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Site development is an expensive and time-consuming endeavor. Proper planning is critical. This book's goal is to help communities prepare sites for business development. We will focus primarily on industrial and wholesale commercial sites. Our goal is not to go through a step-by-step physical development process that focuses on how to physically construct an industrial site. A separate Web Book by Steven McBride provides some of this information. Instead, we focus here on the tremendous effort required to lead up to physical site development, that is, the steps leading up to ground-breaking. It is during this time period that many communities make expensive mistakes.
Publication Date
Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University
Original Publication Information
Site development, business development, industrial sites, wholesale commercial sites
Recommended Citation
Grunkemeyer, W., Moss, M., & Thomas, J. (1999). Community Preparedness for Site Development. Reprint. Edited by Scott Loveridge and Randall Jackson. WVU Research Repository, 2020.
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