. Jesser III
War Powers Legislation: An Addendum
J. Terry Emerson
Business Reciprocity as a Sherman Act Violation: A Generally Accepted, But as Yet Unadjudicated, Doctrine
Donald Ferguson
Frank Cruise Haymond--In Memoriam
Robert W. Meserve
Peace Bond--A Questionable Procedure for a Legitimate State Interest
Charlotte Rolston
Eminent Domain: Approaches to Valuation of Real Estate with Emphasis on Mineral Properties
Roger D. Graham
Editor's Page
Michael A. Albert
A Perspective from the Dean-Elect
Willard D. Lorensen
Law of Products Liability in West Virginia
Thomas C. Cady
Development of the Law of Coal, Oil and Gas from 1951 to 1971
Robert Tucker Donley
National Institute of Justice--A Proposal
Bert H. Early
Taxation--Loss Carry-back Privileges of F Reorganizations
Michael J. Moyle
Criminal Law--Malicious Mischief--Felony or Misdemeanor?
Michael Boyd Keller
Criminal Law--Vicarious Liability--Robber Convicted of Murder when Robbery Victim Killed Accomplice
Ronald B. Johnson
Criminal Law--Plea Bargaining--Withdrawal of Guilty Plea
James Clark Gardill
Constitutional Law--Evidence--Use of Miranda-violative Confessions for Impeachment Purposes
William F. Dobbs Jr.
Constitutional Law--Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Statutes--Necessity for a Hearing on Liability
Stephen R. Crislip
Constitutional Law--West Virginia's Distress for Rent Law--A Landlord's Remedy vs. a Tenant's Protections
William Charles Garrett
Contracts--Parol Evidence Rule--Admissibility of Agency Not Appearing in Written Contract
Robert R. Skinner
The Privacy Interest of the Fourth Amendment--Does Mapp v. Ohio Protect It or Pillage It
Dennis C. Sauter
Editor's Page
Michael A. Albert
The President's Page
William T. O'Farrell
West Virginia Tax Law--Hearing and Appeal Procedures
Thomas N. Chambers and Louis S. Southworth II
War Powers Legislation
J. Terry Emerson
An Argument to the People on No-Fault Automobile Insurance
Stanley Preiser
The Legal Profession's View of No-Fault
Edward W. Kuhn
Routes to Reform of the Automobile Reparations System
Robert E. Keeton
Symposium on No-Fault Insurance: Introduction
J. Timothy Philipps
Insurance--Pyramided Recovery Under Multiple Uninsured Motorist Provisions
W. Taylor Boone Jr.
Income Tax--Stock Redemption: "Essentially Equivalent to a Dividend"
Robert R. Fredeking II
Eminent Domain--De Facto Taking
James M. Henderson II
Draft Law--Requirements for Classification and Exemption as a Conscientious Objector
Robert R. Fredeking II
Criminal Law--Indigent's Payment for Depositions
Joseph Wagoner
Constitutional Law--Does a Private College's Response to State Legislation Constitute State Action?
Willian Charles Garrett
Bankruptcy--New Approach to Dischargeability
Stephen P. Swisher
Bankruptcy--Bankrupt Retains Accrued Vacation Pay
Glenn D. Brumfield
Evidence--Introduction of Insurance at a Trial
Craig R. McKay
Environmental Law--The Refuse Act
David Jeffrey Millstone
Consumer Protection--The Holder-in-Due-Course Defense in Consumer Sales
Daniel Foster Hedges
Administering State Water Resources: The Need for Long-Range Planning
Frank E. Maloney and Richard C. Ausness
Torts--Defective Design
Carl N. Frankovitch
Statutes--Relation of an Enactment to Its Title
William Charles Garrett
Criminal Law--Speedy Trial--The Three Term Rule
Stephen P. Swisher
Constitutional Law--Flag Desecration as Symbolic Speech
Robert R. Skinner
Civil Rights--Employment Testing and Job Performance
Henry C. Bowen
Editor's Page
William Robert Wooton
Conscientious Objection: The Constitutional Questions
Howard R. Lurie
The Disability Insurance Benefits Program and Low Income Claimants in Appalachia
James B. Haviland and Michael B. Glomb
Taxation--Employment Agency Fees Deductible as a Business Expense
James M. Henderson II
Property--Right of Re-entry--Descent and Alienability
John R. Frazier
Taxation--Reserve for Bad Debt
Dennis C. Sauter
Labor Law--Successorship--the NLRB Has a Change of Heart
Craig R. McKay
Prisoners--Enforcing Prisoners' Rights
Arthur W. Campbell
Editor's Page
William Robert Wooton
Blue Sky Law--West Virginia Securities Laws and the Promoter
Thomas R. Goodwin
Integrating the Desegregation Vocabulary--Brown Rides North, Maybe
J. Braxton Craven Jr.
Judicial Review--Professional Association--Inquiry into Exclusion from Membership
Charles Blaine Myers Jr.
Constitutional Law--Armed Forces--Living in Two Worlds
William Robert Wooton
Schools--Corporal Punishment without Civil or Criminal Liability
Earl Lee Schlaegel Jr. and Kenneth J. Fordyce
What Has the Supreme Court Taught, Part II
James Audley McLaughlin
A Comparison of Legal Education in the United States and West Germany
Wilfried Schluter and William O. Morris
Pleading--Real Subrogee is Not a Real Party in Interest
Michael C. Allen
Juvenile Courts--Insanity Defense No Bar to Adjudication to Delinquency
George William Lavender III
Income Tax--Taxation of Reserve for Bad Debts When Transferred to Controlled Corporation
Philip Douglas Mooney
Income Tax--Tax Status of Employer Financed Scholarships
Henry E. Riffe
Domestic Relations--Recognition of Foreign Modifiable Alimony Decrees
Francis Lucas Warder Jr.
Criminal Law--Right to Counsel at Revocation of Probation
Steven C. Hanley
Pretrial Discovery of Existence and Limits of Automobile Liability Insurance
Larry Andrew Winter
Editor's Page
Joseph Robert Goodwin
The Exceptions and Regulations Clause of Article III and a Person's Constitutional Rights: Can the Latter be Limited by Congressional Power under the Former
Morris D. Forkosch
Social Security and the Plain People
Paul C. Cline
A Memorial to Thurman Wesley Arnold
Reed Miller
Trust--Arbitrary and Capricious Acts of Trustees
Lewis G. Brewer
Lotteries--Promotional Scheme Constituting a Lottery
George William Lavender III
Constitutional Law--Procedural Due Process Application To Pre-Judgement Garnishment
David Jeffrey Millstone
Constitutional Law--Lance v. Board of Education--Constitutionality of Extraordinary Majority Elections
Daniel F. Hedges
Constitutional Law--Inter--Institutional Juvenile Transfer: Due Process and Equal Protection
Delby Barker Stobbs
Constitutional Law--Freedom of Expression
Charles Blaine Myers Jr.
Civil Rights--Sham Private Clubs and Racial Discrimination
James Robert Gerchow
Domestic Relations--Divorce Law Changes
David L. Parmer
Criminal Law--West Virginia Riot Law
William F. Hogsett
Workmen's Compensation--The Deliberate Intent Statute: Providing for the Victims of Industry
Larry Andrew Winter
Workmen's Compensation--Retroactivity of Pneumoconiosis Amendment
Kenneth Joseph Fordyce
Price Fixing--Fair Trade Laws
James Michael Brown
Inheritance Tax--Is Federal Estate Tax Paid Totally Deductible
John Michael Anderson
Editor's Page
Joseph Robert Goodwin
President's Page
John R. Morris
Constitutional Revision--the Counties
Richard Shelton
Constitutional Revision--Virginia's Approach
A. E. Howard
Constitutional Revision--The Legislature
Carl M. Frasure
What Has the Supreme Court Taught: A Criticism of the Unites States Supreme Court by Way of a Critique of Lance v. the Board of Education of Roane County
James Audley McLaughlin
Invitation to an Inquest
Kenneth Joseph Fordyce
Infants--Negligence--Standard of Care
Robert Russell Stobbs
Gift Taxes--Valuation of Right to Income Under ยง2503 (b)
Joseph R. Goodwin and Erwin Conrad
Landlord and Tenant--Constitutional Law--Retaliatory Evictions
Hugh C. Avis and John Watson Cooper
Federal Courts--Standards of Domicile in Diversity
William A. Tantlinger and James M. Brown
Elections--The Use of Certificates of Nomination
Ray Allen Byrd and Danny Lee Stickler
Criminal Law--Juvenile Offenders--Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Roy Franklin Layman
Constitutional Law--Vagrancy Ordinances--Their Future and Alternatives
Douglas Alan Cornelius and Joseph Marshall Stone
Constitutional Law--Stop and Frisk--Reasonableness Under the Fourth Amendment
John Michael Anderson
Wrongful Death Action for Prenatal Injury
John Reed Homburg
Statutory Construction--The Role of the Court
Linda L. Hupp
Property Rights in Dead Bodies
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr.
Property--Fee Simple Determinables--Distinguishing Characteristics
James Alan Harris
Political Defamation: The Price of Candidacy
James H. McCauley
The Effect of Revenue Ruling 68-643 on the Prepaid Interest Deduction
William A. Kolibush
The Copyright Law and Mechanical Reproduction for Educational Purposes
Frank Edward Jolliffee
The Common Law as a Bar to Judicial Legislation
James H. McCauley
West Virginia Usury Law--Comments upon the 1968 and 1969 Acts
William O. Morris
Practical Political Considerations in Constitutional Revision
Darrell V. McGraw
Constitutional Revision in Maryland--Problems and Procedures
James R. Quimper
The West Virginia Constitution and Taxation
J. Timothy Philipps
West Virginia's Constitution and the Governor
Hulett C. Smith
What Should a Model Constitution Contain
Albert L. Sturm
David G. Hanlon
Torts--Landowner's Standard of Care Based on Ordinary Principles of Negligence
Douglas Alan Cornelius
Stocks--Texas Gulf Sulphur: Rule 10b-5 Insider Liability Expanded?
Stephen Lewis Atkinson and Robert Mason Steptoe Jr.
Sales--The Uniform Commercial Code and Implied Warranties of Quality in Sales-Service Transactions
John Campbell Palmer IV
Res Judicata--Collateral Estoppel--Application Between Former Codefendants
Kenneth Joseph Fordyce and James David Nash Jr.
Estate Tax--Payment of Premiums on a Transferred Life Insurance Policy in Contemplation of Death
E. Lee Schlaegel Jr.
Eminent Domain--Is Noise and Element of Damage?
Charles Quincy Gage
Constitutional Law--Validity of Safety Helment Requirements
William Alex Tantilinger
Constitutional Law--Procedural Due Process--Right To Counsel At College Disciplinary Hearings
Gary Gordon Markham and Larry Andrew Winter
West Virginia Apportionment of 1964--Constitutional?
James Edward Seibert
Editor's Page
Thomas R. Goodwin
The Supreme Court and Political Question: Affirmation or Abdication?
Ralph J. Bean Jr.
Property--Prescriptive Rights--Extinguishment by Conveyance of the Servient Estate to a Purchaser Without Notice
Stephen Lewis Atkinson
Pleading--Amendment of Pleadings by Leave of Court
Joseph Robert Goodwin
Master-Servant--Right of Action by Employer Against Tort-feaser of Employee
John Campbell Palmer IV
Judicial Review--Selective Service Classifications
Gary Gordon Markham
Guardian and Ward--Jurisdiction to Award Custody
John Watson Cooper
Eminent Domain--Just Compensation for Fast Land
Robert Mason Steptoe Jr.
Criminal Law--Plea Bargaining
Larry Andrew Winter
Expert Witnesses--Traffic Accident Analyst
Ralph Waldo Bassett Jr.
Seat Belts and Contributory Negligence
Frank Edward Jolliffe
Editor's Page
Thomas Ryan Goodwin
The Uniform Consumer Credit Code
John T. Copenhaver Jr.
James Alan Harris
Torts-Res Ipsa Loquitur in Medical Malpractice
Martin J. Glasser
Sales--Implied Warranty of Merchantability
Peter Thomas Denny
Parental Immunity--Its Application and Future
Thomas Ryan Goodwin
Labor Law--Public Employee's Right to Strike
Peter Thomas Denny
Income Tax--The Deductibility of Meals as Traveling Expenses
Thomas Ryan Goodwin
Evidence--Expert Witness--Qualification of Specialist as Expert Witness in Medical Malpractice
Richard Edwin Rowe
Criminal Law--Misdemeanors--Indigent's Right to Appointed Counsel
John Charles Lobert
Constitutional Law--Electronic Eavesdropping and The Right to Privacy
John Charles Lobert
Open Housing
Patrick David Deem
Implied Consent-Highway Safety
William Douglass Goodwin
Election Laws
James Edward Seibert
Conflict of Interest
Edward Perry Johnson
Practice of Law by Attorney-Accountant
Leon Edward Friend
The President's Page: Law and Order or Self Destruction
James H. Coleman Jr.
Legal Services and the Legal Establishment
Eugene F. Mooney
A Conservative Rationale for the Legal Services Program
Earl Johnson Jr.
Wisconsin Judicare
Joseph F. Preloznik
Legal Aid in North Carolina
Jerry Dee Moize
Human Attitudes in Appalachia
Jack E. Weller
The Law, Lawyers and Appalachia
Harry M. Caudill
A Legal Services Program for West Virginia: Introduction
David G. Hanlon
Torts--Liability of a Railroad
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr., F. Richard Hall, and John Woodville Hatcher Jr.
Mandamus--Eminent Domain
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr., F. Richard Hall, and John Woodville Hatcher Jr.
Habitual Criminals--Jury Trial
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr., F. Richard Hall, and John Woodville Hatcher Jr.
Evidence--Circumstantial Evidence in a Homicide Prosecution
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr., F. Richard Hall, and John Woodville Hatcher Jr.
Estate Tax--Ascertainable Standard Exception to General Power of Appointment Inclusion
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr., F. Richard Hall, and John Woodville Hatcher Jr.
Divorce--Sale of Property by Court Order
Thomas McKendree Chattin Jr., F. Richard Hall, and John Woodville Hatcher Jr.
Trusts--"Pour-Over" From a Will to an Inter Vivos Trust Under Statute
James Edward Seibert
Torts--Comparative Negligence Adopted by Judicial Decision
Martin Joseph Glasser
Procedure--Intrastate Application of Forum Non Conveniens
Peter Thomas Denny
Malpractice--Sterilization Operation
James Alan Harris
Federal Courts--The Scope of Pendent Jurisdiction
Daniel L. Schofield
Evidence--Offers of Compromise Versus Admissions Against Interest
Thomas Ryan Goodwin
Damages--Vehicle--Recovery of More Than Actual Physical Damage When the Vehicle is Partially Destroyed
Richard Edwin Rowe
Attorney--The Fifth Amendment and Disbarment Proceedings
Patrick David Deem
Usury and Consumer Credit
William Douglass Goodwin
The Expanding Scope of Air Pollution Abatement
Edward Perry Johnson
President's Page
James H. Coleman Jr.
Criminal Venue in West Virginia
Willard D. Lorensen
The Delicate Balance of Freedom
Robert E. Maxwell
Criminal Justice and the Rule-Making Power
J. Edward Lumbard
Tort Liability--Turnpike Commission
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Sales--Warranties Under the Uniform Commercial Code
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Procedure--Unincorporated Associations
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Disbarment--Evasion of Federal Income Tax
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Damages--Inadequacy of Verdict
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Criminal Law--Definition of Capital Offenses
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Constitutional Law--Federal Habeas Corpus for State Prisoners
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Agency Relationship--Creditors' Group Life Insurance Policy
Peter Thomas Denny, Martin Joseph Glasser, and John Charles Lobert
Wills--Rights of Adopted Children
F. Richard Hall
Wills--Ademption of Specific Legacies
James Alan Harris
Sentence and Punishment--Harsher Penalties Following Habeas Corpus Relief
Thomas Ryan Goodwin
Legislation--Validity of Special Acts When a General Law Already Exists
James Edward Siebert
Labor Relations--Court Enforcement of Union Fines
Thomas M. Chattin Jr.
Juvenile Delinquency--Jurisdiction--Double Jeopardy
John Woodville Hatcher
Insurance--Recovery of Excess Judgement for Insurance Company
Richard Edwin Rowe
Estate Tax--The Relevancy of State Court Adjudication of Property Rights
Patrick David Deem
Constitutional Law--Who May Constitutionally Issue a Warrant?
Daniel L. Schofield
Constitutional Law--Due Process in Juvenile Court Proceeding
John Hampton Tinney
Constitutional Law--Administrative Searches
John Reed Homburg
Special Appearances under the Rules of Civil Procedure
Ray L. Hampton II
Guaranteed Shareholder Loans and Thin Capitalization
L. E. Friend II
The President's Page
James H. Coleman Jr.
Abortion and the Crime-Sin Spectrum
Willard D. Lorensen
Strict Liability in Tort: A Modest Proposal
David G. Epstein
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Robert Bruce King
Workman's Compensation--Dual Capacity Doctrine
William Douglass Goodwin
Torts--Effect of a Release of an Original Tort Feasor Upon the Malpractice of Attending Physician
Louis S. Southworth II
Income Tax--"Oversight Rule"
Jacob Michael Robinson
Criminal Law--Self-Defense--Justification Needed for Use of Deadly Force
Edward Perry Johnson
Attorney--Disciplinary Action--Mental Incapacity and Drunkenness in Mitigation Thereof
Robert Brand Stone
Reevaluation of the Dead Man's Statute
Ronald R. Brown
The Justice of the Peace: Constitutional Questions
George Lawson Partain
Habeas Corpus in West Virginia
Fred L. Fox II
The President's Page: Who Speaks for the Average Citizen
Wilson Anderson
Post-Conviction Relief for Federal Prisoners: A Survey and a Suggestion under 28 U.S.C. 2255
Gerald F. Uelmen
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Jerry David Hogg
Trusts--Power of Revocation--Various Methods
Judith Herndon
Torts--Discarding the Rule of Imputed Negligence in Automobile Cases
William Douglas Goodwin
Products Liability--Delegation of Duties by Manufactures for Inherently Dangerous Products
Paul R. Rice
Labor Relations--Employer's Duty to Bargain Over Subcontracting--Waiver
Louis Sweetland Southworth II
Labor Law--Bargaining in Good Faith--Union's Right to Conduct Time Studies on Company Property
Edward Perry Johnson
Income Tax--Reincorporation and Liquidation
Jacob Michael Robinson
Evidence--Medical Malpractice--Expert Testimony of Defendant Physician When Called as Adverse Witness
K. Paul Davis
Constitutional Law--Fair Trial and Free Press--Resolution of a Conflict
Jack William DeBolt
Agency--Recovery in Tort Under the Theory of Apparent Authority or Agency by Estoppel
Robert Brand Stone
Diminishing Property Rights
Hazel Armenta Straub
The President's Page: The Pursuit of Justice
Wilson Anderson
The Disclosure to Defense of Presentence Reports in West Virginia
Willard D. Lorensen
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Edward Perry Johnson
Torts--Extention of Definition of Invitee to One Entering Private Property Without Premission
Robert Bruce King
Public Utilities--What Constitutes a Public Utility in West Virginia
William Douglass Goodwin
Property--Effects of Alteration of Recordable Instruments
Robert Brand Stone
Evidence--Expert Opinion of Speed Based on Damaged Condition of Vehicle
Louis Sweetland Southworth II
Constitutional Law--Establishing Student's Domicile For Voting Purposes
Jacob Michael Robinson
Constitutional Law--Duty to Warn Accused of Rights on Arrest
George Lawson Partain
Conflict of Laws- Long Arm Statutes--Sufficient Minimus Contact for In Personam Jurisdiction over Foreign Corporations
Ronald Ralph Brown
Attorney and Client--Acts of Real Estate Broker Constitutiong Unauthorized Practice of Law
K. Paul Davis
President's Page
Wilson Anderson
Depreciation and the Reserve Ratio Test
J. Timothy Phillips
Abstracts fo Recent Cases
Ellen Fairfax Warder
Workmen's Compensation--Average Weekly Wages
Menis Elbert Ketchum II
Taxation and Interstate Commerce
Raymond Albert Hinerman
Mortgages--The Doctrine of Future Advances
James Truman Cooper
Creditors' Rights--Tort Liability for Fraudulent Conveyance
John Welton Fisher II
Constitutional Law--Indigents' Waiver of Counsel on Appeal
John I. Rogers II
Conflict of Laws--Interspousal Tort Immunity
Hazel Armenta Straub
Some Municipal Annexation Problems in West Virginia
John Payne Scherer
Legislative Studies Institute
John B. Thackston, William H. Higinbotham, Robert E. Harpold Jr., John F. Troelstrup, and Thomas C. Sheppard Jr.
Bankruptcy--Rights and Powers in Chapter XIII
John T. Copenhaver Jr.
Industrial and Commercial Loans and Guarantees for New or Expanding Business under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965
James M. Roberts
Abstracts of Recent Cases
John Welton Fisher II
Torts--Unavoidable Accident
William Jack Stevens
Torts--New Action for "Wrongful Life"
David Ray Rexroad
Property--Involuntary Partition of Jointly Owned Property
John I. Rogers II
Income Tax--Corporate Reorganizations-Spin-offs
Raymond Albert Hinerman
Federal Courts--Prosecution of Officers under the Civil Rights Act
Hazel Armneta Straub
Federal Courts--Another Chapter To Erie
William Jack Stevens
Evidence--Use of Learned Treatises on Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses
Manis Elbert Ketchum II
Criminal Law--Use of Injunctive Proceedings to Suppress Evidence
Ellen Fairfax Warder
Criminal Law--Comment on Defendant's Failure to Testify
James Truman Cooper
Constitutional Law--Appointment of Constitutional Conventions
David Gail Hanlon
Civil Rights--Applications of Judicial Immunity and Volenti Non Fit Injuria
Forrest Hansbury Roles
Taxation--Constitutional Aspects of Tangible Property Assessments
Edward Garfield Atkins
President's Page
Amos A. Bolen
Necessity for Signature on a Check to be in Same Form as Signature on Specimen Signature Card
William O. Morris
Adverse Possession of Severable Minerals
William B. Stoebuck
Book Review: The Courts, The Public and the Law Explosion
John Welton Fisher II
Book Review: Protest: Sacco-Vanzetti and the Intellectuals
Willard D. Lorensen
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Lynne Ward Rexroad
Income Tax--Alimony Pursuant to an Invalid Divorce
Raymond Albert Hinerman
Procedure--Waiver of Special Appearance--Effect of Rules of Civil Procedure
Robert Larry Sarber
Labor Law--Member's Right to Presence of Counsel in Union Hearing
David Ray Rexroad
Libel and Slander--The Innocent Construction Rule
Ellen Fairfax Warder
Damages--The Per Diem Method of Arguing Pain and Suffering
James Truman Cooper
Criminal Law--Due Process and the Statute of Limitations
Forrest Hansbury Roles
Constitutional Law--Voluntary Confession
Menis Elbert Ketchum II
Constitutional Law--Double Jeopardy
John I. Rogers II
Comparative Law--Consular Agent Representing His National as Beneficiary
Hazel Armenta Straub
International Law--Present Status of the Act of State Doctrine and Its Effects upon Private Foreign Investment
Larry Lynn Skeen
President's Page
Amos A. Bolen
Law Day Address
Frank C. Haymond
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Ellen Fairfax Warder
Torts--The Fall of the Charitable Immunity Doctrine
James Truman Cooper
Torts--Absence o Privacy on Implied Warranty of Fitness
John L. Rogers II
Public Records--Availability for Inspection
Raymond Albert Hinerman
Estate Tax--The Marital Deduction and Power of Appointment
Edward` Garfield Atkins
Domestic Relations--Married Woman's Domicile
Lynne Ward Rexroad
Criminal Law--Kidnapping
Forrest Hansbury Roles
Criminal Law--Administrative Law and the Right to Trial by Jury
William Jack Stevens
Constitutional Law--Prospective Limitation of Mapp v. Ohio
Menis Elbert Ketchum II
Constitutional Law--Freedom of Religion and the Police Power
Hazel Armenta Straub
Administrative Law--Use of Writ of Prohibition
John Welton Fisher II
Prior West Virginia Equity Practice Regarding Necessary Joinder of Parties as Precedent under Rule 19
David Gail Hanlon
Suretyship Law in West Virginia
William O. Morris
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Ralph Judy Bean Jr.
Wills--Equitable Conversion
Robert Willis Walker
Trusts--Limitations on Distributions from Incompetent's Estate
David Gail Hanlon
Constitutional Law--Conscientious Objectors
Frank Cuomo
Constitutional Law--The Scope of the Escobedo Rule
Lester Clay Hess Jr.
Conflict of Laws--Place of Wrong Rule in Wrongful Death Actions
Charles Edward Barnett
President's Page
Charles F. Bagley Jr.
Product Liability and Disclaimers in West Virginia: Reflections on Payne and Williams
Willard D. Lorensen
The Expanding Horizons of Legal Services--II
Monrad G. Paulsen
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Frank Cuomo Jr.
Torts--A Comparison of Unauthorized Embalming and Unauthorized Autopsy
John Payne Scherer
Federal Courts--Diversity Juristiction of Procedding Brought by a Nonresident Guardian for a Nonresident Incompetent Minor
Larry Lynn Skeen
Divorce--Merger of Seperation Agreement into Divorce Decree
Charles Edward Barnett
Criminal Law--Confessions Before Arraignment
Dennis Raymond Lewis
Constitutional Law--The Widening Scope of State Habeas Corpus Relief
Lester Clay Hess Jr.
Contracts--Agent's Right to Commission on Reorders After Termination of His Employment
David Gail Hanlon
Civil Rights--Removal of Cause
Robert Willis Walker
A Comparison of the Tax Consequences of a Sale of Good Will with a Covenant Not to Compete
William Walter Smith
President's Page
Charles F. Bagley Jr.
Debt Collection Torts
Charles E. Hurt
The Expanding Horizons of Legal Services--I
Monrad G. Paulsen
Procedure--Imputability of Attorney's Negligence to Client Under West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure
Lester Clay Hess Jr.
Income Tax--Depreciation in Year of Sale
Robert Willis Walker
Criminal Law--West Virginia Kidnapping Stature--Single Offence
Ralph Judy Bean Jr.
Criminal Law--Use of Presumptions To Shift Burden of Proof
Frank Cuomo Jr.
Criminal Law--Knowledge of Consequences of Plea of Guilty
Charles Edward Barnett
President's Page
Charles F. Bagley
A Critical Study of the Probate System in West Virginia--II
Robert J. Riley Jr.
Valuation of Leasehold Estates in Eminent Domain
John O. Kizer
Abstracts of Recent Cases
David Gail Hanlon
Torts--Statutes and Ordinance Obligation as Evidence of Landlord's Duty to Trespass
John Payne Scherer
Property--Restraint on Alienation
Charles Edward Barnett
Property--Material Changes in Deed by Parties After Delivery
Robert Willis Walker
Property--Cancellation of Note at Payee's Death Not Testamentary Gift
Ralph Judy Bean Jr.
Municipal Corporations--Absolute Liability for Disrepair of Streets
Charles Ellsworth Heilmann
Domestic Relations--Custody of Minor Children
Dennis Raymond Lewis
Criminal Law--Admissibility on Criminal Courts of Evidence Derived from Inadmissible Juvenile Confessions
Lester Clay Hess Jr.
Attorney and Client--Union Programs To Obtain Legal Counsel
Frank Cuomo Jr.
Implied Revocation of Wills in West Virginia
Charles Marion Love III
President's Page
Charles F. Bagley
A Critical Study of the Probate System in West Virginia--I
Robert G. Riley Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
William Walter Smith
Security Transactions--Uniform Trust Receipts Act
Richard Marion Alker
Insurance--Insured's Breach of Cooperation Clause
Charles Ellsworth Heilmann
Estate Tax--Marital Deduction Formula Clause
Victor Alfred Barone
Equity--Clean Hands
Fred Adkins
Eminent Domain--Right to Compensation of Covenants of Condemned Land
Ward Day Stone Jr.
Constitutional Law--State Action Under Hill-Burton Act
Charles M. Love III
The Scope of Permissible Cross-Examination of a Party Litigant or Defendant in a Jury Trial in West Virginia
Lee Ames Luce
A Comparison of the Drawee's Rights on Altered Instruments under the Common Law, NIL and UCC
William O. Morris
Changes in West Virginia Real Property Tax Law
Londo H. Brown
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Ward Day Stone Jr.
Torts--Property Owner's Liability For Injuries to Public Employees
Victor Alfred Barone
Property--Joint Tenancy in Join Bank Accounts
John Ralph Lukens
Marshaling Claims--The Effect Of State Exemption Laws On Collection Of Government Liens
Boyd Lee Warner II
Criminal Law--Extradition for Nonsupport
Fred Adkins
Conflict of Laws--Appointment of a Valid Agent for Service of Process
William Walter Smith
Conflict of Laws--Law Governing Testamentary Trusts Involving Movables
George Charles Hughes III
Mineral Interests and the Executive Right in West Virginia
Thomas Franklin McCoy
President's Page
C. Howard Hardesty
Water Law in West Virginia
Marlyn E. Lugar
The West Virginia Administrative Procedure Act
Charles M. Harrison
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Richard Marion Alker
Unfair Competition--Infringement of a Trade Name
William Walter Smith
Legal Ethics--Fee Splitting
John Ralph Lukens
Federal Courts--Diversity Jurisdiction of Foreign Corporations
Charles Marion Love III
Evidence and Criminal Law--Admission by Silence
Charles David McMunn
Criminal Law--Statutory Presumptions
Eugene Triplett Hague Jr.
Criminal Law--Extension of Felony Murder Rule
Victor Alfred Barone
Conflict of Laws--Erosion of Lex Loci Deliciti Theory
George Charles Hughes
Attorneys--Admission to Bar as Perquisite of Holding Office as Prosecuting Attorney
Ward Day Stone Jr.
Ethical Problems and Responsibilities of the Tax Attorney
Earl Moss Curry Jr.
President's Page
C. Howard Hardesty Jr.
Some Conflict of Laws Problems Relating to Negotiable Instruments
William O. Morris
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Boyd Lee Warner II
Wills--Devise of Specific Portion of Property Held in Contenancy
Richard Marion Alker
Sales--Notice of Filing Under Uniform Commercial Code
Charles Marion Love III
Procedure--Effect of Dismissal of Venue-Giving Defendant
Frank Thomas Graff Jr.
Legislation--Admission to Extrinsic Evidence to Show Irregularities in Passage of Bill
Victor Alfred Barone
Income Taxation--Contribution to Employees' Savings Trust
Charles Ellsworth Heilman
Income Taxation--Basis for Depletion Allowance
Ward Day Stone Jr.
Evidence--Competency to Husband and Wife to Testify to Nonaccess During Time of Conception
Lewis Charles Pellegrin
Criminal Law--Disqualification of Jurors
Fred Adkins
Courts--Prospective Overruling
William Walter Smith
Mines and Minerals--Surface Transmission of Electricity under Implied Mining Rights
Charles David McMunn
President's Page
C. Howard Hardesty
Some Unpublicized History of West Virginia and the Restored Government of Virginia
Julian G. Hearne Jr.
Predictability of the Law; Its Relation to Respect for Law
George G. Bailey
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Charles David McMunn
Trespass--Liability for Unintentional, Non-negligent Entry
Thomas Richard Ralston
Sales--Uniform Commercial Code--Consideration for Modification of a Contract
Thomas Edward McHugh
Sales--Persons Protected by Warranties Under the Uniform Commercial Code--Employee of Buyer Held Not Protected
Earl Moss Curry Jr.
Procedure--The Sufficiency of the Record in Opposing a Motion for Summary Judgment
Sterl Franklin Shinaberry
Mines and Minerals--Breach of Covenant--Measure of Damages
Eugene Triplett Hague Jr.
Labor Law--Application of Pre-emption Doctrine in Suites to Enforce Collective Bargaining Agreements
James K. Edmundson Jr.
Income Taxation--Denial of Deduction of Business Expenses Incurred in Personal Litigation
Thomas Franklin McCoy
Insurance--Waiver and Estoppel as Satisfying Condition of Proof of Loss in Fire Insurance Policies
Stephen Grant Young
Evidence--Infant's Pleading as a Judicial Admission
Ralph Charles Dusic Jr.
Damages--Detinue--Liability Under Redelivery Bond for Depreciation of Chattel
George Charles Hughes III
Criminal Law--Common Law Forgery--Oral vs. Witten Representation of Authority
Robert William Burk Jr.
Constitutional Law--Due Process--Right to Counsel in Sate Non-Capital Cases
Robert Edward Haden
Attorney and Client--Contract on Employment--Damages on Intermeddling
Frank Thomas Graff Jr.
Implied Warranty and Trichinosis
Lee Ames Luce
President's Page
George G. Bailey
Taxation and Land Titles under Article XIII of the West Virginia Constitution
Herbert Stephenson Boreman Jr.
The New Scope of Federal Habeas Corpus for State Prisoners
Willard D. Lorensen
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Frank Thomas Graff Jr.
Wills--Rights of an Adopted Child to Take as a Class Remainderman
Stephen Grant Young
Procedure--Rule 36--Request for Admissions
Ralph Charles Dusic Jr.
Municipal Corporations--Insurance and Immunity
Thomas Edward McHugh
Labor Law--Employee Rights under Collective Bargaining Agreement
Thomas Franklin McCoy
Federal Courts--Diversity Jurisdiction by Assignment--Improper or Collusive.
Earl Moss Curry Jr.
Evidence--Federal Shop-Book Rule--Admissibility of Hospital Records
Eugene Triplett Hague Jr.
Criminal Procedure--Trial of Co-Defendants--Right of Silence Violated
Robert Edward Haden
Criminal Law--Entrapment
Robert William Burk Jr.
Conflict of Laws--Full Faith and Credit versus Res Judicata
Sterl Franklin Shinaberry
President's Page
George G. Bailey
Recovery of Damages for Injuries Sustained by Children en Ventre sa Mere
Daniel A. Ruley Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Robert William Burk Jr.
Procedure--Involuntary Dismissal--An Interpretation of Rule 41(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Lee Ames Luce
Parent and Child--Compulsory Medical Care Over Objection of Parents
Stephen Grant Young
Labor Law--Interrogation of Employee by Employer as an Unfair Labor Practice
Sterl Franklin Shinaberry
Insurance--Release--Recession for Mutual Mistake--Existing but Unknown Injury as Grounds Therefor
David Mayer Katz
Insurance--Duty to Defend--Alleged Facts Not Within Policy Coverage
Charles David McMunn
Income Tax--Nonrecognition of Gain Realized upon Involuntary Conversion of Investment Property
Robert Edward Haden
Income Tax--Conversion of Capital Gains Into Ordinary Income in Collapsible Corporations
Frank Thomas Graff Jr.
Evidence--Witnesses--Impeachment of Court Witness By Prior Statements
Thomas Richard Ralston
Evidence--Attorney-Corporation Client Privilege
Thomas Edward McHugh
Damages--Liability Insurance and Punitive Damages
Harold Dale Brewster Jr.
Damages--Exemplary Damages--Requirements of Exemplary Damages
Eugene Triplett Hague Jr.
Criminal Law--Conspiracy--Consistency Rules
Ralph Charles Dusic Jr.
Administrative Law--The Right to Judicial Review of Administrative Action
Thomas Franklin McCoy
Legislative Reapportionment: Baker v. Carr
James Kilgore Edmundson Jr.
President's Page
George G. Bailey
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Thomas Richard Ralston
Conflict of Laws--Full Faith and Credit--Lack of jurisdiction vs. Mistake of Law
Ralph Charles Dusic Jr.
Torts--A New Test for Proximate Cause?
Robert William Burk Jr.
Labor Law--Norris-LaGuardia Act--Power of Federal Court to Enjoin Breach of No Strike Clause
James Kilgore Edmundson Jr.
Federal Courts--Personal Jurisdiction Not Required on Transfer to Cure Venue Defect
Frank Thomas Graff Jr.
Evidence--Lie Detector Testimony Admissible on Stipulation
John Everett Busch
Evidence--Identity of Driver in Absence of Direct Evidence
William Thomas Harrison
Equity--Unfair Competition--Injunction Granted Against Community Antenna
Eugene Triplett Hague Jr.
Due Process--Jurisdiction--Corporate Amenability to Substitute Service of Process
Sterl Franklin Shinaberry
Due Process--Requirement That a Prisoner Be "Duly Cautioned"
Charles David McMunn
Domestic Relations--The Effect of a Bigamous Marriage in a Workmen's Compensation Proceeding
Thomas Franklin McCoy
Criminal Law--Double Jeopardy--Multiple Transgressions from a Single Act
Earl Moss Curry Jr.
Criminal Law--Presence of Accused at Trial
Thomas Edward McHugh
Bankruptcy--"Strong Arm Clause" Weakened
Harold Dale Brewster Jr.
The Uniform Commercial Code--Secured Transactions and the West Virginia Landlord's Lien
Forest Jackson Bowman
President's Page
George G. Bailey
Bank-Customer Relations under the Uniform Commercial Code
Henry D. Collins
Secured Credit in Personal Property Transactions: An Introduction to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code
Willard D. Lorensen
Negotiable Instruments Law under the Uniform Commercial Code
William O. Morris
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Charles Henry Rudolph Jr.
Torts--Malpractice--Wrongful Death Action Based on Breach of Contract
Ralph Charles Dusic Jr.
Municipal Corporations--Power to License Plumbers Denied
John Everett Busch
Labor Law--Statute of Limitations Under Taft-Hartley Act ยง303
Robert Glenn Steele
Labor Law--Mandatory Requirement of Bargaining
John Templeton Kay Jr.
Labor Law--Jurisdiction of NLRB--Dollar Yardstick of NLRB and the "Affecting Commerce" Test
Herbert Stephenson Boreman Jr.
Criminal Law--Shoplifting--Lack of Requirement of Intent Does Not Invalidate Statute
David Mayer Katz
Conflict of Laws--Full Faith and Credit for Foreign Custody Judgements
Forest Jackson Bowman
Discovery of Liability Insurance under New Rules
William Erwin Barr
Permanent Injury: General or Special Damage
Nick George Zegrea
President's Page
Clarence E. Martin Jr.
Letters of Credit and the West Virginia Law
Stanley E. Dadisman
Abstracts of Recent Cases
William Erwin Barr
Torts--Parent and Child--Parent Liability for Tort of Child Where Parent Negligent in Failing to Restrain Child
David Mayer Katz
Sales--Additional Responsibility of Manufacturers--New Car Sales
Robert Glenn Steele
Master and Servant--Fraud in the Inducement of an Employment Contract--Effect Under Federal Employers' Liability Act
Herbert Stephenson Boreman Jr.
Criminal Law--Former Jeopardy--Indictment for Conspiracy to Murder
Forest Jackson Bowman
Criminal Law--Defense of Others
Charles Henry Rudolph Jr.
Constitutional Law--Justice of the Peace Disqualified by Pecuniary Interest--1961 Statute Held Invalid
John Everett Busch
Bankruptcy--Right of Creditors to Reach Property Held As Tenants by the Entirety
John Templeton Kay Jr.
Cumulative Voting and Classified Directorates
Aaron David Trub
Corporate Benefits for Attorneys: Restrictions and Possibilities
Robert Glenn Lilly Jr.
President's Page
Clarence E. Martin Jr.
The Uniform Commercial Code Sales Article Compared with West Virginia Law (Conclusion)
Willard D. Lorensen
Trial--Argument of Council--Use of Formula Not Based on Evidence
Forest Jackson Bowman
Instructions--Binding Instruction on Contributory Negligence Need Note State Specific Acts of Negligence
David Mayer Katz
Federal Tax Lien--Effect of State Statute of Limitations
James Kilgore Edmundson Jr.
Corporations--Stock Granting Only Limited Power to Vote For Directors Valid Under Constitutional Amendment
John Everett Busch
Bankruptcy--Chapter XIII Wage Earners' Plans
Charles Henry Rudolph Jr.
President's Page
Clarence E. Martin Jr.
The Uniform Commercial Code Sales Article Compared with West Virginia Law Part II
Willard D. Lorensen
Abstracts of Recent Cases
James Kilgore Edmundson Jr.
Workmen's Compensation--Rights of Claimant Whose Injuries Were the Result of "Horseplay"
Charles Henry Rudolph Jr.
Torts--Statutes of Limitations--Malpractice Actions Involving Objects Left in Surgical Patients
Aaron David Trub
Inheritance Tax--Tax on Specific Bequests--"Tax on a Tax Ad Infinitum" Held Proper
Robert Glenn Steele
Income Tax--Embezzled Funds Represent Taxable Income
John Everett Busch
Income Tax--Deductions--Loans by Employee to Corporation Deductible as Business Bad Debts
David Mayer Katz
Future Interests--Rules Against Perpetuities--Construction of Interest as Vested or Contingent
Nick George Zegrea
Federal Courts--Amount in Controversy--Aggregation of Claims Against Co-defendant Insurance Companies
Edward Andrew Zagula
Constitutional Law--Unlawful Search and Seizure--Evidence Obtained Thereby Not Admissible in State Courts
John Templeton Kay Jr.
Constitutional Law--Sunday Closing Laws--Validity Sustained
Forest Jackson Bowman
Constitutional Law--Police Power--Regulation of Junk Yards
Herbert Stephenson Boreman Jr.
State Versus Federal Jurisdiction and Control over Admission and Discipline of Attorneys
Esdel Beane Yost
Criminal Responsibility to Determine Insanity--The Model Penal Code Test Emerges from the Currently Existing Tests
James William Sarver
President's Page
Clarence E. Martin Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Peter Uriah Hook
Municipal Corporations--Violation of Municipal Ordinance--Liability of Abutting Owners and Occupants of Street and Sidewalks
Arthur Mark Recht
Minerals--Natural Gas--Title Not Lost by Storage Underground
Nick George Zegrea
Labor Law--Secondary Boycott--Inducement of Neutral Employees and Threats Against Neutral Employer Held Unlawful Under 1959 L.M.R.D.A.
Charles Harold Haden II
Labor Law--Arbitration--Court Determination Whether Grievance Is Within Agreement To Arbitrate
William Warren Upton
Income Tax--Transactional Entered Into For Profit--Proper Basis For Computing Deductible Loss
Aaron David Trub
Federal Courts--Limitations on the Use of the Federal Declaratory Judgment Act in Determining the Validity of Fund Transfers Under the Labor Management Relations Act
James William Sarver
Federal Courts--Jurisdictional Amounts--Legal Certainty
Esdel Beane Yost
Evidence--Admissibility of Tape Recordings Where Portions Are Inaudible
John George Van Meter
Damages--Torts--Punitive Denied Against Joint Tort-Feasors
Lee O'Hanlon Hill
Constitutional Law--West Virginia Better Schools Amendment--Legislative Extension Unconstitutional
Frederick Luther Davis Jr.
Constitutional Law--Public School Desegregation--Pupil Placement Plan
Robert Glenn Lilly Jr.
The Ethical Problem in the Representation of Union Members by Union Attorneys
Herbert Shelton Sanger Jr.
Laying a Foundation for the Introduction of Secondary Evidence in West Virginia
Wallace Everett Maloney
Implied Warranty and the Sale of Restaurant Food
Orton Alan Jones
President's Page
Stanley Higgins Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Nick George Zegrea
Rules of Civil Procedure--Interposing Counterclaim--Effect on Venue and Jurisdiction
Frederick Luther Davis Jr.
Remedies--Mandamus--Procedure Used to Omit Former Deputy's Name on Ballot for Sheriff
James William Sarver
Municipal Corporations--Municipality's Obligation to Pay Back Salary to De Jure Officer After Payment to De Facto Officer
William Warren Upton
Income Tax--Travel Expense Deductions--New Approach to Implement the "Temporary and Indefinite" Test
Arthur Mark Recht
Income Tax--Payment by Sublessee for Cancelation of Lessee's Interest
Robert Glenn Lilly Jr.
Evidence--Burden of Proof--Presumption of Innocence
Esdel Beane Yost
Conflict of Laws--Jurisdiction Over Nonresident Defendants by Extraterritorial Service of Process
Peter Uriah Hook
Jurors and the Sanctity of Their Verdicts
Lee O'Hanlon Hill
President's Page
Stanley Higgins Jr.
The Doctrine of Advancements
M. Donald Wright Jr.
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Robert Glenn Lilly Jr.
Torts--False Arrest--False Imprisonment--Shoplifting
Esdel Beane Yost
Legal Ethics--Attorneys--Disbarment While Serving as Judge
James William Sarver
Income Tax--Jurisdiction of Federal District Court to Grant Refund of Partial Income Tax Payment
Aaron David Trub
Damages--Loss of Consortium--Recovery by Either Spouse
Orton Alan Jones
Damages--Corporations--Corporate Liability for Exemplary Damages
Nick George Zegrea
Damages--Collateral Source Rule
Lee O'Hanlon Hill
Copyright--Renewal Rights--Executor's Right to Renew Where Author Has Assigned Renewal Rights
John James McKenzie
Contracts--Conditions--Restraint of Remarriage
William Warren Upton
Proof of the Corpus Delicti by Circumstantial Evidence Where the Body is Never Found
John George Van Meter
A Surviving Oddity: The Inter Vivos Branch of the Doctrine of Worthier
Charles Harold Haden II
President's Page
Stanley Higgins Jr.
Consecutive and Concurrent Sentences--A Comment
J. Alexander Creasey
World Rule of Law--The Role of the Individual Lawyer
Robert N. Wilkin
Capital Punishment: The Moral Issue
Orvill C. Snyder
Abstracts of Recent Cases
Aaron David Trub
Workmen's Compensation--Award as a Proper Subject for Remittitur in an Action Against Third Parties
James William Sarver
Wills--Subsequent Will Containing Express Clause of Revocation--Time Revocation Takes Effect
John James McKenzie
Torts--Prenatal Injuries--Child's Right to Recover
Nick George Zegrea
Perpetuities--Interest Subject to the Rule--Equitable Interests
Herbert Shelton Sanger Jr.
Evidence--Past Recollection Recorded--Present Recollection Revived
John George Van Meter
Estate Tax--Effect of Subsequent Events on Claims Against the Estate
Robert Glenn Lilly Jr.
Constitutional Law--Search and Seizure--Telecommunications
William Warren Upton
Constitutional Law--Criminal Law--Evidence--Searches and Seizures--Silver Platter Doctrine Abolished
Esdel Beane Yost
The Determination of Liability in Automobile Insurance Policies Containing Excess Insurance Clauses
Frederick Luther Davis Jr.
Usury Laws as Applied to Credit Sales--The Need for Revision
Michael Joseph Foley
President's Page
Stanley Higgins Jr.
The Division of Values Approach to Estate Planning
Henry C. Lowenhaupt
Abstracts of Recent Cases
M. J. F.
Insurance--Questions in Application--Extent to Which Insured May Rely upon Suggestions of Agent
J. G. V. M.
Federal Courts--Diversity Jurisdiction--Corporate Citizenship at its Principal Place of Business
L. O. H.
Eminent Domain--Constitutional Taking--Recovery Against Municipal Airport by Adjacent Property Owners
H. S. S. Jr.
Sunday Observance Laws
J. F. W. Jr.
President's Page
W. Paul McWhorter
The Leading Purpose Doctrine as Applied to the Statute of Frauds
William O. Morris
Aggravated Assaults in West Virginia
Wilard D. Lorensen
A Brief Survey of the West Virginia Law of Compensability
William Dean De La Mater
Abstracts of Recent Cases
A. M. P.
Income Tax--Loss Incident to "Sale" Involving Oil and Gas Production Payment--Deduction Allowed
C. H. H. II
Income Tax--Fair Market Value of Overriding Royalty Interest--Implied Reserved Economic Interest
M. J. F.
Conflict of Laws--Interstate Status of Divorce
H. S. S. Jr.
The Unauthorized Practice of Law
T. J. W.
President's Page
W. Paul McWhorter
The Effects of the Autonomy of the Parties on the Validity of Conflict-of-Laws Sales Contracts
Louis C. James
The Judge's Responsibility on a Plea of Guilty
William J. Thompson
Abstracts of Recent Cases
H. S. S. Jr.
Torts--Father's Action Against Unemancipated Son for Loss of Services of Another Unemancipated Son
A. M. P.
Torts--Concurrent Causes
F. L. D. Jr.
Contractual liability of Government for an Act Enhancing Cost of Performance--Element of Knowledge
M. J. F.
Criminal Law--Search, Seizure and Arrest Without Warrant--Probable Cause Necessary to Justify
E. P. K.
Equal Protection and the Race Problem
J. F. W. Jr.
President's Page
W. Paul McWhorter
The Use of Set-Off, Counterclaim and Recoupment: Availability against Commercial Paper
William O. Morris
Abstracts of Recent Cases
W. E. M.
President's Page
W. Paul McWhorter
Water for Mushrooming Populations
Clyde O. Martz
Abstracts of Recent Cases
M. D. W. Jr.
Real Property--Rights of the Remainderman After Sale for Nonpayment of Life Tenant's Taxes
J. F. W. Jr.
Evidence--Adoptive Admissions--Failure To Deny Incriminatory Statement Made in Presence of Accused
A. G. H.
President's Page
Harry Scherr Jr.
The Relation of Trial Counsel to the Public
John Alan Appleman
Some Aspects of Tort Liability in the Mining of Coal
Robert Tucker Donley
A Tribute to Louise Farrell Winterbottom
Stanley E. Dadisman
Abstracts of Recent Cases
G. H. A.
Torts--Initial Recognition of Right of Privacy--Allegation of Publication Unnecessary To Maintain Action
M. D. W. Jr.
President's Page
Harry Scherr Jr.
The Importance of Promptly Presenting Checks for Payment
William O. Morris
Tax Consequences of Joint Ownership of Property
Charles B. Stacy
Abstracts of Recent Cases
L. S. D.
Recordation of Leases
J. E. J.
Passage of Time as Laches
J. S. T.
President's Page
Harry Scherr Jr.
Joint Estates in Real Property in West Virginia
Robert L. Merricks
Accommodation Parties to Negotiable Instruments
William O. Morris
Abstracts of Recent Cases
A. G. H.
Workmen's Compensation--Mental and Emotional Attitude of Employee Considered Factor in Recovery
J. J. P.
President's Page
Harry Scherr Jr.
Lawyers' Obligations to the Courts
Byron O. House
Heritage of Freedom By Judge Ben Moore
Stanley C. Morris
Abstracts of Recent Cases
J. L. R.
Negligence--Car Owner's Liability for Negligence of Thief After Leaving Ignition Keys in Car
J. S. T.
Criminal Law--Confinement in the Penitentiary Without Indictment--Escape from Illegal Custody
I. A. P. Jr.
Constitutional Law--Right to Counsel--Conflicting Interests of Counsel as Ground for Reversal
T. E. P.
The Inadequate Award in West Virginia
C. H. B. Jr.
Copyrights: A Thumbnail Sketch
C. R. S.
President's Page
Hawthorne D. Battle
Broadcasting in the Courtroom
Frank L. Taylor
Four Proposed Amendments to the West Virginia Constitution
Stanley E. Dadisman
Probate Law Digest
Londo H. Brown
Release--Restoration of Consideration as Condition Precedent to Releasor's Action for Damages
R. G. P.
Evidence--Weight of Evidence and Credibility of Witnesses--Juror's Common Knowledge and Experience
J. D. McD.
Criminal Law--Effect of Order Setting Aside Sentence After Imprisonment Under First Judgment Begun
J. S. T.
Scope of Authority of the County Court and the Commissioner of Accounts in the Probate of Estates
I. A. P.
President's Page
Hawthorne D. Battle
The West Virginia Dead Man's Statute
Stanley E. Dadisman
Attorney NegligenceโฆA Suit Within a Suit
Richard G. Coggin
Municipal Law
George G. Bailey
Abstracts of Recent Cases
J. E. J.
Statutory Amendments--Grounds for Divorce
J. C. W. Jr.
Parental Liability Statute
J. D. McD. and J. L. R.
President's Page
Hawthorne D. Battle
Ben Avon South of the Border
William Andrew Kerr
Suggestions for Simplification of Criminal Procedure
Harlan M. Calhoun
The Cabinet Diary of William L. Wilson
Marlyn E. Lugar
Abstracts of Recent Cases
T. E. P.
Municipal Corporations--Repayment of Advances from Proceeds of Revenue Bonds not within Debt Limitations
J. C. W. Jr.
Constitutional Law--Obscenity
J. E. J.
President's Page
Hawthorne D. Battle
Psychology, Mental Illness, and the Law
Lee Silverstein
Foundations of American Realism
Julius Paul
President's Page
Walter F. Ball
Discovery and Inspection in Federal Criminal Procedure
Lester B. Orfield
A Tribute to Professor Leo Carlin
Wm. Bruce Hoff
A Tribute to Professor Edmund C. Dickinson
J. Warren Madden
A Tribute to Dean Thomas Porter Hardman
Guy Farmer
Vagaries and Varieties in Constitutional Interpretation
Albert L. Sturm
Individual Freedom and Governmental Restraints
Lee Silverstein
Abstracts of Recent Cases
G. W. H. Jr.
President's Page
Walter F. Ball
The Defense of Laches and a Correlative
John W. Plattenburg
The Defense of Sterility in Paternity Cases
Sidney B. Schatkin
Discovery and Inspection in Federal Criminal Procedure
Lester B. Orfield
Successful Handling of Labor Grievances
John R. Williams
Abstracts of Recent Cases
M. J. P.
President's Page
Walter F. Ball
West Virginia Indeterminate Sentence and Parole Laws
Londo H. Brown
A Treatise on Administrative Law
Ray J. Davis
A Manual of Copyright Practice
Allen D. Choka
Abstracts of Recent Cases
T. E. P.
Constitutional Law--Equal Protection--Appellate Review in Criminal Case Based on Ability to Pay
R. M.
President's Page
Walter F. Ball
The Practical Way to Prepare a Case for an Appellate Court
Campbell Palmer III
West Virginia Habitual Criminal Law
Londo H. Brown
Juridical Trauma and Medical Shock
Henry H. Foster Jr.
Cases and Materials on the Law of Oil and Gas
Robert T. Donley
The Challenge of Law Reform
Lee Silverstein
Constitutional Law--Public Health--Mandamus
H. R. A. Jr.
Courts--Supervisory Powers--Enjoinment of Federal Narcotics Agent From Testifying in State Court
T. E. P.
Attorney and Client--Disbarment of Attorney For Invoking Fifth Amendment-Denial of Due Process
M. J. P.
The West Virginia Law Review: Law Reviews and the Courts
Gerhard O. W. Mueller
The West Virginia Bar Association President's Page
John D. Phillips
Social Interest in Rate Regulation in West Virginia
Karl P. Warden
The Relation and Correlation of Freedom and Security
Henry H. Foster
Impartial Medical Testimony
Walter R. DeForest M.D.
Corporate Management
Thomas S. Issack
Municipal Corporations--Duty to Protect Police Informer--No Liability For Injury to Informer
P. B. H.
Uniform Conditional Sales Act--An Annotation
H. R. A. Jr.
Administrative Law--Extent of Judicial Review--Rulings of the Federal Communications Commission
B. F. D.
The West Virginia Bar Association President's Page
John D. Phillips
Small Claims Courts Versus Justices of the Peace
Lee Silverstein
Pending Peril and the Right to Search Dwellings
Max DeBerry and Gerhard O. W. Mueller
Bibliography on Foreign and Comparative Law
Gerhard O. W. Mueller
The Problem Methods in Legal Education
Leo H. Whinery
Twenty Years of West Virginia Marriage and Divorce Law
Clyde L. Colson
Instructions to Jury and the Proposed Rule
J. H. Brennan
Conflict of Laws--Choice of Law--(Adhesion) Contract of Affreightment With Stipulation of Applicable Law
H. R. A. Jr.
The Physician-Patient Privilege
T. B. M.
The Evidentiary Effect of a View--Another Word
Thomas P. Hardman
Mens Rea and the Law Without It: Rationale and the West Virginia Rule
Gerhard O. W. Mueller
Duplicitous Allegations in Indictments
Marlyn E. Lugar
C. W. G.
Contracts--Collective Bargaining--Consideration For Promise To Pay Cash Equivalent of Benefits
B. E. B.
Joinder of Crimes in the Same Indictment
R. L. DeP.
Covenants in Leases in West Virginia
Londo H. Brown
The Twilight Zone of Hearsay
Thomas P. Hardman
Law of Safety Deposit Boxes
C. B. F. and W. T. S.
The Practice of Law
Charles M. Love
Some Comments on Rate Making in West Virginia
Charles C. Wise and Ben K. Baker
Covenants in Leases in West Virginia
Londo H. Brown
Constitutional Law--Separation of Powers--Control by Judiciary of Compensation of Court Attaches
W. R. B. II.
The Mortgage for Future Advances in West Virginia
R. E. Stealey
Federal Taxation of Alimony Arrangements
Henry D. Collins
The National Labor Relations Board
Guy Farmer
William L. Wilson and Tariff Reform
Albert S. Abel
R. H. R.
Limits of Title Search Under the West Virginia Recording Act
Clyde L. Colson
Spontaneous Declarations
Thomas P. Hardman
Vendor-Purchaser--Rights of Defaulting Purchaser
C. F. S. Jr.
The Right of Petition
L. A. S.
Rationality in Rate-Making
L. A. S.
Conduct of Judges and Lawyers
Stanley E. Dadisman
Taxation--Application for Refund
J. M. H.
Worker's Compensation, Conflict of Laws and the Constitution
Clyde W. Wellen
Pre-Trial in West Virginia
Wright Hugus
Revision of the Taft-Hartley Act
Archibald Cox
Law Schools and Practical Training
Harlan M. Calhoun
Psychiatry and the Law
Marlyn E. Lugar
Transferee Liability--A Capital Loss
William T. Lively Jr.
Some Observations on Bailey v. Baker
C. E. Goodwin
Correction of Error on Motion
Leo Carlin
Cases on Administrative Law
H. L. Snyder
Workmen's Compensation--Notice of Time For Objection to the Initial Findings of the Commissioner
J. E. R.
Taxation of Interstate Commerce
L. A. S.
The Hope Case and Recent Federal Decisions
N. E. R. and F. R. T.
Lawyers and the Legislative Process
Charles B. Nutting
Applicability of Instructions to the Evidence
Marlyn E. Lugar
Ohio Valley Panorama
Albert S. Abel
Legal Education and Lawyer-Made Law
David F. Cavers
Spontaneous Declarations (Res Gestae)
Thomas P. Hardman
Assumpsit--Common Counts--Action by Assignee
C. M. H. Jr.
Determination Of the Appropriate Unit For Collective Bargaining
Jerome Ackerman and Lawrence A. Sullivan
Trial By the Court Without A Jury
Leo Carlin
Evidence--The Opinion Rule As Applicable to Dying Declarations in West Virginia--Another View
J. H. M. Jr.
Municipal Zoning and Land Use Regulation
Chester James Antieau
The Lawyer Amid Social Changes
Robert L. Hogg
Common Law Pleading Modified Versus The Federal Rules: IV. Pleading Legal and Equitable Rights-Union of Law and Equity
Marlyn E. Lugar
Husband and Wife--Right of Wife to Recover For Loss of Consortium Due to Injury Caused by Negligence
F. R. S.
Some Elementary Principles of Constitutional Law
Clyde L. Colson
The Evidentiary Effect of a View: Stare Decisis or Stare Dictis
Thomas P. Hardman
Melville Weston Fuller
Albert S. Abel
The Public And the State Bar
Charles C. Wise Jr.
The Transfer of Title to Timber in West Virginia
J. H. M. Jr.
Government by Injunction
Charles E. Mahan
Financial Responsibilities of West Virginia Municipalities
William H. File Jr.
Common Law Pleading Modified versus the Federal Rules
Marlyn E. Lugar
Lotteries--Consideration Necessary to Constitute--Bank Night and Similar Theatre Give-Away Programs
J. T. C. Jr.
Power of Administrative Agencies to Grant Rehearings
T. E. M. and R. B. P.
Some Problems of Preferential Transfers in West Virginia
Robert Evans Stealey
The Drilling Clause in Oil and Gas Leases in West Virginia
Robert Tucker Donley
Hearsay: "Self-Serving" Declarations
Thomas P. Hardman
Coal Mining Rights and Privileges in West Virginia
Robert Tucker Donley
Objections and Exceptions
Leo Carlin
Lawyers: What of the Law--and Law Schools?
Erwin N. Griswold
Fair Labor Standards Act--Regular Rate of Pay--Existence Thereof Where Sole Wages Consist of Tips
R. L. T.
Divorce--Condonation--Two Acts of Coition Plus Conciliatory Letter as Condonation for Cruelty
J. F. S. Jr.
The Doctrinal Development of the Tenth Amendment
Dayton C. Casto Jr.
How to Find and Use Federal Legislative Materials
Robert K. Emerson and Frank L. Fuller III
Trends in the Administration of the Taft-Hartley Act
Walter L. Brown
The Judiciary in a Changing World
Fred L. Fox
Administrative Finality in Claims for Overcharges
Thomas P. Hardman
Witnesses--Power to Compel Expert Testimony
J. W. S. Jr.
Evidence--Hearsay--Spontaneous Exclamation
C. W. W. Jr.
Substance and Procedure in Rule Making
Thomas H.S. Curd
Judgment Non Obstante Veredicto
Leo Carlin
Is Law Disappearing?
Charles E. Clark
Constructive Trusts--Duty of Agent to Reconvey Land Purchased for Principal--Statute of Frauds
M. S. K.
The West Virginia Law of Forfeited and Delinquent Lands
George G. Bailey
The Landowner Versus the Airport
I. Martin Leavitt
Taxation--Receipt of Income--Satisfaction of Judgment After Assignment as Income to Assignor
R. F. M.
The Canadian and British Death Tax Conventions
Alan L. Gornick
Some Practical Comments on the Tax Practice
Howe P. Cochran
Known Generally as Corporate Securities
Albert S. Abel
Taxation and School Support in West Virginia
Clyde L. Colson
Minable and Merchantable Coal
G. S. B.
Attaching Creditor as Garnishee
D. C. H.
Progress in the Law of Oil and Gas
C. C. Williams Jr.
The Finality of the Filed Rate in West Virginia
Thomas P. Hardman
The Sole Beneficiary Problem in West Virginia
Robert T. Donley
Some Problems in Venue and Jurisdiction
Lewis H. Miller
The Modus Operandi of the Supreme Court of Appeals
Herschel H. Rose
Unity Plan in Dedication of Ways
G. S. B.
Due Process and the Wartime Draft of Manpower
Clyde L. Colson
Note on Secondary Recovery
C. C. Williams Jr.
Last Clear Chance--Some Further Observations
Robert T. Donley
State Court of Claims
Walter M. Elswick
The Justice of Our Cause
George Richardson Jr.
Remittiturs and Additurs
Leo Carlin
Workmen's Compensation Act--Time of Accrual of Liability--Silicosis--Meaning of "in the Same Employment"
D. D. J. Jr.
Torts--Right of Privacy--Violation by Unauthorized Publication of Picture for Commercial Use
E. I. E.
Competition in Public Service--A New Interpretation
Thomas P. Hardman
Removal of Limitation of Recoverable Amount in Actions for Wrongful Death and Extending Right of Action Generally for Injury to Person or Property
Julian F. Bouchelle
Profits a Prendre and Interstate Price-Fixing
C. C. Williams Jr. and Kemble White Jr.
Arrest without a Warrant in West Virginia
Marlyn E. Lugar
The Excuse of Impossibility in West Virginia Contract Law
Clyde L. Colson
Injunction--Interference with Advantageous Business Relations--Selling Solutions in Puzzle Contest
M. S. K.
Divorce--Collateral Attack by Subsequent Spouse
H. L. W. Jr.
Managing the Business of the Courts
Harry Scherr Jr.
Requirement of Consent of Three-Fourths of Jury to Verdicts in Civil Action, Abolishing Law of Unanimous Consent
Julian F. Bouchelle
A Note on Declaratory Judgment Pleading and Practice
Thomas B. Jackson
Some Spadework on the Implied Warranty of Authority
Albert S. Abel
The Bar as a Governing Caste
Herschel H. Rose
Insurance--Retention of Premiums After Loss--Non-Existence of Person Qualified to Receive Payment
H. P. S.
Constitutional Law--Punishment for Crime--Requirement That Penalty be Proportioned to Offence
B. D. T.
The Syllabus Is the Law--Another Word
Thomas P. Hardman
Selecting Jurors
Harry E. Watkins
Lie Detectors, Extrajudicial Investigations and the Courts
Thomas P. Hardman
Our Changing Common Law
Ole E. Wyckoff
The Law of Garnishment in West Virginia
Leo Carlin
Workmen's Compensation Act--Employer's Right to Subrogation
P. J. O'F. and W. H. S.
Wills--Construction--"Share" Construed as Remainder
H. P. B. Jr. and H. L. W. Jr.
Taxation--Income Tax--Deductions
W. J. C. and J. S. M.
Taxation--Appeal from Circuit Court on Issues of Valuation
E. E. T. Jr. and L. E. T. II
Marriage and Divorce--Alimony in Annulment Proceedings
H. P. S. and B. D. T.
Evidence--Privileged Communications--State Secrets
A. A. A. and N. E. S.
Criminal Law--Indictment--Statutory Short Form
H. P. S. and B. D. T.
Automobiles--The Family Purpose Doctrine--Liability of Owner for Negligent Operation by Guest of Son
L. R. M. and K. W. Jr.
Preliminary Remarks to Jurors
Ben Moore
Interpretation of Documents--The Parol Evidence Rule and an Exception for Erroneous Description
Thomas P. Hardman
The New Delinquent Lands Statute
Clyde L. Colson
Conservation of Mineral Resources: A Brief Survey
C. C. Williams
Deeds--Rules of Construction--Intent of Grantor
H. L. W. Jr.
On Leasing Gas from Coal Seams
C. C. Williams Jr.
"The Syllabus Is the Law"--Another Word
Thomas P. Hardman
The West Virginia Public Service Commission: III The Power of the State to Prohibit the Export of Its Natural Resources
C. A. Peairs Jr.
Recent Developments in Local Procedure
Leo Carlin
Constitutional Law--Delegation of Legislative Power to Administrative Bodies or Officers
E. E. T. Jr.
"The Syllabus is the Law"
Thomas P. Hardman
Regulating Procedure by Rules of Court in West Virginia
Harry Scherr Jr.
Battersey's Case (1623): Some Ups and Downs of the Rule Three Pronounced, Affecting Contributions between Joint Wrongdoers
John H. Hatcher
Statutory Regulation of Strip Mining
C. C. Williams Jr.
"The Law"--In West Virginia
Thomas P. Hardman
Right of Trial by Jury in Civil Actions
Ashton File
What Is Law
Roscoe Pound
West Virginia: The Mountain State
C. C. Williams Jr.
Specific Performance--Right of Defendant to Show Duress without Offering to Rescind Entire Contract
R. A. P.
Forfeiture of Lease for Failure to Market Gas
C. C. Williams Jr. and R. B. Goodwin
Mines and Minerals--Merger of Coal Lease in Reversion to Minerals--House as Trade Fixtures under Coal Lease
J. L. G. Jr.
Promissory Estoppel in West Virginia
W. E. N. and A. A. A.
Larceny in West Virginia
J. S. M.
Note on Statham's Abridgment
C. C. Williams Jr.
The West Virginia Public Service Commission: I. Historical Survey; Organization and Personnel
C. A. Peairs Jr.
Martial Law and Habeas Corpus
John H. Hatcher
Unions of Their Own Choosing
Stephen Ailes
Law, the State, and the International Community
Carl M. Frasure
Cases and Text on the Law of Wills
C. C. Williams
Consumer Sales Tax--What Service Taxable
J. L. G. Jr.
Oil and Gas in the Federal Court--Hutchinson v. McCue
C. C. Williams Jr. and Robert B. Goodwin
Pre-Trial of Lawsuits
Thomas H.S. Curd
Some Modern Procedural Developments
William W. Dawson
Is Utility Regulation Encroaching upon Management
Francis X. Welch
Predictability of Success in Law School
Edmund C. Dickinson
Insurance--Incontestability Clause--Exceptions as to Double Indemnity and Disability Benefits--
J. L. G. Jr.
Equitable Apportionment of Oil and Gas Royalties
C. C. Williams and R. B. Goodwin
The Achilles Heel of Constitutional Government in America: The Use and Abuse of the Public Money Power
O. R. McGuire
Excise Taxes in Their Relationship to Property Taxes
Arthur S. Dayton
The Lawyer--An Appraisement
William G. Stathers
Government Corporations and State Law
Julius Cohen
Damages--Duty to Mitigate
A. F. G.
Constructive Trusts in West Virginia
Clyde L. Colson
Enforceability of Agreements between Mortgagors of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation and Third Parties
Richard F. Payne
Some Comments on the Appropriation Tangle in the Law of Sales
Stephen Ailes and Robert Goodwin
A Final Word on the Doctrine of the Hodges Case
Kenneth C. Davis
The Hodges Case and Beyond
Robert T. Donley
The Law of Treaties; British Practice and Opinions
Carl M. Frasure
Charles P. Wilhelm
The Licensing of Professions in West Virginia
Julius Cohen
Regulation of the Natural Gas Industry
John J. D. Preston
The Judiciary Amendment
Leo Carlin
Some Implications of Recent Legislation
Roscoe Pound
Trade Associations in Law and Business
Julius Cohen
Italy at the Paris Peace Conference
Carl M. Frasure
Judgment Intuitive
C. C. Williams
West Virginia Annotations to the Restatement of the Law of Agency
Lawrence R. Lynch
Insurance--Accident Policy--Total Disability as Excuse for Failure to File Notice and Proofs of Loss
W. G. W.
Arrest--Mistaken Identity--Liability of Officer Without Warrant Attempting to Apprehend Known Felon
W. E. N.
And the Court Heard the Argument of Counsel
James R. Moreland
Accounting for Depreciation and Depletion
Norman Fitzhugh
Some Problems of the Bituminous Coal Industry
Benjamin G. Reeder
Administrative Procedure: National Labor Relations Board
J. Warren Madden
Executory Devises and Perpetuities--Brookover v. Grimm
C. C. Williams Jr.
A Proposal for Declaratory Judgment Procedure
Thomas B. Jackson
The New Federal Rules
Edson R. Sunderland
The Science of Judicial Proof
H. B. Cooley
Johnson Newlon Camden--A Study in Individualism
C. C. Williams Jr.
Constitutional Law--Conflict of Laws--Use of Interpleader to Avoid Double Inheritance Taxation
H. A. W. Jr.
Banks and Banking--The Transfer of Funds From One Bank to Another as Creating a Loan or Deposit
H. G. W.
Hardship as a Defense to Specific Performance in West Virginia
A. L. B. and W. G. W.
Judicial Review of Administrative Action in West Virginia--A Study in Separation of Powers
Kenneth C. Davis
Is a Corporation a Person
Clarence E. Martin
The Mind of the Juror
Stephen Ailes
The Law of Nations: Cases, Documents and Notes
Carl M. Frasure
Constitutional Law--Taxation--Power of State to Tax Gross Receipts from Contracts of the Federal Government
H. A. W. Jr.
Implied Warranties in West Virginia
A. F. G. and J. P. R.
Release of Assigned Liens
Leo Carlin
Privileged Communications between the Doctor and His Patient--An Anomaly of the Law
Thomas H. S. Curd
Pledges in West Virginia
A. L. B. and W. G. W.
Derivative Stockholder's Suits in West Virginia
C. A. P. Jr.
Amendment of Corporate Charters
F. L. W.
Probation and Parole
Edmund C. Dickinson and Clyde L. Colson
Labor and the Law
Robert S. Spilman Jr.
The Liverpool Tractate, An Eighteenth Century Manual on the Procedure of the House of Commons
Carl M. Frasure
Torts--Negligence Per Se.
A. F. G.
Spendthrift Trusts in West Virginia
Clyde L. Colson
Constitutional Government
John J. Parker
Edmund C. Dickinson
Mines and Minerals--Mining By Mortgagor In Possession--Rents and Profits Under Mineral Lease
C. A. P. Jr.
Evidence--Incompetency of Witnesses--Time of Objection
M. E. L. and E. W. E.
Legislation--Service of Process on Nonresident Motorists
Edmund C. Dickinson
West Virginia Divorce Law
Clyde L. Colson
The Law of Fraudulent Conveyances in West Virginia
Luther E. Woods Jr.
A Challenge in Legal Education
Thomas P. Hardman
Amendment of Attachment Affidavits and Orders
Ben Ivan Melnicoff
Torts--Constructive Trusts
C. A. P. Jr.
The Right of Subsequent Creditors to Set Aside a Fraudulent Conveyance
M. E. L. and E. W. E.
West Virginia Divorce Law
Clyde L. Colson
Administration of Estates of Deceased Persons under the Revised Code
Charles P. Wilhelm
In Re Retirement of Judges Litz and Woods
Wm. B. Mathews
Implied Duty of Lessee under an Oil and Gas Lease to Drill Protection Wells
M. E. L. and E. W. E.
Rescission for Breach of Seller's Warranty
Robert T. Donley
West Virginia Divorce Law
Clyde L. Colson
The Proposed Rules for Changes in Federal Practice
Frank W. Nesbitt
Pleading and Practice--Splitting a Cause of Action on Injunction Bonds
M. E. L. and E. W. E.
Dividends from Wasting Assets Corporations
C. C. Williams Jr.
West Virginia Marriage Law
Clyde L. Colson
The Proposed Rules for Changes in Federal Practice
Frank W. Nesbitt
An Integrated Bar
Wright Hugus
The Problem of Jury Instructions
Haymond Maxwell
Neutrality, Its History, Economics and Law, Vol. II: The Napoleonic Period and Vol. III The World War Period
Thomas E. Ennis
Pleading Premature Institution of Equity Suit
Charles G. Baker
Discrepancy between the Enrolled Bill and the Official Published Copy of the Tax Refund Statute
Bernard Sclove
A Summary of Criminal Appellate Reform
Lester B. Orfield
Patents and Gebrauchsmuster in International Law
Julius Cohen
George Washington and the West
Ben Ivan Melnicoff
Ophelia's Crime of Felo De Se
John W. Draper
Cases on Business Law
Kenneth T. Hutchinson
The AAA Decision
Robert T. Donley
A Problem in Interpretation
Thomas P. Hardman
The West Virginia Municipal Home Rule Proposal
Jeff B. Fordham
The Effect of Public Policy on the Liability of an Insurer Where the Insured Has Been Executed for the Commission of a Crime
Mose E. Boiarsky
John Marshall--His Influence on the Constitution and the Courts
Frank C. Haymond
Magna Charta and the Jury System
John H. Hatcher
Model Law for Planning Cities, Counties and States
Jeff B. Fordham
The Effect of an Unconstitutional Statute
Charles P. Wilhelm
Cases on Equity Jurisdiction and Specific Performance
H. Claude Horack
Report of Program Committee Relative to Matters Pending Before the West Virginia Bar Association
J. H. Brennan, Charles G. Baker, Walter F. Ball, Russell B. Goodwin, and James F. Shipman
Insurance--Effect of Legal Execution of Insured for Crime
Herschel H. Rose Jr.
Tort Liability of Insurer for Failure to Act Promptly on Application
R. Doyne Halbritter
Taxation--Business Situs of Credits--Domestication of Foreign Corporations
William F. Wunschel
The Revised Divorce Law of West Virginia
Houston A. Smith
The Land Book Assessment Amendment--Enabling Legislation
William H. Waldron Jr.
The Davis Will Case--A Study in Contingent Remainders
C. C. Williams Jr.
Refunds and Recovery of State Taxes Erroneously, Illegally, or Unconstitutionally Imposed in West Virginia
Bernard Sclove
The Federal Control of State Employees in Australia
Eric Armour Beecroft
The House of Adam Smith
E. H. Vickers
Lynching and the Law
James B. Blackburn
Should the Evidence in a Criminal Case be Given to the Public in Advance of the Trial Before a Jury?
Murray Briggs
Are Physicians Exempt From Testifying?
William S. John
Workmen's Compensation--Risks Covered--Shock and Exhaustion from Being Lost in Coal Mine
John L. Detch
Streets--Dedication by Record Plat--Conditions
Charles C. Wise Jr.
Oil and Gas--Construction of Drill of Pay Covenant for Further Development--Effect of Payment of Delay Rentals
Stephen Ailes
Insurance--Statutes--Admissibility of Evidence of Conviction of Non Felonious Killing of Insured by Beneficiary
Houston A. Smith
Injunctions--Covenant of Employee Not to Compete--Validity of Extensive Territorial Restrictions--Divisibility
Rudolph E. Hagberg
Constitutional Law--Freedom of Conscience--Compulsory Military Training in Land Grant Colleges
Ralph M. White
Bills and Notes--Negotiable Paper Under Seal--Necessity of Consideration
Herschel H. Rose Jr.
The Problem of Financing Municipal Capital Outlays in West Virginia
Robert L. Merricks
The Parol Evidence Rule in West Virginia--When Is a Writing Complete
William F. Wunschel
The Justice and His Fees
Guy Otto Farmer
Personal Transactions with Persons Deceased at the Time of Trial--An Analysis of Cases and a Suggestion for Statutory Change
Robert T. Donley and Morris S. Funt
The Control of Industry in a Federal System: A Chapter in Australian Constitutional Development
Eric Armour Beecroft
The Textile Labor Relations Board
J. Winfield Crew Jr.
Monongalia County Court Records
L. D. Arnett and James P. Weaver
Wills--Informal Revocation
Robert W. Burk
Taxation--Assessment of Undivided Interests--Land Book Assessment Amendment
William H. Waldron Jr.
Insurance--Liability Insurance--Excepted Risks--Effect of Absence of Causative Connection
R. Doyne Halbritter
Guaranty--Promise of Banker "To Insure" Deposit
Herschel H. Rose
Constitutional Law--Legislator's Privilege from Arrest
Ralph M. White
Conflict of Laws--Divorce--Recognition of Foreign Decree
W. F. Wunschel
The Factor of Time in Specific Performance
Guy Otto Farmer
Mining Partnerships in West Virginia
Stephen Ailes
Injury to Surface and Coal of a Contiguous Tract Due to the Projection of Force Resulting from Mining
John L. Detch
Swift v. Tyson and the Construction of State Statutes
Jeff B. Fordham
The Bar and the New Deal
Robert H. Jackson
Dissolution of the British Parliament 1832-1931
Kemble White
Taxation--Federal Income Tax--Rights to Subscribe to Stock of Another Corporation as Taxable Gain
William H. Waldron Jr.
Parent and Child--Effect of Payment by Bank of Child's Deposit to Parent Not a Legal Guardian
R. Doyne Halbritter
Corporations--Liability in Tort of Stockholders Conducting Business after Tax Forfeiture of Charter
Morris S. Funt
Appel and Error--Law of the Case--Second Appeal
Herschel H. Rose Jr.
Insolvency as a Ground of Equity Jurisdiction in West Virginia
William F. Wunschel
Prosecution Appeals in West Virginia
Frank E. Horack Jr.
The Law of Medical Malpractice in West Virginia
Hale J. Posten
State and Nation in a Federal System
Louis B. Boudin
The Present Program of the West Virginia Bar Association
Charles G. Barker, J. H. Brennan, Jos. R. Curl, and Tom B. Foulk
Reciprocity--Bench and Bar
Haymond Maxwell
Trial--Instructions--Unanimity of the Jury Verdict
Richard F. Currence
Torts--Liability for Injury to Infant Arising Out of "Attractive Nuisance"
William F. Wunschel
Landlord and Tenant--Nature of Hold-Over Tenancy--Right of Distress as Against Intervening Chattel Mortgage
Morris F. Funt
Banks and Banking--Reorganization of Insolvent Banks by Banking Commissioner
Charles W. Caldwell
Legislative Regulation of Gob Piles
Paul D. Farr
Notes on Courts of Record in England
S. E. Thorne
The Present Legal Status of the Private Seal in West Virginia
Thomas Clifford Billig and William Frederick Wunschel
The Application of the Criminal Law of a Country to Acts Committed by Foreigners Outside the Jurisdiction
Walter Wheeler Cook
Selected Cases on the Law of Evidence
Robert T. Donely
The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy
Charles G. Baker
Taxation--Warrants Drawn on Overdrawn Count Funds as Legal Tender for the Payment of Taxes
Paul D. Farr
Taxation--Constitutional Law--Due Process of Law as Prescribing Maximum Limits for Direct Property Taxes
Charles W. Caldwell
Specific Performance--Foreclosure of Land-Purchase Contract--Where Time is of the Essence
Robert W. Burk
Mortgages--Reinstatement of Prior Mortgage as Against Intervening Encumbrance--Release of Prior Lien by Mistake
Morris F. Funt
Insurance--Forfeiture of Policy--Insanity Not an Excuse for Failure to Notify Insurer as to Total Disability
R. E. Hagberg
Stare Decisis and the Dead Hand of the Common Law
Trixy M. Peters
Tenants in Common--Accounting for Delay Rentals--Ratification after Surrender of Lease
Edward S. Bock Jr.
Mines and Minerals--Fraudulent Drainage by Oil and Gas Lessee--Estimate of Damages
Richard F. Currence
The Rule of Swift v. Tyson in Mineral Law
Stanley E. Dadisman
Statutory Protection of Sureties and Cosureties
Frederick W. Ford
Public Utilities I. The Quest for a Concept
Thomas P. Hardman
The Unpublished Sources for Early American Legal History
Charles J. Hilkey
The Sources of Early American Law: Colonial Period
Richard B. Morris
The Lake Cargo Coal Rate Controversy. A Study in Governmental Adjustment of a Sectional Dispute
W. Lewis Roberts
The Interpretation of Treaties by Judicial Tribunals
Keener C. Frazer
Verdict--Juror's Assent--What Constitutes
Paul D. Farr
Usury--Insurance--Requiring Borrower to Take Life Insurance Policy to be Used as Collateral
R. E. Hagberg
Specific Performance--Must Plaintiff Plead Adequacy on Consideration?
Edward S. Bock Jr.
Insurance--Vacancy Clause--Effect of Uninhabitability Due to Fire
Frederick W. Ford
Adoption--Effect of Informal Adoption in Equity
Charles W. Caldwell
Budget Control and Separation of Powers
Stanley E. Dadisman
The Constitutionality of an Immediate Liquor Control Program for West Virginia
Forrest Revere Black
Solicitation to Crimes
James B. Blackburn
Precedents' Place in Latin Law
Gordon Ireland
A History of West Virginia
C. C. Williams Jr.
Government by Judiciary
Jeff B. Fordham
West Virginia Cases on Criminal Procedure
Charles P. Wilhelm
Effect of New Trial on Plea of Autrefois Acquit
Berkeley Minor Jr.
The Power of a West Virginia Corporation to Deprive Classes of Its Stock of the Right to Vote for the Election of Directors or Managers
Melvin G. Sperry
Master and Servant--Workmen's Compensation--Going To and From Work on Public Streets or Highways
Edward S. Bock Jr.
Injunctions--Restraining Unlicensed Practice of Medicine
Richard F. Currence
Equity--Laches--Statute of Limitations
Julius Cohen
Domestic Relations--Constructive Desertion--Husband's Duty to Provide a Separate home for His Wife
Morris F. Funt
Bastardy--Common Law Marriage--What Constitutes
John L. Detch
Appeal and Error--Affidavits of Council Not Par of Record
Stanley E. Dadisman
The Right of a Lessee to Discontinue the Payment of Rentals When the Product of a Gas Well Cannot be Utilized Off the Premises
Robert T. Donley
Nuisances--Injunctions--Pollution of Stream by City--Balance of Convenience
Charles W. Caldwell
Injunctions--Labor Injunctions--Persons Bound
Trixy M. Peters
Clogging the Equity of Redemption
C. C. Williams Jr.
The National Bar Program
Frank C. Haymond
The Holding Company
Jeff B. Fordham
The Public Services Commission of Maryland
Robert A. Maurer
Report of Program Committee Relative to Matters Pending Before the West Virginia Bar Association
Charles G. Baker, J. H. Brennan, Joseph R. Curl, Tom B. Foulk, and T. Brooke Price
Trusts--Power of Court to Require Trustee in Deed of Trust to Insure
Charles W. Caldwell
Taxation--Revocable Trust in Income Tax Evasion
Frederick H. Barnett
Real Property--Transfer of Surface Reserving Mineral Interests--Right to Subjacent Support
Bonn Brown
Monopolies--Producers' Coal Sales Agency and the Sherman Act
Donald F. Black
Constitutional Law--Discrimination in Assessment for Taxation as Denial of Equal Protection of the Laws
Charles H. Haden
Constitutional Law--Amending Constitutions--Construction
Trixy M. Peters
Constitutionality of Non-Voting Stock
Jack C. Burdett
Tax Exemption of Property Devoted to Out-of-State Charity
Wesley R. Tinker Jr.
Judicial Review of Administrative Determinations and the Doctrine of Separation of Powers
George W. McQuain
Bulk Sales Laws: Transactions Covered by These Statutes
Thomas Clifford Billig and Kingsley Richard Smith
Constitutional Limitations on Legislative Procedure in West Virginia
Frank E. Horack Jr.
The Menace of Jarndyce and Jarndyce
J. H. Brennan
God in the Constitution
Robert T. Donley
Possibilities and Need for the Development of Legal Medicine in the United States
Andrew H. Woods M.D.
Torts--Violation of Statute of Ordinance as Prima Facie Negligence
Charles W. Caldwell
Parent and Child--Liability of Parent to Child for Personal Injury--Effect of Fact that Parent is Insured
Paul S. Hudgins
Criminal Law--Effect of Agreement to Plead Guilty in Consideration of Promise to Drop Other Charges
Bonn Brown
Criminal Law--Defenses--Entrapment
Trixy M. Peters
Special Legislation in West Virginia
Donald F. Black and George W. McQuain
Liability of the Trustee Estate for Torts of the Trustee
Jack C. Burdett
Direct Resort to the Courts to Recover Rate Overcharges for Utility Service
Charles H. Haden and Wesley R. Tinker Jr.
Garnishment of Public Corporations
Jeff B. Fordham
The Story of the Constitution
C. H. Ambler
Venue--Action or Suits Against Public Corporations
Donald F. Black
Municipal Corporations--Effect of Failure to Award Paving Contract by Competitive Bidding on Municipal Liability
Paul S. Hudgins
Banks and Banking--Insolvency--Preference of County Funds Where Merger Causes Deposits to Exceed Legal Maximum
Kingsley R. Smith
Should Comment by the Trial Judge be Authorized in West Virginia?
Charles W. Caldwell
Some Statutory Modifications of the Hearsay Rule
Trixy M. Peters
The County Convict Labor Statute
Charles H. Haden
The Problem of Consideration in Charitable Subscriptions
Frederick H. Barnett
Banks and Banking--Insolvency--Preference Against Trust Company Executor for Funds on Deposit at Testator's Death
George W. McQuain
Minimizing Federal Income Taxes upon the Sale of Corporate Assets
Jackson D. Altizer
The Study of American Legal History
Joseph H. Beale
Aron's Notes on Proof. The Probative Law
Leo Carlin
Cases on the Administration of Insolvent Estates
Raymon T. Johnson
Trial--Polling the Jury--Manner of Conducting
E. Gaujot Bias
Negligence--Fumes from Spontaneously Ignited Refuse from Coal Mine--Liability to Adjacent Landowners
Charles H. Haden
Contribution--Where One Joint Principal Pays Tort Judgement Against Agent
Charles W. Caldwell
Banks and Banking--Constitutionality of Statute Waiving Preference of State Against Defunct Bank
Kingsley R. Smith
The Amendment of West Virginia Statutes
Trixy M. Peters
Corporations--Corporate Liability for Ultra Vires Acts
Kingsley R. Smith
Purchase Money Resulting Trusts in West Virginia
Donald F. Black
Equity--Fiduciary or Confidential Relations--What Constitutes
George W. McQuain
The President and Military Power in Emergencies
Charles McCamic
The Power of a State to Control the Export of Hydro-Electric Energy
James W. Simonton
Progress in International Organization
Carl M. Frasure
Insurance--Prohibited Articles Warranty--Forfeiture of Policy
August W. Petroplus
Jack C. Burdett
Banks and Banking--Special Deposits--Insolvency--Preferences
Frederick H. Barnett
Evidence--Admissibility of Evidence That Defendant Has or Has Not Liability Insurance
Donald F. Black
Constitutional Law--Zoning Board of Appeals--Dispensing Power
Donald M. Hutton
Actions--Election of Remedies
George W. McQuain
The West Virginia Municipal Home Rule Proposal
Jeff B. Fordham
Bulk Sales Laws: A Study in Statutory Interpretation
Thomas Clifford Billig and Kingsley R. Smith
Problems in Conflicts
Charles McCamic
Strike Injunctions in the New South
Jeff B. Fordham
Criminal Justice in England
Frank E. Horack Jr.
Insane Persons--Receivers
Donald F. Black
Contracts--Non-Enforceability of Lottery Contracts--Effect of Consideration Apart From chance of Winning
George W. McQuain
Evidence--Seven Years Absence--Presumption of Time of Death
Elizabeth H. Simonton
Contempt of Court--Falsification of Evidence
August W. Petroplus
The West Virginia Municipal Home Rule Proposal
Jeff B. Fordham
Reaching Shares of Stock
John E. F. Wood
Some Problems in the Collection of Checks
Robert T. Donley
Mr. Justice Cardozo
Thomas P. Hardman
The Province of the Law of Tort
Edmund C. Dickinson
Patent Rights for Scientific Discoveries
Karl Fenning
Progress in the Law in the U. S. Supreme Court: 1930-1931
Robert T. Donley
Trusts--Exercise by Trustee of Power to Terminate After Period of Good Behavior by Spendthrift
Henry P. Snyder
Pleading--Motion for Judgement--Quasi-Contracts
Donald M. Hutton
Injunctions--Equitable Servitudes--Boarding House as "Residence Purpose"
Frederick H. Barnett
Evidence--Admissibility of an Atheist's Dying Declaration
Donald F. Black
Specific Performance--Mutuality Doctrine in West Virginia
George W. McQuain
Corporations--Disability of Corporation to Act as Affecting Fiduciary Duty of Director to Stockholder
John Hampton Hoge
The Cost of Criminal Justice in West Virginia
George A. Shipman and Carl M. Frasure
In the Name of Legislative Intention
Frank E. Horack Jr.
Governmental Liability for Tort in West Virginia
T. Brooke Price
What Price Jury Trials
Jeff B. Fordham
The Principles of Judicial Proof or the Process of Proof
Paul W. Bruton
Stephen J. Field, Craftsman of the Law
George Shipman
Social Politics and Modern Democracies
John F. Sly
Principal and Agent--Notice--Fraudulent Acts of Sole Agent
Donald F. Black
Landlord and Tenant--Taxation on Improvements
William Callahan
Evidence--Res Gestae--Suicide Notes
Bernard Sclove
Equity--Injunctions--Temporary Dissolved Where Answer Denied Substance of Bill
Frederick H. Barnett
Contracts--Offers and Acceptance--Counter Offers
Kingsley R. Smith
Constitutional Law--The Guaranty Clause--Breach Thereof as Justification for Refusal to Pay Federal Taxes
Jack C. Burdett
Attorneys--Laborers' Liens for Abstracting Services
George W. McQuain
Torts--Interference With Contracts to Marry
August W. Petroplus
Equity--Use of Injunction Against Criminal Social Evil--Loan Sharks
Elizabeth H. Simonton
Constitutional Law--Immunity of State Agency from Federal Taxation--Confused State of the Decision
Henry P. Snider
Equity--Quieting Title--Constitutionality of Statute Removing Requirement of Actual Possession by Plaintiff
Jeff B. Fordham
Critical Examination of Peace Agencies Since 1919
Gilbert Gidel
Cases on Trusts
Jeff B. Fordham
The Revival of Natural Law Concepts
George Shipman
Judge and Jury
Leo Carlin
Principal and Agent--Accounting for Personal Profits Made by Agent Withholding Information From Principal
August W. Petroplus
Equity--Subjecting Corporate Stocks to an Equitable Servitude
James A. McWhorter
Agency--The Course of Employment--Tort of Auto Salesman
Henry P. Snyder
Trusts--Use of the Trust Device to Escape Federal Estate Taxes
Donald M. Hutton
Constructive Trusts and Contracts to Convey in West Virginia
John Hampton Hoge
Banks and Banking--Enforcement of Stockholders' Double Liability
Robert E. Stealey
Estates--Effect of Power in Life Tenant to Make Absolute Disposition of Property--Governing Statute
James W. Simonton
"Questions of Law" in Lake Cargo Coal Rate Regulation
David F. Cavers
Observations on Last Clear Chance in West Virginia
Robert T. Donley
Avoiding Injurious Consequences
Charles T. McCormick
Essays in Jurisprudence and the Common Law
Jeff B. Fordham
Law and the Modern Mind
D. F. Cavers
Bispham's Principles of Equity
Clifford B. Snider
Studies in the History of American Law
James W. Simonton
Taxation--Trusts--Interest of One entitled to Receive Income for Life From Trust Fund
John Hampton Hoge
Real Property--Use of "Descend" in Deed--Word of Limitation
William J. Moore
Insurance--Effect of Clause in Auto Liability Policy Excepting Risks of Operation by Infants
Robert T. Stealey
Bills and Notes--Serial Notes--Effect of Part Being Due
David G. Lilly Jr.
Banks and Banking--Set-Off of Deposit of Insolvent Estate Against Bank's Distributive Share of the Estate
Melville Stewart
Agency--A "Conclusive" Test of Agency Relation in West Virginia
August W. Petroplus
Sales--Trust Receipts in Automobile Financing
Donald M. Hutton
Equity--Parol Gifts of Land--Specific Performance--Statue of Frauds--Doctrine of Consideration
Bernard Sclove
The Burden of Providing Payment
Leo Carlin
The Liability of an Aviator for Damage to Persons and Property on the Ground
Julian G. Hearne Jr.
Public Utilities: I. The Quest for a Concept
Thomas P. Hardman
Juristic Law and Judicial Law
Joseph H. Beale
Progress of the Law in the U.S. Supreme Court
Jeff B. Fordham
1930 Year Book of the National Probation Association
Charles G. Baker
Husband and Wife--Ante-Nuptial Tort by husband Against Wife--effect of Subsequent Marriage
Jerome Katz
Deeds of Trust--Suit by Trustee to Cancel the Trust Deed
A. William Petroplus
Constitutional Law--Power to Tax Chain Stores
John Hampton Hoge
Bills and Notes--Implied Warranty of a Transferor Without Recourse of a Promissory Note
Melville Stewart
Banks and Banking--Branch Banks as Separate Entities
Robert E. Stealey
Appeal and Error--Reversals Because of Improper Remarks of Counsel in Argument Before Jury
Henry K. Higginbotham
Naturalization Proceedings--Oath of Allegiance--Mental Reservations as to Bearing Arms
Henry P. Snyder
Indictments--Larceny--Description of Stolen Money
Jack D. Jennings
The Declaratory Judgment in the United States
Edwin M. Borchard
A Treatise on Equity
Jefferson B. Fordham
Crime and the Criminal Law in the United States
D. F. Cavers
Commercial Arbitrations and Awards
M. S. Brechenridge
Cases on Constitutional Law
Clifford R. Snyder
Bibliography of Memorials of the Bench and Bar of West Virginia Found in the West Virginia Reports
E. A. Feazel
Taxation--The Taxing Situs of Intangibles
J. D. Jennings
Statutory Construction--Applicability of Workmen's Compensation Act to Interstate Employees Engages in Intrastate Work at Time of Injury
A. Bernard Sclove
Special Assessments--Necessity of Notice to Mortgages
Henry P. Snyder
Equity--Showing a Deed Absolute on its Face to be a Mortgage--Effect of Illegality in Transaction
James A. McWhorter
Easement of Necessity--Increasing the Servitude
A. William Petroplus
Divorce--Finality of Alimony Decree
John Hampton Hoge
Criminal Law--Obscene Books--Evidence
David G. Lilly Jr.
Constitutional Law--Right to Discharge Employees--Liberty of Contract
Henry K. Higginbotham
Husband and Wife--Right to Wife to Sue Her Husband for Personal Injuries--Interpretation of Statutes
Jerome Katz
Banks and Banking--Preferred Claim Against Assets of Insolvent Drawee Band for Collections Made by Charging the Drawer's Account
Melville Stewart
Pleading and Practice under the Revised Code
Lawrence R. Lynch
The West Virginia Water Power Act
James W. Simonton
Automobile Insurance
Harold C. Havighurst
From the Physical to the Social Sciences
J. R. Cresswell
Torts--Contributory Negligence of an Automobile Passenger
Melville Stewart
Attorney and Client--Contingent Fee
Robert E. Stealey
Deeds--Restrictions as to Transfer of Property to Ethiopians
Carl A. McComas
Transfer of Property in Trust as a Method of Escaping Taxes
Henry K. Higginbotham
Pleading--Misjoinder of Parties Defendant
Harriet L. French
Wills--Testamentary Intent
Paul E. Bottome
Priorities Between Successive Assignments of the Same Right
Sidney J. Kwass
Criminal Conservation--Damages--Refusal of Writ of Error
Fletcher W. Mann
Transferring Title to Land by Deed
James W. Simonton
Should a Corporation be Considered a Citizen under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Federal Constitution
R. Paul Holland
Review of the Work of the College of Law
Thurman Arnold
Cases and Materials on the Law of Sales
Harold C. Havighurst
A Concise History of the Common Law
Charles H. Kinnane
Banks and Banking--Preferred Claims Against Insolvent Bank on the Theory of Trusts--Bank Drafts as Assignments of Funds
James E. Hogue Jr.
Joint Adventure
Henry K. Higginbotham
Contracts--Practical Construction as a Means of Interpretation
Charles M. Barrickman
Gift of a Life Estate with Absolute Power of Disposal by Deed
James W. Simonton
The Law of Set-Off and Recoupment in West Virginia
Russell S. Ritz
Should a Corporation be Considered a Citizen under the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Federal Constitution
R. Paul Holland
The Modern Influence in the Conflict of Laws
Robert T. Donley
The Stop, Look and Listen Rule
Fletcher W. Mann
Trusts--Effect of the Statute of Frauds
H. G. Muntzing
Torts--Last Clear Chance Doctrine
Harriet L. French
Joinder of Parties and Causes
Silas A. Harris
Property Owners' Consent Provisions in Zoning Ordinances
Harold C. Havighurst
Public Policy in the Law of Conflicts
Herbert F. Goodrich
Judicial Technique in Using the Agency Relation
Thomas P. Hardman
Comments on Proposed Changes in Procedure in West Virginia
Edson R. Sunderland
Methods of Legal Reform
Charles E. Clark
Report to the Committee on Judicial Administration and Legal Reform of the West Virginia Bar Association Containing Suggestions Concerning Pleading and Practice in West Virginia
Thurman W. Arnold, James W. Simonton, and Harold C. Havighurst
Law of Engineers and Architects
T. W. Arnold
Bulk Sales Act--Fraudulent Conveyances
Anne Sarah Silfkin
Evidence--Homicide--Self-Defense--Violent Acts of Deceased
Byron B. Randolph
Agency--Workmen's Compensation Act
Roscoe H. Pendleton
Real Covenants and Other Interests Which "Run With the Land"
James W. Simonton
Negligence--Turntable Doctrine--Explosives
Lester C. Hess
The Power of the Court to Grant a New Trial on Conflicting Evidence
Clara Dwight Whitten
Murder--Distinction Between First and Second Degree Inconsistency in Some West Virginia Cases
J. G. Heane Jr.
Principal and Agent--Principal's Liability for the Fraudulent Act of His Agent--Act Solely for the Agent's Benefit
R. H. Pendleton
Best Evidence Rule--When Applied
Fletcher W. Mann
Charitable Trusts
W. T. O'Farrell
Contracts--Alternative Performance--Damages
Kendall H. Keeney
Public Utilities--Valuation of Leaseholds
R. P. Holland
Special Interrogatories
Arlos Jackson Harbert
A Law Alumni Association
T. W. A.
The Income Tax of the Inventor
Harold C. Havighurst
Domicil and Specific Intent
Raymond J. Heilman
The Meaning of Present Value as Public Utility Rate Base
Lawrence P. Simpson
Judgment Lien Creditors' Suits in West Virginia
Thomas Coleman
Analysis of Tort Cases
Leon Green
Judicial Councils
Thurman Arnold
The Regulation of Legal Procedure
Edson R. Sunderland
Federal Appellate Jurisdiction and Procedure
T. W. Arnold
A Treatise on the Law of Banks and Banking
T. W. Arnold
How to Prove a Prima Facie Case
T. W. Arnold
Facts About Bankruptcy
T. W. Arnold
Trade Associations: The Legal Aspects
Harold C. Havighurst
A History of Italian Law
J. H. Brennan
Master and Servant--Scope of Authority of Employment--Prosecution of Master's Business
John D. Phillips
Interstate Commerce--State of Export of Resources--Shrimp
R. Paul Holland
Criminal Law--General Instructions not in Harmony with the Evidence Should not be Given
Julian G. Hearne Jr.
Tort--Physician's Liability for Abandoning Patient
Harriet L. French
Conflict of Laws--Stipulation for Attorney's Fees
Edmund C. Dickinson
The Restatement of Conflict of Laws by the American Law Institute as Affecting West Virginia
Edmund C. Dickinson
Some Phases of the Problem of Motor-Carrier Regulation
Jay T. McCamic
The Right of the Accused in a Criminal Case Not to Be Compelled to Be a Witness against Himself
Mose E. Boiarksy
Contracts of Agency without Stipulations as to Duration
Thomas Porter Hardman
Legal Research in West Virginia
Robert M. Hutchins
The Inquiring Mind
Harold C. Havighurst
Jural Relations
T. W. Arnold
Who is a Non-Resident Within the Attachment Laws of West Virginia?
Clara Dwight Whitten
Bills and Notes--Evidence
Byron B. Randolph
Trusts--Enforcement of a Trust Created to Defeat Persons Whom the Grantor Imagined to Be His Creditors
W. T. O'Farrell
Motor Vehicle--Family Purpose Doctrine--Adult Son
R. P. Holland
The Law of Amendments as Applied in West Virginia
Warren B. Kittle
The Effect of "Atmosphere" Upon Decisions
Harold C. Havighurst
Fictional Lost Grant in Prescription--A Nocuous Archaism
J. W. Simonton
The Right of the Accused in a Criminal Case Not to Be Compelled to Be a Witness against Himself
Mose E. Boiarsky
A Treatise on the Law of Oil and Gas
T. W. Arnold
The Elements of Crime
T. W. Arnold
The Business of the Supreme Court
T. W. Arnold
Cases on Future Interests
James W. Simonton
Lake Cargo Controversy
R. Paul Holland
Counsel Fees and Expenses in Resisting Preliminary Writ of Injunction Cannot be Recovered in Suit on Injunction Bond
Clara Dwight Whitten
Trusts--Effect of Appendage of Word "Trustee" in Relieving Party from Personal Responsibility
Clair Smith
Insurance--Construction of Policy
Kendall H. Keeney
Partition--Jurisdiction of Equity Court to Determine Question of Title Arising Therin
John V. Sanders
Contempt--Interference with Receiverships
H. F. Porterfield
Non-Religious Charitable Trusts
W. T. O'Farrell
The Need for an Introductory Course in Law
Charles H. Kinnane
Priority of Common Law Liens
Joseph R. Curl
The Lake Cargo Rate Controversy
T. W. Arnold
Trial by Jury in Civil Cases--A Proposed Reform
Robert T. Donley
Amending Our Negotiable Instruments Law
E. C. Dickinson
A Royal Prerogative in the United States
Judson A. Crane
Real Property--Vendor and Purchaser
Anne Slifkin
Municipal Corporations--Power to Prohibit Pool Rooms
Lester C. Hess
Practice and Procedure--Garnishment--Who Exempt Therefrom
Arlos Jackson Harbert
Witnesses--Making a Witness One's Own by Cross-Examination--Impeachment
Harold F. Porterfield
Trusts--Charitable Trusts of a Religious Nature in West Virginia
William Thomas O'Farrell
Torts--Contributory Negligence--Stop, look, Listen--Duty to Get Out of Car
Mose Edwin Boiarsky
Conflict of Laws--Jurisdiction Over Nonresident Motorists
Edmund C. Dickinson
The Lake Cargo Rate Case of February 1928
T. W. Arnold
Observations on Covenants for Title
James W. Simonton
Our Continuous Conflict
Clarence E. Martin
The Legal Effect of Pre-Incorporation Stock Subscriptions
Clarence Morris
Contracts--Usury--Commission for Securing Loans
Anne Slifkin
Does and Express Waiver of Subjacent Support Preclude Injunction Against Damages to an Upper Vein of Coal
John V. Sanders
False Pretenses--Worthless Check Act--Effect of Postdating
Kendall H. Keeney
The Lake Cargo Coal Rate Controversy
R. Paul Holland
Mines and Minerals--Mining Partnerships--Power of One Partner to Bind Other Partners in Dealing with Third Persons
Lester C. Hess
Real Property--Deeds--Delivery to Grantee on Condition
Mary Frances Brown
Municipal Corporations--City Officials--Other Employment
Mose Edwin Boirsky
Constitutional Law--Interstate Commerce--Injunctions Restraining Interference Therewith
Clifford R. Snider
College of Law--Research
T. W. A.
Review of Recent Supreme Court Decisions on Subject of Federal Taxation
George Maurice Morris and Allan H. Gardner
The Changing Law of Competition in Public Service--Another Word
Thomas Porter Hardman
The Living Constitution
T. W. A.
Real Property--Bill to Remove Cloud When Remedy at Law is Adequate
Clara Dwight Whitten
Supreme Court Reverses Itself on Quest of Party Walls--Right of the Assignee Covenantor to Sue
Anne Slifkin
Evidence--Confessions--What Constitutes Involuntariness
William Thomas O'Farrell
County Courts--Contracts--Interest of Members Therin
R. Paul Holland
Torts--Negligence--Degrees of
Arlos Jackson Harbert
Libel--Privileged Communications--Communications Sent to Compensation Commissioner After Award
Fred L. Davis
Future Interests--A Fee Limited Upon a Fee by the Deed--Heir Construed as Heir of the Body
Howard Caplan
Constitutional Law--Gaming Devices--Public Policy--When Court May Determine
Mose Edwin Boiarsky
Chancery Hearings in Open Court
J. H. Brennan
Subscriptions to Stock in a Corporation to be Organized
James W. Simonton
Compensation to Landowners for Property Lying within Limits of Ancient Turnpikes, upon Change in Traveled Way
Robert T. Donley
The Legal Aspects of the Nonresident Tuition Fee
Carlton E. Spencer
Methods of Making Gifts for Charitable or Public Uses
J. W. Simonton
"Off the Record"
L. E. Schrader
Elimination of General Verdicts and Instructions to Juries
Thomas H. S. Curd
The First Edition of Blackstone's Commentaries
Charles McCamic
Federal Liens
Charles C. White
The Changing Law of Competition on Public Service
Thomas P. Hardman
Extinguishment of Corporate Stock
Tom B. Foulk
The Recognition of Foreign Decrees of Divorce
Wm. Turney Fox
Uniform Law Procedure in Federal Courts
Conner Hall
Criminal Intelligence
Jacob Saposnekow
Ways by Necessity
James W. Simonton
Freedom of the Press Under Our Constitution
Kenneth E. Michael
Jefferson and Hamilton
Randolph Bias
The Necessity of Delivery in Making Gifts
W. Lewis Roberts
Justice in Colonial Virginia
Oliver Perry Chitwood
Compromise of Claims Based Upon Personal Injuries to Minors
James M. Guiher
Rights of an Adverse Possessor
W. E. Burby
Justice in Colonial Virginia
Oliver Perry Chitwood
Stare Decisis and the Modern Trend
Thomas P. Hardman
Supreme Court Rules Amended
Nelson C. Hubbard
Treatment of Capacity to Contract in Conflict of Laws Cases
Raymond J. Heilman
Justice in Colonial Virginia
Oliver Perry Chitwood
The Supreme Court Judge
L. JL. H.
Rights of Margin Customers in Brokers' Failures
Jay T. McCamic
Creation of Easements by Exception
Joseph Warren Madden
The New Law of Nations
Edwin D. Dickinson
Freedom of Speech Under Our Constitution
Abraham Pinsky
The Statute of Legitimization and Adoption
Everett Lewis Dodrill
What Happens in a French Criminal Trial
D. C. Westenhaver
A Probation System in the United States Courts
Charles L. Chute
A Monograph on Religious Freedom
Benjamin G. Reeder
Trusts and the Statute of Frauds
Joseph Warren Madden
The Supreme Court of the United States
James M. Beck
Early Frontier Democracy in the First Kentucky Constitution
E. Merton Coulter
International Law
George W. Wickersham
The Law Teaching Branch of the Profession
William Draper Lewis
Possible Improvements in the Recording Acts
Charles T. McCormick
The Law and Practice in Bankruptcy
Geo. R. Farmer
Insurance--Concealment--Duty of Insured to Reveal Material Facts Not Covered by Questions Asked
J. G. J. Jr.
Husband and Wife, Domicile of Wife
H. L. S. Jr.
Judicial Abdication
Conner Hall
Industrial Peace
John J. Coniff
Religious Freedom Under Our Constitution
William Bruce Hoff
Unintended Partnerships
Judson A. Crane
Consent to Assignment of Lease--Dumpor's Case
Minor Bronaugh
Reorganizing State Government
Walter F. Dodd
The Rylands vs. Fletcher Rule in West Virginia
Edmund C. Dickinson
Dower in Judicial Actions
Clarence E. Martin
Can Damages Be Recovered In An Action Of Unlawful Entry And Detainer Instituted In A Circuit Court?
L. C.
Two claims to Fleta's Honors
Boris M. Komar
The English Law of Property Act, 1922
Herbert A. Smith
An Advance in Legal Reform
Benjanin N. Cardozo
Constitutional Rights and the Industrial Struggle
Sidney Post Simpson
The Treaty Power
Connor Hall
Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney
Wm. E. Mikell
Recent Developments in Regard to Rate Regulation
Thomas Porter Hardman
Matrimonial Property and the Conflict of Laws
Herbert F. Goodrich
What the Code Commission is Doing
Ronald F. Moist
Address of Acceptance
Frank B. Trotter
Presentation Address
Ephriam F. Morgan
The Work of the American Law School
Roscoe Pound
A Selection of Cases Under the Interstate Commerce Act
Thomas Porter Hardman
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law
Thomas Porter Hardman
Criminal Law--Gaming Statute
R. G. K.
Ethics of the Bar
Waitman T. Willey
The Law School Curriculum as Seen by the Bench and Bar
Cuthbert W. Pound
The Supreme Court in United States History
J. M. Callahan
The Ownership of Petroleum Oil and Natural Gas in Place
D. Edward Greer
Judicial Sales
F. C. Leftwich
The American Law Institute
Joseph Warren Madden
The Nature of the Judicial Process
Thomas P. Hardman
Constitutional Law--Licenses
H. C. H.
Purchaser for Value
J. W. M.
Abolish the Jury
J. C. McWhorter
An Inquiry Concerning the Functions of Procedure in Legal Education
Edson R. Sunderland
The Law of Building and Loan Associations
Joseph Warren Madden
R. G. K.
Has a Person the Constitutional Right to Abstain from Work
William F. Keefer
Contractual Control Over Adjective Law
Nathan Isaacs
The Spirit of the Common Law
Thomas Porter Hardman
M. H. M.
Certainty Requisite in Deeds as to Parties Grantee
Frederick L. Lemley
Business Trusts and Their Relation to West Virginia Law
James B. Riley
Non-Joinder and Misjoinder of Parties in Common-Law Actions
Henry Craig Jones and Leo Carlin
The Next Step in Public Utilities Regulation
George Jarvis Thompson
Collected Legal Papers
James Parker Hall
New Public Utilities
T. P. H.
Non-Joinder and Misjoinder of Parties in Common-Law Actions
Henry Craig Jones and Leo Carlin
The Menace of "Counter" Phrases: A Discussion of "Equal Protection of the Laws"
William A. Sutherland
International Justice
John W. Davis
Carlin's Edition of Hogg's Equity Process
Lewis H. Miller
Criminal Law--Pistol Toting
M. H. M.
Constitutionality of Emergency Rental Regulation
Walter F. Dodd
The Extent of the Finality of Commissions' Rate Regulations
Thomas Porter Hardman
The Business Situs of Credits
Thomas Reed Powell
Freedom of Speech
Henry Wolf Biklรฉ
Necessity of Objection in the Inferior Court as a Prerequisite to Seeking a Writ of Prohibition
L. C.
The Assignability of an Option Contract
M. T. Van Hecke
The Constitutionality of the Declaratory Judgment
William Gorham Rice Jr.
The Nature of Property Rights in a Separately Owned Mineral Vein
James W. Simonton and Stanley C. Morris
The Venue of Actions of Trespass to Land
Fred P. Storke
Has a Landowner Any Property in Oil and Gas in Place
James W. Simonton
Probate Administration and the County Court
T. Brooke Price
The Test of Criminality as to Acts of Insane Persons--Is it Law, Barbarism, or Both?
John C. McWhorter
The Right to a Judicial Review in Rate Controversies
Ernest Freund
Basis of Constitutionality of Council of Defense Acts
Clifford Snider
The Uniform Partnership Act and Its Effect Upon the West Virginia Decisions and Statutes II
J. R. Trotter
A Legislative Reference Bureau for West Virginia
Maurice T. Van Hecke
The Legal Status of the Clergyman
Austin W. Scott
A Treatise on International Law
J. M. Callahan
Public Service Corporations--Excuses for not Serving--Operation at a Loss Cannot Be Required
A. W. L.
Equity--Jurisdiction--Specific Performance of Contracts Involving Continuous Oversight by the Court
W. E. G.
The Uniform Partnership Act and Its Effect Upon the West Virginia Decisions and Statutes
J. R. Trotter
The Pioneers and the Common Law
Roscoe Pound
The Law Building at West Virginia University
Henry Craig Jones
The Right of a State to Restrain the Exportation of Natural Resources--Another Theory
Thomas Porter Hardman
Federal Income Tax
H. C. J.
The Rule in Shelley's Case in West Virginia
James W. Simonton
The Bloodhound as a Witness
John C. McWhorter
Barnes' Federal Code
T. P. H.
Courts of Law and Equity--Why They Exist and Why They Differ
Warren B. Kittle
The Right of a State to Restrain the Exportation of Its Natural Resources
Thomas Porter Hardman
Can a Lessee Be Compelled to Apportion Oil Royalties Among Owners of Portions of the Leased Premises
J. W. S.
The Nature of the Interest of the Grantee Under an Oil and Gas Lease
James W. Simonton
Legislative Regulation of Natural Gas Supply in West Virginia
Phillip P. Steptoe and George M. Hoffheimer
Does the "Bone-Dry" Law Prohibit the Interstate Transportation of Intoxicants by the Owner for Personal Use?
Thomas Porter Hardman
The Claim of West Virginia Against the Federal Government on Account of the Northwest Territory
William E. Chilton
What Lawyers Can Do Toward Winning the War--Letters from Gov. John J. Cornwell and Maj. Geo. S. Wallace
John J. Cornwell and George S. Wallace
Law Students and the War
H. C. J.
Bills to Remove Cloud From Title--With Reference to the State of the Authorities in Virginia and West Virginia
David C. Howard
Going Value as Value for Purposes of Rate Regulation
Thomas Porter Hardman
Growth of State Power Under Federal Constitution to Regulate Traffic in Intoxicating Liquors
Clifford R. Snider
Oil and Gas Leases and the Rule Against Perpetuities
James W. Simonton
Bills to Remove Cloud From Title--With Reference to the State of the Authorities in Virginia and West Virginia
David C. Howard
William P. Willey--An Appreciation
B. M. Ambler