Submissions from 1996
MEMLI - The Indonesian Model for Environmental Analysis - Technical Documentation, Einar Bowitz, Nils Øyvind Mæhle, Virza S. Sasmitawidjaja, and Sentot B. Widoyono
Tantangan dan Peluang Investasi di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (Challenges and Opportunities of Investing in Eastern Indonesia), Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Submissions from 1995
Assumptions and Data Sources for the Construction of a Multi-Region Input-Output Table for Indonesia, Albert W. de Groot
Simultaneous Supply - Demand Model - An Update of the Model Description, Albert W. de Groot
The Link Between PJP2 Projections and SNPPTR, Nico van der Windt and Albert W. de Groot
Submissions from 1994
Economic Impact Forecast System 5.0 - Users Reference Manual, Claire E. Huppertz and Kim M. Bloomquist
Submissions from 1993
Tenth International Conference on Input-Output Techniques 1993 - Papers for the Plenary Sessions, Economic and Finance Dept. of the Andalusian Government
Submissions from 1991
Approach Paper to the Proposed Input-Output Transaction Tables for the Orissa Economy, Prospective Planning Cell, State Planning Machinery, Planning & Coordinatioon Department, Orissa, Bhubaheswar
Submissions from 1986
Regional Multipliers: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II), US Department of Commerce
Input-Output Analysis in State and Regional Economic Planning, Guy R. West
Submissions from 1985
An Approach to Macroeconomic Model Building Based on Social Accounting Principles, Arne Drud, Wafik Grais, and Graham Pyatt
A Neoclassical Model of Regional Growth in Indonesia, Frank Giarrantani and Soeroso
Submissions from 1983
On the Uses and Abuses of Economy-wide Models in Development Policy Analysis: Discussion Paper Report No.: DRD55, Clive Bell and T. N. Srinivasan
Australian National Accounts Notes to ABS Training Session: Economic Analysis Using Input-Output Tables, P. Gretton and P. Cotterell
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, 1977 - Volumes 1 - Introduction and Summary, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc.
Submissions from 1982
On the Interregional Structure of the U.S. Economy, William B. Beyers
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, 1977 - Volumes 4 - State Estimates of Final Demands, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc.
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, 1977 - Volumes 5 - State Estimates of Inputs to Industries, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc.
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, 1977 - Volumes 6 - Interregional Commodity Flows, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc.
The Derivation of Pollution Coefficients: Urge energy and Employment Impacts Module, Randall W. Jackson
Constructing and Implementing Multiregional Models for the Study of Distributional Impacts, Karen R. Polenske
Submissions from 1981
Spatial Aggregation in Multiregional Input-Output Models, Peter Blair and Ronald E. Miller
RIMS II Regional input-Output Modeling System: A Brief Description, Joseph V. Cartwright, Richard M. Beemiller, and Zoe O. Ambargis
Regional Input-Output Modeling System: Estimation, Evaluation, and Application of a Disaggregated Regional Impact Model, Joseph V. Cartwright, Richard M. Beemiller, and Richard D. Gustely
Correcting Input-Output Coefficients for Capital Depreciation, Stephen Casler
Energy and Labor Intensities for 1972, Bruce Hannon, Robert A. Herendeen, and Thomas Blazeck
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, 1977 - Volumes 2 - State Estimates of Outputs, Employment and Payrolls, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc.
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, 1977 - Volumes 3 - Development of Value Added Estimates by MRIO Sector by State, Jack Faucett Associates, Inc.
Submissions from 1980
Interregional Commodity Flow, Input-Output and Transportation Modelling: An Entropy Formulation, David E. Boyce and Geoffrey J. D. Hewings
The Energy Cost of Energy, Bruce Hannon
A Methodology for Constructing Multiregional Economic Accounts, Conducting Policy Analysis, and Making Forecasts, Karen R. Polenske
Definitions and Conventions of the 1972 Input-Output Study, Philip M. Ritz
Comprehensive Economic Analysis System: A System For Regional Analysis, Dennis Robinson
Generation of Regional Input-Output Tables for the Northern Territory GRIT II, G. R. West, J. T. Wilkinson, and R. C. Jensen
Submissions from 1979
The RAS Method for Compiling Input-Output Tables, P. Gretton and P. Cotterell
Construction of the U. S. Multiregional Input-Output Accounts, Karen Polenski
Capital Stock Estimates for Input-Output Industries: Methods and Data, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Submissions from 1977
The Washington Projection and Simulation Model, Philip J. Bourque, Richard S. Conway, and Charles T. Howard
Submissions from 1976
Regional and Interregional Input-Output Analysis, Frank Gianrrantani, James D. Maddy, and Charles F. Socher
Regional Planning and Mathematical Models, Karen R. Polenske
Submissions from 1975
Estimating and Projecting Input-Output Coefficients, R. I.G. Allen, W. F. Gossling, A. G. Armstrong, T. S. Barker, H. W. Fisher, and J. R. C. Lecomber
Capital Coefficients and Dynamic Input-Output Models, W. F. Gossling, Anne P. Carter, Halder W. Fisher, M. J. Green, and W. McLewin
Calculation of Trade Flows and Income Multipliers Using the Multiregional Input-Output Model, Edward Hill
A Consideration of Exogenous Changes in Prices in a Regional Input-Output Model, Chinkook Lee, Leroy Blakeslee, and Walter Butcher
Input-Output Study of the Atlantic Provinces, 1965-Volume 1 - Social Accounting Matrix and Models, Kari Levitt
Submissions from 1974
Interregional Trade Effects in Static and Dynamic Input-Output Models, M. Jarvin Emerson
Comparison Tests of the Column Coefficient and the Gravity Coefficient Models, Zdenek Fencl and Nathaniel K. Ng
A Computable Model for Analyzing Price Changes in an Input-Output System, B. D. Haig and M. P. Wood
Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Methods for Updating Input-Output Tables, Joachim Lamel, Josef Richter, Werner Teufelsbauer, and Karl Zelle
An Appraisal of Nonsurvey Techniques for Estimating Regional Input-Output Models:Paper Presented at the 6th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, D. McMenamin and J. E. Haring
Methods of Estimating the Input Structure for Separate Groups of Hetergeneous Industries, G. J. A. Mensink
Difficulties in Implementing Input-Output Techniques in Multinational Producing Enterprises, Carl W. Nelson
Factor Demand Equations and Input-Output Analysis, William Peterson
Problems of Relations Among Balances in Various Classifications, Bohuslav Sekerka
A Simulation Approach to the Construction of Investment Coefficients, J. Sojka, E. Holub, and M. Sysak
Definitions and Conventions of the 1967 Input-output Study, U.S. Department of Commerce, Social and Economic Statistics Administration
Input-Output Techniques and the Analysis of Inflation, H. K. van Tuinen
The Use of I/O Information at the Process Level for Chemical Industry Programming on a Time-Shared Computer System, Thomas Vietorisz
Submissions from 1972
Regional Impact Analysis System I. Description of the MRIO Model, Carolyn W. Anderson
The Implementation of a Multiregional Input-Output Model for the United States, Karen Polenski
Submissions from 1971
Destination of Shipments of Manufacturers 1967, Dominion Bureau of Statistics
Submissions from 1970
A Multiregional Input-Output Model for the United States, Karen R. Polenske
Submissions from 1969
Interim Report: A Multiregional Input-Output Model--Concept and Results, Karen Polenski
Submissions from 1968
American Statistical Association 1967 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association
Interim Report on the Multiregional Input-output Research Program, Karen Polenske
Preparation of an Analytical System for the Measurement of Economic Impacts in Appalachia - Report 2, Research and Development Corporation
Applicability and Limitations in the Use of National Input-Output Tables for Regional Studies, Stanislaw Szamanski and Emil E. Malizia
Submissions from 1967
Technique for Area Planning: A Manual for the Construction and Application of a Simplified Input-output Table, Ernest R. Bonner and Vernon L. Fahle
An Inventory of Regional Input-Output Studies in the United States #17, Philip J. Bourque and Gerald Hansen
Methods Used in Developing Input-Output Tables for the Providence Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, 1963 - Volume II - Appendix - Samples of Covering Letters and Survey Questionnaires, Institute for Defense Analyses
Cautionary Remarks on Choice and Maintenance of Large Scale Economic Models, Wassily Leontief
Multiregional Input-Output Research Program, Wassily Leontief and Karen Polenske
Input-Output Bibliography 1963-1966, William H. Miernyk
A Method for Estimating Technical Coefficients in Accordance with their Rank, Eliahu Romanoff
An Aggregate Income Model of a Semi-Autonomous Alaskan Economy, Bradford H. Tuck
Submissions from 1966
Further Results on Interregional Feedback Effects in Input-Output Models, Ronald E. Miller
Preliminary Analysis: An Analytical System for the Measurement of Economic Impacts in Appalachia - Report 1, Research and Development Corporation
Submissions from 1965
Computable Price Systems, Andrew Brody
Submissions from 1964
Theoretically Bases Alterations of Input-Output Matrices, Bartell C. Jensen
Input-Output Bibliography 1960-1963, William H. Miernyk
Submissions from 1961
Input-Output Bibliography 1955-1960, Charles E. Taskier
Submissions from 1953
General Explanations of the 200 Sector Tables: The 1947 Interindustry Relations Study, U.S. Department of Commerce
Industry Reports: General Explanations - The 1947 Interindustry Relations Study, U.S. Department of Commerce
Industry Classification Manual for the 1947 Interindustry Relations Study, U.S. Department of Labor