Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Policy Dynamics in Young Democracies: Attention, Electoral Change, and Responsiveness in Ghana and South Africa, Christiana Bugri
From the Pews to the Ballot Box: How Religion Shapes Voting Behavior in Ghana., Maxwell Afriyie Nimako
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Governance from Below: Decentralization, Innovation, and Disaster Management in East Asia, Fatemah Muneer Nawabdin
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A Shock to the System: Analyzing Ethnocentric Populist Support Before and After Crises, Kyu Chul Shin
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Development and Dynamics of US Welfare Policy, Liza Gordon
Judicial Independence in Pakistan: A Case Study of Lawyers’ Movement, 2007-2009, Shabbir Ahmad Khan
Energy Policy Dynamics in the European Parliament and in the Lithuanian Seimas, Vaida Lilionyte Manthos
Polarized Policymaking: The Effect of Ideological Division on Legislative Outcomes in the United States Congress, Aaron Tyler Mentzer
Shutting the Door on Voting: The Effects of "The Great Poll Closure", Joshua Matthew Squires
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Microfinance in Latin America: Poverty Alleviation and the Impact of Institutional Mimicry, Lindsay Jouben
The Effects of Punctuation Events on the Oil Policy Network: A Network Analysis of Rulemaking Outputs, Fadi M. Mugheirbi
The Idea of a Citizen: The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Development of Citizens and an Exploration of Innovative Teaching Techniques to Aid in the Process, Eric Matthew Myers
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Political Trust in Kosovo: Exploring Cultural and Institutional Dynamics, Ermira Babamusta
A Coordination-Based Approach to Subnational Variations in Split-Ticket Voting: The Case of Ghana 1996-2016, Samuel Kofi Darkwa
Following the Leaders: Issue Attention and Agenda Dynamics in Women’s Health Care Policy, Kara Anne Fisher
State Capacity and Terrorism in the Developing World, Coty J. Martin
The Politics of Drug Courts, Jeffrey Chris Moss
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Unequal Influence: The Impact of Inequality on Trade Policy, Brian William Fitzpatrick
East or West? Understanding Strategic Alignment in the Post-Soviet Space, John A. Mowchan
Market-Based Aid and Economic Reform, Neron R. Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Civil Religion and Ontological Threat, Matthew R. Arp
Diffusion or Dissent: Examining International Family Planning Frames and Domestic Policy Divergence, Gillian C. Beach
Post-Conflict Occupations: A New Analysis Using Comparisons of Contextual, Hybrid and Instigated Factors in Germany, Japan and Iraq, L. Amber Brugnoli
Narrow Representation? The Impact of Implicitly and Explicitly Racial Issues on Opinion and Representation, Franchesca V. Nestor
Representation and Policy Making: Women Participating in the U.S. House, Lauren M. Santoro
Presidential Executive Orders: The Bureaucracy, Congress, and the Courts, Michael Edward Thunberg
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Political Beings: Sociopolitical Influence on Federal District Court Judges' Criminal Sentencing Behavior, Scott Harris
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Gender, Policies, and Politics, Andrea S. Barrick
Gendering labor: How foreign direct investment affects state behavior towards female labor in South and Southeast Asia, Ritu Dhungana
Party Systems, Democratization and Governance in Africa: Aligning theory and praxis using Sierra Leone as a case study, Mohamed Saffa Lamin
Legalized Racial Profiling and Arizona SB1070: A Framing Effects Study, Agnieszka N. Marciniak
The Role of Police and Courts in the Implementation of Domestic Violence Policy in Brazil, Ellen Belchior Rodrigues
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Economic and Monetary Union: An Unexplored Case of Federalism, Alessandro Cagossi
Mau Mau crucible of war: Statehood, national identity and politics in postcolonial Kenya, Nicholas Kariuki Githuku
Venue Shopping: Domestic Interests in Global Politics, Sara M. Moats
Dynamics of Defiance: Government Power and Rural Resistance in the Arkansas Ozarks, J. Blake Perkins
The Politics of Getting the Joke: The Effects of Political Humor on Information Seeking Behavior, Bret Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Economic Demagoguery: The Limited Effects of Presidential Rhetoric, Charles Damien Arthur
American grail: Contemporary federal budget reform, Velda Frisco
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Trans-border Advocacy Network in Tobacco Control: The Adoption of WHO-FCTC Best Practices into Domestic Laws in Ghana and Malawi, Edward Brenya
Foreign Christian Influence in Developing World Domestic Social Policy, William Harrison
Examining the Dynamics of Policy Change and U.S. Narcotics Policy: Implications for the Global Narcotics Regime, Felix Kumah-Abiwu
HIV/AIDS Intervention in Ghana: A Constructivist Approach to Understanding AIDS Policy, Nat Papa Kobina Markin
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Franjo Tudjman's and Slobodan Milosevic's Operational Code and Leadership Trait Analysis, Arian Spahiu
In the Crosshairs: Second Amendment Lawyers and Cases in State and Federal Appellate Courts, H. Carl Taylor III
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Politics and Policy of Small City Downtown Development, Thomas K. Bias
Strategic Vulnerability: An Analysis of Physical Geography, Environmental, and Material Components of Force Structure, Kyle Christensen
The Europeanization of French, German and British China Policies: The case of the arms embargo on China, Vivien L. Exartier
Institutions, interest groups, and gun control policy: A comparative study of focusing events, Anthony Fleming
Changing Games and Evolving Contexts: Political Bargaining In European Energy Disputes, Fabio Franch
Comprehensive Tobacco Control Policy Regimes and Population Health: Assessing Causal Loops, Stephanie J. Frisbee
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The politics of disaster relief policy (1947--2005), Viviane E. Foyou
Urban planning, transportation, and land -use planning: The effects on attitudes and political behaviors, Abraham Goldberg
Agenda setting and presidential power in the United States, Paul E. Rutledge
Diagnosing policy dynamics: The birth & evolution of the pharmaceutical subsystem, Katie R. Stores
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Understanding the motivations of Ghanaian bureaucrats, Christine Naa Norley Lokko
Cognitions of the community: The worldview of U.S. intelligence, David Alex Mastro II
Mobilizing movements, mobilizing contemporary Islamic resistance, Rachael M. Rudolph
Strategies of prevention: Extending the concept of preventive war and understanding its implications, Steven T. Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Leadership personality, power, and economic interdependence. Panel data analysis of the foreign policy behavior between Saudi Arabia and the United States from 1965 to 2005., Ali Hussain Algahtani
Continuity and change in the revolutionary Iran foreign policy: The role of international and domestic political factors in shaping the Iranian foreign policy, 1979-2006., Ibrahim Mahmoud Alnahas
The politics of health promotion: Analyzing healthy public policy's impact on tobacco control in United States and South Africa., Frederick Appah
Federalism, multi-level governance and tobacco control: Comparative public policy in the United Kingdom and South Africa., Bossman E. Asare
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Democracy by any other name just isn't the same, Clarissa Estep
A reexamination of the distributive politics model and the allocation of federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars, Howard A. Stern
Win, lose, and draw: Civil war and the determinants of state concessions, Frank Vaughan
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
State policy innovation and transfer: The role of bureaucratic professional communication networks, Rebecca Tatman Klase
The politics of the evolution of global tobacco control: The formation and functioning of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), Hadii M. Mamudu
Changing religious structures and civil society in Latin America: The case of Nicaragua, John G. Poffenbarger
Handcuffed hegemony: International restraint in unbalanced systems, Mark E. Schaefer
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Protecting property rights in America, Alfred M. Olivetti